Game store deployment on WordPress - wordpress

I am working on a store in WordPress. I want to sell digital keycodes for games and also the game accessories, but I don't have money first to buy them and then sell on the store. So I wanted to ask if there is any way that customers place an order on my website and the order is completed through another website for him.
Like if the customer buys a game controller from my store, the order will be fulfilled my website like amazon.

Indeed the order will have to be completed on another website but that website will need to have an affiliate program. For example Amazon has affiliate programs and to get sale revenue you just need to add an affiliate link to the product.
That is done very easily with WooCommerce plugin for WordPress.
Each product can be set to redirect to an external link, an affiliate link.
To do that inside of WooCommerce:
Simply choose External/Affiliate product from the Product Data dropdown menu when editing your product.
Add the product URL. This will be the affiliate link or other links you were given that lead the customer directly to the outside site.
You can do the same without WooCommerce but it is a lot simpler to handle pricing, stock/inventory, variations for products using WooCommerce.


How to link pricing table with affiliate product?

I have a pricing table on my home page that lists 3 nutrition plans. Each of these plans is actually an affiliate product. Currently, I've manually added the affiliate link to each of the buttons (which redirects to the affiliate website by clicking a button), without using woocomerce products.
I have another page called Plans in which I use the product grid widget from Elementor, which automatically adds my external products that are added to Woocomerce product list (links are the same as in the pricing table product list).
So here I got totally confused due to lack of my experience. Here are the problems:
I can't use some kind of grid on my homepage as well (for additional widget cost and design reasons), but I will need to edit 2 places if an affiliate link would change.
In addition to that, I'm not sure if WooCommerce will be able to
track which products sell the best because it's not actually
directly coupled, it's just a link. Or I'm wrong here and Woocomerce
will only look into the affiliate link?
I would be able to live with changing 2 places in the future, but I'm totally not sure about the second one.I tried to dig deep into that, but only found information with an actual products and not affiliate ones, which is not the case in my scenario.

random gift card using woocommerce

for black friday i want to create a sort of lottery in my ecommerce website created with wordpress and woocommerce, when a user buys a product he will receive a code (gift card) and when he will write the code in the dedicated page he will see if he won or not (product or voucher)
I have searched in several plugins but what I find is gift card or promotional code, I want the user to be able to win or lose by using a random in the generated code
I do not know of any plugins that does this, but you should be able to make one yourself. You can use the thank you page of WooCommerce to display a random code and just create a coupon with that code in your functions file or in the plugin file :)

How to Import Amazon Affiliate Products in Wordpress without API?

I want to import amazon affliate products with
Image Thumbnail
Price Label
Add to Cart
View Details
Review & Rating Number With Link
Amazon Product Link (Affiliate)
I dont want to use paid plugin like Wzone, Amazon Affiliate Shop, Affiliate Hub.
I was able to add Amazon Affiliated Ads to my Wordpress site via Amazon Auto Links Plugin (free version) and follow the installation instruction. Here is my site as an example.
Caveat: I am having a hard time getting it to be placed in my post directly with short code. As soon as you create a "unit by category", you should see some ads in your pages though. Just moving it to the right place it tricky and haven't figured that out yet.

Wordpress - WooCommerce - Hide orders with virtual products from My Orders Page and display them on their own page

We created an ecommerce website using WooCommerce for a nonprofit client that only sells physical products, e.g. books, cds and dvds. They've since asked us to integrate donations as well. I've set up a donation as a Virtual Product and gotten it working.
Currently, every order a customer makes, including ones with the donation product, is listed under the "Orders" tab under My Account. We need to separate out orders with the virtual donation product from regular physical product orders. I've yet to find a solution anywhere for this.
Ideally, if an order contains a virtual product, we want to hide it from the Orders Page, and instead create a tab called, "Donations" that shows ONLY orders with virtual products in a table. Is this even possible?

Create custom product filter with wordpress woo commerce

I have educational website which sales the management and computer courses online.I am using woo commerce to sale a product(course) all courses shows on program page.
On home page i have to display search filter which will search the product by category,attribute.And after search the product i have to redirect on program page and display filtered product here.Like bellow scenario i am looking for.
my requirement is to search by product category-> attribute-attribute Bellow is structure
1) product Category:- Finance,Marketing,Agriculture
2)Product Attribute(Skills):-Performance management,Team Building,Ms-office
3)(Duration)Sub attribute terms of Attribute(Skills):- Short Time ,Long Time
user will first select category,then select skill,and the duration on home page after that user will filter the result and redirect on program page and display search result here.
The home page filter will look like this.
Is this possible with WordPress ,woo commerce filter's or using any plugin.
Maybe Filter Custom Fields and Taxonomies can help you.
There is a free version in the WordPress repository
But you will probably need the PRO version
More information about the plugin can be found here:
