Django Nested admin - nested-forms

here is my code:
from django.db import models
class Country(models.Model):
country_name = models.CharField(max_length = 20, default = '', )
country_other_details = models.CharField(max_length = 100, default = '', null = True)
class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = "Countries"
def __str__(self):
return self.country_name
class State(models.Model):
in_country = models.ForeignKey(Country, related_name='in_country',on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING)
state_name = models.CharField(max_length = 20, default = '')
state_other_details = models.CharField(max_length=100, default = '', null = True)
def __str__(self):
return self.state_name
class City(models.Model):
in_state = models.ForeignKey(State, related_name='in_state',on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING)
city_name = models.CharField(max_length = 20, default = '')
city_other_details = models.CharField(max_length = 100, null = True)
class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = "Cities"
def __str__(self):
return self.city_name
from django.forms.models import inlineformset_factory
from django.forms.models import BaseInlineFormSet
from .models import Country, State, City
from django.forms.models import BaseInlineFormSet, inlineformset_factory
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
# from publishing.utils.forms import is_empty_form, is_form_persisted
CityFormset = inlineformset_factory(State, City, extra=2, fields=("city_name",))
class BaseStateFormset(BaseInlineFormSet):
def add_fields(self, form, index):
super(BaseStateFormset, self).add_fields(form, index)
# save the formset in the 'nested' property
form.nested = CityFormset(
instance=form.instance, if form.is_bound else None,
files=form.files if form.is_bound else None,
prefix='address-%s-%s' % (
# extra=1
def is_valid(self):
result = super(BaseStateFormset, self).is_valid()
if self.is_bound:
for form in self.forms:
if hasattr(form, 'nested'):
result = result and form.nested.is_valid()
return result
def save(self, commit=True):
result = super(BaseStateFormset, self).save(commit=commit)
for form in self.forms:
if hasattr(form, 'nested'):
if not self._should_delete_form(form):
return result
StateFormset = inlineformset_factory(Country, State, formset=BaseStateFormset, extra=2, fields=("state_name",))
from .models import Country, State, City
def manage_state(request, parent_id):
parent = get_object_or_404(Country, id=parent_id)
if request.method == 'POST':
formset = forms.StateFormset(request.POST, instance=parent)
if formset.is_valid():
# return redirect('parent_view',
return redirect(reverse('india:manage_state', kwargs={"parent_id":}))
formset = forms.StateFormset(instance=parent)
return render(request, 'home.html', {
What i want is a single form that will create an object to Parent(Country) model and multiple object to Child(State) as according to country's object and multiple objects to Grand Child(City) according to corresponded State
for example:
<form method="POST">
<input name="country_name">
<input name="state_name">
<input name = "City_name">
<button> Add GrandChild</button>
<button> Add Child </button>
<button>Add Parent</button>
also the add button should be able to add the more Countries, States and Cities dynamically to the form.
Any help, suggestions or references would be Grateful.
Thanks in Advance.

I got the solution. Thanks to PYTHON and Django.
As I got, We can edit our own admin using a built-in package django-nested-admin.
We don't require to built our Custom forms,views or anything.
I am Sharing Image of my Django-admin:
To do it I am sharing the Descriptions:
First we install a package using pip:
pip install django-nested-admin.
Now we Add the library in
Add the urls of the library in the
url(r'^nested_admin/', include('nested_admin.urls')),
Register models in
from django.contrib import admin
from .models import State, Country, City
from nested_admin import NestedModelAdmin, NestedStackedInline, NestedTabularInline
class CityTabularInline(NestedTabularInline):
model = City
extra = 1
class StateTabularInline(NestedTabularInline):
model = State
extra = 1
inlines = [CityTabularInline, ]
class CountryAdmin(NestedModelAdmin):
inlines = [StateTabularInline, ], CountryAdmin)
NestedModelAdmin: to extend the django ModelAdmin class and to be able to use differents
types of classes in the inlines attribute.
NestedStackedInline: to allow the addition of TabularInline classes in the inlines
NestedTabularInline: to extend the TabularInline.
for more details please Visit.


