Unable to run Laravel Browser Test with Dusk - laravel-5.7

I am setting up Browser Test with Laravel 5.7. Install Laravel Dusk. My very beginning php artisan dusk command return errors
My Chrome is version 76. Initially, I see "Chrome version must be between 70 and 73". So I download Chrome Driver for my corresponding browser version. Then Run the command again, and I see a new error Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\UnrecognizedExceptionException: invalid argument
I didn't change any code after running initial php artisan dusk:install

Make sure host and Dusk are using the same Chromium driver:
# linux box
chromium-browser --version
# install specific version on dusk
php artisan dusk:chrome-driver 78
I was running dusk through homebrew and I found that I needed to reload vagrant as well:
vagrant reload --provision

I've found some interesting Issues on Github that should be your problem.
I think that is a problem with the Driver. Perhaps you can find a solutions and check some of the mentioned problems in that issue to find your problem. It's bit difficult to help you without having the code and having the same problem to test.
Some of them have reinstalled dusk and it was working. So you can test do install the newest driver first and then install the dusk package after that.


Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime error - Assertion Failed

Using: VS Code
Working on: Running automation test scripts for WebdriverIO.
Error facing:
because of this error, my test specs are not executing. Is there any way to get rid of this??
Please follow the below steps to resolve this issue
Uninstall the current version of node.js.
Go to https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/
Install the previous version of node.js (I installed from here 4.
Restart your system
Try building the project using npm install
I hope this will solve your problem
The error here is coming from the Fibers npm package. Fibers only supports node versions before version 16. I had the same error message and switched the node version to 14.20.0 ,which is the newest LTS before version before 16 at the moment, and that solved the problem for me.

Wamp 3.0.6 server can not run Composer and Symfony

Please I need help on this project, I have wamp server to run the project on symphony.Look at the error display on my web browser ,when load the project from wamp server
If I run this code from my command prompt see the results php app/check.php
If I run this code from my command prompt see the results php app/check.php
php app/console server:run
It looks like you also have XAMPP installed on your system, or did at one time.
See the line that says
Configuration file used in PHP : C:\xampp\php\php.ini
I would suggest that you check your Windows PATH. I guess XAMPP might have added it's own PHP version into the PATH.
Alternatively you could uninstall XAMPP, but make sure you back everything up, code/databases etc before you uninstall it.
WAMPServer does not need anything placed on the Windows PATH, and if you do it makes switching versions of PHP far more complicated and prone to mistakes.
Have a look at this answer for how to make the PHP CLI as flexible as WAMPServer when it comes to running PHP code on different versions of PHP from the command line.
It also looks like you have not istalled composer. Follow the instructions on how to instal composed from the error messages. Or have a look at the composer site for help

Protractor webdriver not working with chrome version 54

Wondered if someone could help. Just started using protractor to automate our tests. These were working fine but now when chrome is launching it closes straight away. I've been told my webdriver needs updating but I can't seem to get it to go past version 2.22. When doing new webdriver-manager update it still goes to the older version. Also been to the website to get the zip file but no matter where I put it I can't get it up update.
This is for a mac machine. Any tips would be appreciated. When I go to localhost:4444/wd/hub', when the web driver has been started and click start session it fails. This has only started since chrome updated to version 54.
You need to update your webdriver-manager (chromedriver to 2.24), but as i observed, 'webdriver-manager update' command is not updatinng chromedriver to 2.24, so the workaround is just remove the protractor and webdriver-manager from your system and install it again.
To remove webdriver-manager and protractor from global:
just delete folders from 'C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules'
And install it again by using:
'npm install -g webdriver-manager',
'npm install -g protractor'

Symfony Installation gives fatal error

I'm new to the symfony2 and I was following http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/installation.html for installation using Composer now
It gives me a Fatal Error after some time:
monolog/monolog suggests installing rollbar/rollbar (Allow sending log messages to Rollbar)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::defineDirectoryStructure() in /Users/app/SymfonyStandard/RootPackageInstallSubscriber.php on line 28
#hap absolutely right on Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install php5-curl
is solving this issue. I think on another platform php5-curl will help too.
Got the same problem. Deleted the file composer.phar, installed again via curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php - problem persists
/path/to/webroot/project/vendor/sensio/distribution-bundle/Sensio/Bundle/DistributionBundle/ScriptHandler.php file does not have the method defineDirectoryStructure() in it
symfony/framework-standard-edition (v2.6.1)
PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.5 (cli) (built: Oct 29 2014 11:59:10)
problem here
sensio/distribution-bundle (v3.0.11)
Thanks #hap, this helped
sudo apt-get install php5-curl
Just had this problem on Debian. For me the problem was that sensio/distribution-bundle in its last version (v3.0.12, the one introducing the defineDirectoryStructure function) requires the cURL PHP extension, which was not installed, so it installed v3.0.11 (which don't contain the required method).
After installing php5-curl, Composer finaly installed the last version of sensio/distribution-bundle and everything was fine.
Got the same problem too ... Works on a debian distrib, but doesn't work on my wamp on windows 7 !
So tried to update my wamp, to get PHP5.5, reconfigure composer to use this PHP, still didn't work ..
Then I tried to launch the Console in Administrator mode, and launch :
"composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition sfproject/"
And guess what .... That finally worked !! With administrator rights ... Just give it a try ;)
I have same problem. I just added in composer.json string "symfony/symfony": "2.3.*", And its working for me.
Also, i deleted my composer.phar and composer.lock files.
The problem, if you have in your project symfony 2.3 it installing dependencies for v 2.7 .
I got this error from a install into a new vagrant VM, it would appear that something done recently has broken this as I managed to install a 2.6.0 version last week whilst testing, now it doesn't work.
After a bit of trial and error, it appears that the 2.6x and 2.5x branches are both affected and will not install, but 2.3x and 2.4x do install without the error.
incase anyone doesn't know how to install a specific version, just add it onto the end of the composer command, i.e.
composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition . 2.4.x
VM: Ubuntu 14.01 / PHP 5.5.9
I had the same problem in an Ubuntu 14.04 VM set up with PuPHPet and Vagrant/VirtualBox.
I've noticed that when I had the same problem, the DistributionBundle was severely out of date. Trying to upgrade it manually from composer.json (changing the version to 3.0.12, which was the las one available at the time I had the problem) produced a more verbose error, stating I hadn't installed php5-curl.
After updating the PuPHPet config file to include the cURL module for PHP and reprovisioning my VM, Symfony installed just fine, having installed the last version of Sensio Distribution Bundle, which contained the defineDirectoryStructure() method.

Running PHPUnit from CMD in Windows

I've installed PHPUnit and everything seems to be working fine as when I run phpunit from the root php directory C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.16 it runs as expected.
However, the problem I am having is running PHPUnit from elsewhere within the command line, so I cannot run any tests because of this. I get the error
phpunit' is not recognized as an internal or external
command, operable program or batch file.
My path is set correctly C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.16 which is where php.exe is installed.
I have also tried re-installing, and am running version 3.7.24.
Anyone have any tips on what I may be doing wrong?
PHPUnit is not set in the PATH global variable. Try installing PHPUnit using PEAR. For win7 use this tutorial: http://designbyjeeba.blogspot.ro/2012/12/easy-way-to-install-pear-and-phpunit-in.html
If PEAR doesn't find any package to install (when trying to install anything using it) clear PEAR's cache:
pear clear-cache
I dont know the way you installed it, but i did it this way and it works fine for me.
Also i recommend installing DBUnit and PHPUnit selenium. Use the following commands:
pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_Selenium
pear install phpunit/DbUnit
For Linux use the commands given by PHP at the following link:
