Convert SPSS file to CSV and read to create Data Table - r

I have an SPSS file from which I am creating a data table using R script. But the problem is it's taking a bit of time to load the data table. I want to convert the SPSS(.sav) file into CSV file first and then read the CSV file to create a data table. So far I have tried multiple codes but that didn't work out properly.
Here's the code which I got from this.

I think foreign package in r can be used to solve this problem.
write.table(read.spss("inFile.sav"), file="outFile.csv", quote = TRUE, sep = ",")


In R, why is my Excel Table being organized properly

I am read the csv file, UMP into R and when I enter the print command, the data goes from a basic table that is not even anymore, and this is causing my plotted graph to become a complete mess.
How can I make sure my Excel CSV file is read properly?
Your table doesn't have an header.
data <- read.csv('mytable.csv',header=F)
colnames(data) <- c('year','value')

Writing to a CSV file producing errors

I am using R to analyze some text data. After doing some aggregation, I had a new dataframe I wanted to write to a csv file, so I can use it in other analyses. The dataframe looks correct in r- it only has 2 columns with text data- but once I write the csv and open it, the text is scattered across different columns. Here is the code I was using:
write.csv(new_df, "4.19 Group 1_agg by user try 2.csv")
I tried adding in an extra bit of code to specify that it should be using UTF-8, since I've heard this could be an encoding error, so the code then looked like this:
write.csv(new_df, "4.19 Group 1_agg by user try 2.csv", fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
I also tried reading in the file differently (using fread instead of read.csv)
Still, the csv file looks wrong/messy in many places. Here is what it should look like:
This is what it looks like currently:
Again, I think the error must be in writing the csv file, because everything looks good in R when I check it using names and head. Any help is appreciated, thank you!

Taking manipulated data out of the R console and creating a csv

I have used R to remove duplicates from a csv file using the following (lda_data is my csv file name)
This works great, however I need to get the results from the console into another csv file.
What are the methods of getting manipulated data from a csv file into another new and manipulated csv file?
Thanks in advance.
Use the write.csv command:
write.csv(dataframe, "/path/filename.csv", row.names = FALSE)
That should do the trick for you.

Reading and Setting Up CSV files on R Programming Language

I would like to clarify my understanding here on both converting a file into CSV and also reading it. Let's use a dataset from R for instance, titled longley.
To set up a data frame, I can just use the write.table command as follows, right?
write.table(d1, file="", sep="1,16", row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
Has this already become a data frame or am I missing something here?
Now let's say if I want to read this CSV file. Then would my code be something like:
read.table(<dframe1>, header=FALSE, sep="", quote="\"")
It seems like before that I have to use a function called setwd(). I'm not really sure what it does or how it helps. Can someone help me here?
longley and, therefore, d1 are already data frames (type class(d1) in the console). A data frame is a fundamental data structure in R. Writing a data frame to a file saves the data in the data frame. In this case, you're trying to save the data in the data frame in CSV format, which you would do like this:
write.csv(d1, "myFileName.csv")
write.csv is a wrapper for write.table that takes care of the settings needed for saving in CSV format. You could also do:
write.table(d1, "myFileName.csv", sep=",")
sep="," tells R to write the file with values separated by a comma.
Then, to read the file into an R session you can do this:
df = read.csv("myFileName.csv", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
This creates a new object called df, which is the data frame created from the data in myFileName.csv. Once again, read.csv is a wrapper for read.table that takes care of the settings for reading a CSV file.
setwd is how you change the working directory--that is, the default directory where R writes to and reads from. But you can also keep the current working directory unchanged and just give write.csv or read.csv (or any other function that writes or reads R objects) the full path to wherever you want to read from or write to. For example:
write.csv(d1, "/path/for/saving/file/myFileName.csv")

Fetch data from an open excel sheet into R?

I am wondering is it possible to read an excel file that is currently open, and capture things you manually test into R?
I have an excel file opened (in Windows). In my excel, I have connected to a SSAS cube. And I do some manipulations using PivotTable Fields (like changing columns, rows, and filters) to understand the data. I would like to import some of the results I see in excel into R to create a report. (I mean without manually copy/paste the results into R or saving excel sheets to read them later). Is this a possible thing to do in R?
I was able to find an answer. Thanks to awesome package created by Andri Signorell.
I was able to find an answer. Thanks to awesome package created by Andri Signorell.
Copy the values you are interested in (in a single spread sheet at a time) to clipboard.
dat = read.table('clipboard', header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
You can save the final excel spreadsheet as a csv file (comma separated).
Then use read.csv("filename") in R and go from there. Alternatively, you can use read.table("filename",sep=",") which is the more general version of read.csv(). For tab separated files, use sep="\t" and so forth.
I will assume this blog post will be useful:
In the R console, you can type
for more information on the arguments and uses of this function. You can just repeat the same call in R after Excel sheet changes have been saved.