The Output is None, None, None Python using sql lite

Hello Everyone i need help why my output result is none in the print('bla bla') line so from my output is None, None, None that actually insert from npm , nama , and jurusan but the output is none ,can anybody help me solve it thanks
import sqlite3
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
def Daftar():
window = Tk()
window.title("Welcome to TutorialsPoint")
window.configure(background = "grey");
Lnpm = Label(window, text="Please Input Your npm: ").grid(row=0, column=0)
Lnama = Label(window,text="Please Input Your nama: ").grid(row=1, column=0)
Ljurusan = Label(window,text="Please Input Your jurusan: ").grid(row=2, column=0)
npm = Entry(window).grid(row = 0,column = 1)
nama = Entry(window).grid(row = 1,column = 1)
jurusan = Entry(window).grid(row = 2,column = 1)
def Clicked():
print("First Name: %s\nLast Name: %s\nLast Name: %s" % (npm, nama, jurusan))
connect = sqlite3.connect('Presensi.db')
cur = connect.cursor()
connect.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO user(npm,nama,jurusan) values(?,?,?)", (str(npm),str(nama),str(jurusan)))
connect.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO presensi(nama) values(?)", (str(nama),))
btn = ttk.Button(window ,text="Register",command= Clicked()).grid(row=3,column=0)
You've got two big issues here:
the grid() function of the Entry object returns None and that's what npm, nama and jurusan are None. What you have to do is store the Entry object, not the value returned from grid().
you're not calling get() on the Entry objects to get their input values
What you can do is create a class in which you store the Entry objects. The callback function of the Button object can then be a method of the class.
I've reorganised your code to do this:
from tkinter import Tk, Label, Button, Entry
import sqlite3
class Daftar:
def __init__(self, master):
self.window = master
self.window.title("Welcome to TutorialsPoint")
self.window.configure(background = "grey");
self.Lnpm = Label(self.window, text="Please Input Your npm: ").grid(row=0, column=0)
self.Lnama = Label(self.window,text="Please Input Your nama: ").grid(row=1, column=0)
self.Ljurusan = Label(self.window,text="Please Input Your jurusan: ").grid(row=2, column=0)
#Entry objects for later use
self.npm = Entry(self.window)
self.npm.grid(row = 0,column = 1)
self.nama = Entry(self.window)
self.nama.grid(row = 1,column = 1)
self.jurusan = Entry(self.window)
self.jurusan.grid(row = 2,column = 1)
self.btn = Button(self.window ,text="Register",command = self.Clicked).grid(row=3,column=0)
def Clicked(self):
#Get the entry values
npm = self.npm.get()
nama = self.nama.get()
jurusan = self.jurusan.get()
print("First Name: %s\nLast Name: %s\nLast Name: %s" % (npm, nama, jurusan))
connect = sqlite3.connect('Presensi.db')
cur = connect.cursor()
connect.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO user(npm,nama,jurusan) values(?,?,?)", (npm,nama,jurusan))
connect.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO presensi(nama) values(?)", (nama,))
root = Tk()
my_gui = Daftar(root)

How to create a custom transformer with out any input column?

We have requirement where in we wanted to generate scores of our model with some random values in between 0-1.
To do that we wanted to have a custom transformer which will be generating random numbers with out any input fields.
So can we generate a transformer without input fields in mleap?
Like usually we do create as below:
import ml.combust.mleap.core.Model
import ml.combust.mleap.core.types._
case class RandomNumberModel() extends Model {
private val rnd = scala.util.Random
def apply(): Double = rnd.nextFloat
override def inputSchema: StructType = StructType("input" -> ScalarType.String).get
override def outputSchema: StructType = StructType("output" -> ScalarType.Double ).get
How to make it as input schema no necessary to put?
I have never tried that, but given how I achieved to have a custom transformer with multiple input fields ...
import ml.combust.mleap.core.Model
import ml.combust.mleap.core.types._
case class PropertyGroupAggregatorBaseModel (props: Array[String],
aggFunc: String) extends Model {
val outputSize = props.size
//having multiple inputs, you will have apply with a parameter Seq[Any]
def apply(features: Seq[Any]): Vector = {
val properties = features(0).asInstanceOf[Seq[String]]
val values = features(1).asInstanceOf[Seq[Double]]
val mapping =
val histogram = props.foldLeft(Array.empty[Double]){
(acc, property) =>
val newValues = mapping.filter(x => x._1 == property).map(x => x._2)
val newAggregate = aggFunc match {
case "sum" => newValues.sum.toDouble
case "count" => newValues.size.toDouble
case "avg" => (newValues.sum / Math.max(newValues.size, 1)).toDouble
acc :+ newAggregate
override def inputSchema: StructType = {
//here you define the input
val inputFields = Seq(
StructField("input1" -> ListType(BasicType.String)),
StructField("input2" -> ListType(BasicType.Double))
override def outputSchema: StructType = StructType(StructField("output" -> TensorType.Double(outputSize))).get
My suggestion would be, that the apply might already work for you. I guess if you define inputSchema as follows, it might work:
override def inputSchema: StructType = {
//here you define the input
val inputFields = Seq.empty[StructField]

