For my searchResultsController when the searchcontroller is active, I now have a gap between the controller textbox and the searchResultsController VC. Manually setting the searchResultsController VC to full screen doesn't resolve. Anything I'm missing?
I have a QDialog subclass containing some options of my application. Some of the options are core, the other are advanced, so I decided to put them into separeted checkable QGroupBox.
I want my dialog to shrink verticaly when the user checked off advanced options box, but I can't find the way to do it properly - the dialog size stays exactle the same
I set dialog's size policy to Expanding, tried to call adjustSize() and tried to call resize() method - nothing helps. I can't resize programmaticaly dialog to be smaller then it's current size (it only can become larger). At the same time, it is possible to resize it manualy.
Can anybody help me?
If you don't need manual resize, you can add
to the dialog constructor, then the layout takes over the responsibility to automatically resize when widgets are shown or hidden.
This is driving me crazy. I am creating a splitview app on iPad.
I have created a searchBar inside the UINavigationBar - something like this...
UISearchBar *searchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc] initWitFrame:CGRectZero];
[searchBar setPlaceHolder:#"Search"];
[searchBar sizeToFit];
[searchBar setDelegate:self];
[self.navigatioItem setTitleView:searchBar];
this works just fine for me displaying the UISearchBar like this...
I also have this UIBarButtonItem set to show Master navigation controller in sidepane.
The problem happens when the device rotates to landscape and the UIBarButtonItem gets hidden. Then the searchBar appears like this...
there is some space on sides which appears to be there since the barButtonItem got hidden and the size of search bar couldn't be updated.
Furthermore, when I rotate the device again, here's what happens to UISearchBar
How can I update the size of searchbar once it has been added to UINavigationBar. Even using autoResizingMask does not work.
searchBar.autoResizingMask =UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
What am I doing wrong over here?
I had about the same problem (it wasn't searchbar, but some UIView), and that's how I solved it:
Try creating it with fixed size that won't change. I mean if your navbar minimum size is (for example) 320pt, and barbutton is about 30pt, and you need searchbar to be placed right in the middle (which, BTW is not standart, AFAIK), you'd have to make it 320 - (30+10)*2 = 240pt. Searchbar would be placed right in the middle and will have enough place left free.
This way it will neither change it's size, nor it will affect other items.
Or I would suggest you placing it at right position, not in the middle.
Hope it helped.
I have an application that will add a Widget to an HBox, which is contained in a ScrolledWindow. When a Widget is added, I would like the parent ScrolledWindow to scroll to the right, where the newly added Widget is. Adding the widget works just fine, my problem is:
How can I make the ScrolledWindow move when a child is added?
My Vala code looks something like:
private void addView() {
var widget = this.createWidget();; // is a HBox
var adj = this.parent_win.get_hadjustment(); // parent_win is a ScrolledWindow
The behavior I am getting now is the adjustment will work every other double click (what signals all this). I would like for the adjustment to occur on every double click.
update I have seen this: Gtk, How to scroll at bottom of viewport list? , but there is no real definitive answer given. you mean to tell me i have to set a 1 sec timeout to scroll ?
Use an idle callback instead of a timeout, and use the GtkContainer::add signal to get notified when a new child is added (
Following is the issue i am facing.
I have a MainPage, on initialize I am calling a method which would create a SWFLoader object (aka LoginPage) and loads it in the MainPage. When we run the MainPage in 800x500 window, the LoginPage loads in that window size, however when we maximize the window the content of the LoginPage gets resized to 1027X660, but the border remains 800x500, and the remainig area of the window stays blank.
If we load the MainPage in maximized state everything works fine even we resize. the problem only happens when we first start the application in smaller size that maximized.
there are such params as minWidhth and maxWidth and the same about Height, research in this way.
Anyway show your code, of loader and of login screen, so we could advice.
I am doing some UI work where I allow the user to programatically add and resize controls on a canvas.
When resizing a combo box through AS the dropdown stays at the same width as the first time it drops down. So user places combo box on the page, clicks the down arrow, sees the options, selects an option or clicks down arrow again to close, resizes the width of the drop down, clicks the down arrow. Now drop down is the same width as original.
Have tried simple things like setting the width of the dropdown specifically and invalidating display list but it still doesn't work.
Code Example pending
While trimming my code down to an example I solved my problem. A combobox has a dropdownWidth property. I was trying to set this myComboBox.dropdownWidth = newWidth, which doesn't work (not entirely sure why, didn't dig into the SDK). However if I change my code to myComboBox.dropdown.width = newWidth it actually goes to the dropdown element and re-sizes it directly which does work.
comboBox.dropdown.width did not work for me. I had to use
comboBox.dropdown.percentWidth = 100;
It seems to work without having to call invalidateSize()
In the ComboBox, overriding the set dataProvider and performing the following seemed to work, because the dataProvider field is bound to the collectionChange event.
override public function set dataProvider(value:Object):void {
super.dataProvider = value;
var size:Object = calculatePreferredSizeFromData(dataProvider.length);
this.dropdownWidth = size.width;
this.dropdown.width = this.dropdownWidth;