unable to view my IIS hosted site from remote machine but IIS page open - asp.net

The IP of the machine is suppose
In this machine, I configured the IIS server and successfully opened my web app http://merchantcalc/content/lateFine.aspx from inside this machine. This app has default port i.e. 80
But when I tried to open the same web app from remote computer, via url
I am getting error as ::
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
when I open from remote machine, its showing the IIS page.
But why can't I open the web apps? What configuration should I make in IIS to open my web app ?

As Mark said, if you can access http://merchantcalc/content/lateFine.aspx, then you should try http://103.xx.xxx.xxx/content/lateFine.aspx.
Did you host the web site under another website or you just publish the web app as a virtual application under your Default web site? It seems that when you access the website, http.sys is routing the request to Default Web Site. So if this is not the right site that should be routed. You could try to disable Default Web Site and bind your ip address to your web app.
Since there are various kinds of 404 error. You could check the sub-status code by enabling IIS detailed error or failed request tracing.
PS: Expose your public IP address is not recommended.
If you could provide more information, we may get to know how to fix this 404 error.


.asmx service works with example.com but gets 404.3 at www.example.com

On IIS 10, Windows Server 2016 I have a service installed as an application virtual directory. My binding for the site is *.example.com.
If I navigate to the service as http://example.com/svc/service.asmx, it works. If I navigate using www.example.com, I receive a 404.3 Cannot be served because of the extension configuration.
What makes it even more confusing is that I have another web service in another virtual directory that works just fine under either URL. Both of these services were originally running on a Windows 2003 server and have been migrated over.
Since this works without www, I don't think I need any kind of handler specified. I'm stuck at knowing if this is an application configuration (web.config) or an IIS configuration issue, or both?

iis 7 site not working on iis 8.5

I have a .NET Framework 4 site hosted by IIS 7 on a Windows Server 2008 machine. It works well. When I created a new site with IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 machine referring to the same physical path, the new site returns this error:
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Most likely causes:
The directory or file specified does not exist on the Web server.
The URL contains a typographical error.
A custom filter or module, such as URLScan, restricts access to the file.
Things you can try:
Create the content on the Web server.
Review the browser URL.
Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code and see which module is calling SetStatus. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
Detailed Error Information:
Module IIS Web Core
Notification MapRequestHandler
Handler StaticFile
Error Code 0x80070002
Requested URL http://localhost:9009/Migrate/LBEService/Service1.svc/GetAuthenInfo
Physical Path \\FILESERVER\tech_share\Sites\LBS_ADOT2\Migrate\LBEService\Service1.svc\GetAuthenInfo
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
More Information:
This error means that the file or directory does not exist on the server. Create the file or directory and try the request again.
View more information ยป
What could be the issue causing the error?
Your IIS worker process identity is not able to read the path .
Please make sure your application pool identity has access to the UNC path
You can check the identity is same as in the working machine

Can't hit asp.net web on IIS from client

I am trying to hit an asp.net 2.0 site that is sitting on another server on my network.
When I run the test site on the server it works : TomsServer:81
However what is the url to hit the same test site when I run it from a browser on another machine on the same network? I tried TomsServer/test but it returns a 404 File or directory not found. How can I access this test site?
check that IIS has an appropriate host header set up on that site and use that host name or that it is accepting all host names

Windows Server 2008 R2 + IIS 7.5 - Resource cannot be found

I have migrated our company web apps from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008 R2. The are all .Net 2.0 classic web apps. They all seem to work fine, except when accessing any resource with a path starting with /Reports/...
In one app the physical path on disk is c:\Websites\app_name\WebService\Reports... In this reports folder PDF files are dynamically generated and written to disk. They can be accessed via a URL such as this:
where /Reports is a virtual directory mapping to the physical path above. This worked fine on 2003 server & IIS6 but on IIS7.5 & 2008 R2 I keep getting the following error:
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /Reports/xxxx.pdf
I have another web app that generates the reports dynamically and streams them directly to the client browser for saving to the local disk, rather than being written to disk on the server. Similar to the above example, the page that generates the report is found under path as follows:
In this case there is no virtual directory being used. The URL referenced in the browser is:
Once again I get the same error message as above... HTTP 404 - The resource cannot be found.
I have tried all the permission settings under the sun to try and get it working but to no avail. I've use built in accounts, created new accounts with permissions from very minimal right up to full admin rights. I've also played with the new AppPool Identities with no success. It doesn't seem to matter what permissions I set specifically on the directories, or the accounts configured for the app pool or basic settings on each website itself.
Once thing I have discovered though, is that whilst the browser is getting the HTTP 404 error, there is no record of this request appearing in the IIS log files for each website!! This is really confusing me, as I would definitely expect to see a failed 404 log entry on the requested resource.
Something else to note, I'm running SQL Server 2008 Enterprise on this machine with Reporting services installed and enabled. It's a stretch, but could there be some contention over the /Reports path in my websites vs something else running on the machine? I'm using different bindings/host headers for each individual domain and website running on the server.
Check Reports folder conflict. And remember, Google is faster than SO.
IIS gives 404 errors for more than just File Not Found these days - so it doesn't give away too much to attackers. Have a look at the event log (application), and also try accessing it from the server itself.
The other thing to check is that your IIS app pools are correctly configured - especially with the correct pipeline mode and .NET framework version.
At a command prompt, type:
netsh http show urlacl
See if there are any bindings with /reports/ --maybe a left over from a SQL Server Reporting Services install?

Error attempting to access a web service (hosted locally or externally), can't resolve host name

I'm stumped. I've got an asp.net mvc app being hosted on a shared hosting provider. The configuration of their system leaves a little to be desired, but it's cheap (getting what I pay for I suppose...)
The problem is this: The application is hosted at the root level of the hosting account. I have a virtual directory established underneath the root that is running a .net 2.0 web app along with a web service. I can access the web service directly via the domain/subdirectory url. The main web app (at the root level) needs access to the web service in the virtual (subdirectory). Locally in development, I can run the app against the web service out on the hosting server and it runs just fine. When I push the web app up to the root of the hosting service, I get "The remote name could not be resolved: ".
At first I thought the error was related to the DNS settings of the primary domain since both the web app and web service technically live at the same domain. As part of just trying to get something working, I reverted the web app to reference an older version of the web service on a different server (different host altogether). Again, it works fine locally. When I push the updated web app, I got the same error, but noticed the host name referenced is that of the external domain. Of course, I can access the web service via the browser just fine.
Sorry if this doesn't make total sense... it's late and I'm beat from looking at this for the last few hours. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So the web app simply has a Web Reference to the web service (I could probably just restructure the app avoiding the web service altogether, but time is of the essence [for now]). Since I got stuck last night, I pointed the web reference back to an old server but the issue remains. Right now the url the web reference points to is http://road34.hi-fisoftware.com/webservices/giigsterservice.asmx.
If the server has a firewall then and an external ip and different internal ip then probably you will not be able to access the webservice with the domain name. you will need to access it as internal url or as relative url.