openpyxl - How to preserve xlsx custom properties

How do I preserve custom properties from xlsx template which I am modifying with openpyxl? When I save() workbook using openpyxl these custom properties vanish!
Custom properties can be found here:-
On Mac -> Go to File Menu in Excel -> Properties ... -> Custom tab ->
Properties section
I am posting a pure python solution to reading and writing Workbook.CustomDocumentProperties just because I am currently also feeling the pain of not having this in openpyxl, and I needed a quick workaround for a personal automation project.
In fact, I will try to implement this feature (and hopefully later Worksheet.CustomProperties) into openpyxl myself if I can get my head around how to do all the plumbing the library needs:
Update: I pushed my contribution and it should be accepted and merged shortly :)
So for now, here is a workaround, converting the .xlsx to .zip, then reading and writing the .xml files in the zip directly, and then renaming to .xlsx at the end.
To read Workbook.CustomDocumentProperties you can do this - only very slightly modified from this great answer:
from lxml import etree as ET
import zipfile
def get_custom_doc_properties(filename):
path_file = os.path.abspath(filename)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(path_file)
zip_filename = base + ".zip"
os.rename(path_file, zip_filename)
main_ns = "{}"
docPr_ns = "{}"
docPr_type = "{}" #i4, r8, filetime, bool, lpwstr
r_ns = "{}"
cusPr_type = ""
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename) as zip:
props ='docProps/custom.xml')
text =
xml = ET.fromstring(text)
workbook_props = {}
for child in XML:
if (child.tag == f"{docPr_ns}property"):
for cusPr in child:
workbook_props[child.attrib['name']] = cusPr.text
return workbook_props
#call like this:
And to add one prop to a document which already has custom doc props (and therefore already has a 'docProps/custom.xml' file), is pretty easy and we just append one more custom property to the xml.
(However, if the document had no current custom doc props, then we need to generate the 'docProps/custom.xml' file from scratch, as well as add a content override and a relationship - see code comments):
import os
from lxml import etree as ET
import zipfile
import shutil
import datetime
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
def set_workbook_custom_document_properties(filename, cus_doc_prop_name, cus_doc_prop_val):
if not isinstance(cus_doc_prop_name, str):
print("you must supply a string as the 'cus_doc_prop_name'")
if isinstance(cus_doc_prop_val, str):
docPr_type_suffix = "lpwstr"
cus_doc_prop_str = cus_doc_prop_val
elif isinstance(cus_doc_prop_val, int):
docPr_type_suffix = "i4"
cus_doc_prop_str = str(cus_doc_prop_val)
elif isinstance(cus_doc_prop_val, float):
docPr_type_suffix = "r8"
cus_doc_prop_str = str(cus_doc_prop_val)
elif isinstance(cus_doc_prop_val, bool):
docPr_type_suffix = "bool"
cus_doc_prop_str = str(cus_doc_prop_val)
elif isinstance(cus_doc_prop_val, datetime.datetime):
docPr_type_suffix = "filetime"
cus_doc_prop_str = cus_doc_prop_val.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
print("you must supply a string, int, float, bool, or date, as the 'cus_doc_prop_val'")
path_file = os.path.abspath(filename)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(path_file)
zip_filename = base + ".zip"
os.rename(path_file, zip_filename)
main = ""
main_ns = "{%s}" % main
docPr = ""
docPr_ns = "{%s}" % docPr
docPr_type = ""
docPr_type_ns = "{%s}" % docPr_type #i4, r8, filetime, bool, lpwstr
docPr_rel_type = ""
docPr_content_type = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.custom-properties+xml"
r_ns = "{}"
cusPr_type = ""
xml_declaration = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>'
base_xml = '{dec}<Properties xmlns="{docPr}" xmlns:vt="{docPr_type}"></Properties>'.format(dec=xml_declaration, docPr=docPr, docPr_type=docPr_type).encode('utf-8')
with NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp_file:
tmpname = os.path.basename(
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, 'r') as zip_in:
with zipfile.ZipFile(tmpname, 'w') as zip_out:
zip_out.comment = zip_in.comment # preserve the comment
custom_present = 'docProps/custom.xml' in zip_in.namelist()
for item in zip_in.infolist():
if item.filename == 'docProps/custom.xml':
custom_xml = ET.fromstring(
elif custom_present == False and item.filename == '_rels/.rels':
rels_xml = ET.fromstring(
elif custom_present == False and item.filename == '[Content_Types].xml':
content_types_xml = ET.fromstring(
if custom_present:
# if custom.xml is already present we just need to append:
max_pid = 1
for node in custom_xml:
max_pid = max(int(node.attrib['pid']), max_pid)
# if custom.xml is not present, we need to create it
# and also to add an override to [Content_Types].xml
# and also to add a relationship to _rels/.rels
custom_xml = ET.parse(BytesIO(base_xml)).getroot()
max_pid = 1
child_override = ET.SubElement(content_types_xml, "Override")
child_override.attrib['ContentType'] = docPr_content_type
child_override.attrib['PartName'] = '/docProps/custom.xml'
zip_out.writestr('[Content_Types].xml', ET.tostring(content_types_xml))
max_rid = 0
for node in rels_xml:
max_rid = max(int(node.attrib['Id'].replace("rId", "")), max_rid)
child_rel = ET.SubElement(rels_xml, "Relationship")
child_rel.attrib['Type'] = docPr_rel_type
child_rel.attrib['Target'] = 'docProps/custom.xml'
child_rel.attrib['Id'] = "rID" + str(max_rid + 1)
zip_out.writestr('_rels/.rels', ET.tostring(rels_xml))
child = ET.SubElement(custom_xml, "property")
child.attrib['name'] = cus_doc_prop_name
child.attrib['pid'] = str(max_pid + 1)
child.attrib['fmtid'] = "{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}"
val = ET.SubElement(child, f"{docPr_type_ns}{docPr_type_suffix}")
val.text = cus_doc_prop_str
print(ET.tostring(custom_xml, pretty_print=True))
zip_out.writestr('docProps/custom.xml', ET.tostring(custom_xml))
shutil.copyfile(tmpname, zip_filename)
os.rename(zip_filename, path_file)
#call it like this:
set_workbook_custom_document_properties(f'./example.xlsx', "testDocProp7", 2.5)

How do I make a QTreeView always sort items of a certain category first?

I would like to display "folders" and "files" in a QTreeView. Folders are meant to be able to contain files, and due to this relationship I wish for folder items to be displayed above file items in the tree view. The view should be sortable. How do I make sure that folder items are displayed above file items at all times in the tree view?
The below code provides an example of a tree view with folder and file items:
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
def _create_item(text, is_folder):
item = QStandardItem(text)
item.setData(is_folder, Qt.UserRole)
return item
def _folder_row(name, date):
return [_create_item(text, True) for text in (name, date)]
def _file_row(name, date):
return [_create_item(text, False) for text in (name, date)]
class _Window(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
widget = QWidget()
self.__view = QTreeView()
layout = QVBoxLayout(widget)
model = QStandardItemModel()
model.appendRow(_file_row('File #1', '01.09.2014'))
model.appendRow(_folder_row('Folder #1', '01.09.2014'))
model.appendRow(_folder_row('Folder #2', '02.09.2014'))
model.appendRow(_file_row('File #2', '03.09.2014'))
model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Name', 'Date'])
app = QApplication([])
w = _Window()
A solution is to wrap the model in a QSortFilterProxyModel, and reimplement the proxy's lessThan method to make it so that folder items are always placed before file items:
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
def _create_item(text, is_folder):
item = QStandardItem(text)
item.setData(is_folder, Qt.UserRole)
return item
def _folder_row(name, date):
return [_create_item(text, True) for text in (name, date)]
def _file_row(name, date):
return [_create_item(text, False) for text in (name, date)]
class _SortProxyModel(QSortFilterProxyModel):
"""Sorting proxy model that always places folders on top."""
def __init__(self, model):
def lessThan(self, left, right):
"""Perform sorting comparison.
Since we know the sort order, we can ensure that folders always come first.
left_is_folder =
left_data =
right_is_folder =
right_data =
sort_order = self.sortOrder()
if left_is_folder and not right_is_folder:
result = sort_order == Qt.AscendingOrder
elif not left_is_folder and right_is_folder:
result = sort_order != Qt.AscendingOrder
result = left_data < right_data
return result
class _Window(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
widget = QWidget()
self.__view = QTreeView()
layout = QVBoxLayout(widget)
model = QStandardItemModel()
model.appendRow(_file_row('File #1', '01.09.2014'))
model.appendRow(_folder_row('Folder #1', '01.09.2014'))
model.appendRow(_folder_row('Folder #2', '02.09.2014'))
model.appendRow(_file_row('File #2', '03.09.2014'))
model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Name', 'Date'])
proxy_model = _SortProxyModel(model)
app = QApplication([])
w = _Window()

form.SchemaEditForm with ignoreContext

I'm trying to make an edit form for an object other than the context. It's a dictionary stored in the session. I'm following Martin Aspeli Schema Drive Forms. It should be easy, but for some reason, the edit form doesn't load any data. Maybe I'm losing some simple detail, but I can't find it. I made ignoreContext=True and tried returning a dictionary and after that an instance that implements the schema, but it didn't work.
from plone.directives import form, dexterity
from zope.interface import invariant, Invalid, implements
class IUser(form.Schema):
'''Represents an user'''
uid = schema.TextLine(
title = _(u'Login'),
gn = schema.TextLine(
title = _(u'Name'),
sn = schema.TextLine(
title = _(u'Surname'),
uniqueIdentifier = schema.TextLine(
title = _(u'Identifier'),
description = _(u'Ej. V11222333'),
accClass = schema.TextLine(
title = _(u'User class'),
dateExpiration = schema.TextLine(
title = _(u'Date of expiration'),
class User:
def __init__(self, **kargs):
self.uid = kargs['uid'] = kargs['givenName'] = kargs['sn']
self.uniqueIdentifier = kargs['uniqueIdentifier']
self.accClass = kargs['accClass']
self.dateExpiration = kargs.get('dateExpiration', '2015/06')
class Edit(form.SchemaEditForm):
'''Modify User'''
grok.context(IUserManager) # It's ok. This is a view of an IUserManager object
grok.require('zope2.View') # <- just for testing'modify')
schema = IUser
ignoreContext = True
label = 'Modify an User'
def getContent(self):
# I've tried returning a dictionary too, but it's useless
user = User(**SessionUsers(self.context).current())
return user
