CentOS 7 - Qt creator can't parse .pro files - qt

Qt creator is exhibiting this behavior on a fresh installation of CentOS 7:
Once a .pro file is opened, this message is displayed, and the project fails to load:
/usr/lib64/qt5/mkspecs/features/toolchain.prf(70): system(execute requires one or two arguments.
Project ERROR: Cannot run compiler 'g++'. Maybe you forgot to setup the environment?
Error while parsing file /online/RCCARS/compass-rccars-daq/compass-rccars-daq-master/Master.pro. Giving up.
Upon googling a bit, I found that commenting out the following line:
In this file:
solves this issue. After doing this, I can once again open projects, as well as compile and run them without any issues.
I checked the g++ path as well, it is correct and in fact points to a g++ compiler.
The question is, why does this happen? Could commenting the line out have any negative effects? Are there any alternative solutions?


Build a QT program from command line

I know this question has already been asked, but I encounter an issue that I haven't seen elsewhere.
I am trying to build automatically a QT program on Jenkins through a JenkinsFile.
So I want to build this program in command line.
On Qt Creator, everything works fine, my makefile is generated and the program compiles.
But when I manually type the exact commands that are executed in Qt on a terminal (cmd and cygwin), the compilation fails.
The errors are usually ld: cannot find -lXXXXXX
My guess is that it is an environment problem so I tried to add some lib paths in the $PATH, $LIBRARY_PATH, and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables but it doesn't resolve the problem. The error just becomes Undefined reference to ___XXXXXX
I would appreciate some help on this issue !
The building (slave) machine is a windows 7. Here is a screenshot of the compilation stage in Qt (which works fine). The commands I try to type in a terminal are exactly the same as the blue lines on the screenshot. (sorry some lines are written in French)
From the error message ld: cannot find -lXXXXXX and the environment variables, I would suppose that you are compiling in Linux/Unix. Now, if you are compiling with g++, the environment variables $PATH, $LIBRARY_PATH, and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH won't have any effect on finding libraries. What you may try is an -L argument to the compiler telling it where the library is located, I mean:
g++ -L /path/to/libXXXXX.so -l XXXXX -o result source.cpp

Configuring Qt 5.9.5 on Ubuntu 16.04

I recently started working with Qt. I was trying some simple widgets. It was working as intended with no errors and suddenly Qt doesn't work anymore. I did not change any configuration/settings. I restarted my computer and I started to get the following error. I have no idea how to fix them.
Error (when trying to open an already existing project):
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/qmake_use.prf(6): 'take_first' is not a recognized replace function.
Project ERROR: Library '' is not defined.
Warnings while parsing QML type information of Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/qml:
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/qml/builtins.qmltypes:1:24: Reading only version 1.1 parts.
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/qml/builtins.qmltypes:10:5: Expected only Component and ModuleApi object definitions.
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/qmake_use.prf(6): 'take_first' is not a recognized replace function.
Project ERROR: Library '' is not defined.
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/toolchain.prf(69): system(execute) requires one or two arguments.
Project ERROR: Cannot run compiler 'g++'. Output:
Error (when trying to create a new project)
Maybe you forgot to setup the environment?
Error while parsing file /workspace/testQt/testQt.pro. Giving up.
/Qt/5.9.5/gcc_64/mkspecs/features/toolchain.prf(69): system(execute) requires one or two arguments.
Project ERROR: Cannot run compiler 'g++'. Output:
Other details:
Qt version: Qt 5.9.5(gcc_64)
Compilier: GCC 7.3.0
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
PS: I had this same error two days back. Reinstalling Qt fixed it but not anymore.
There is no problem with g++. I complied a code with the same complier (used here) through terminal and it works perfectly.
Thank you.
I had the same problem, and I solved it by upgrading QtCreator. I think, 3.x.x versions of QtCreator incorrectly assumes the name of g++ compiler. In Kits options there is only "Compiler" setting, and in 4.x.x there are two separate string "C" and "C++". After indicating correct paths to both compiles "Cannot run compiler" error disappears.

TypeScript compiler failing on a mac

Typescript compilation task works fine on linux machines but on a mac fails with the following not particularly useful error message and what looks like a binary dump.
$ grunt
Running "ts:build" (ts) task
Fast compile will not work when --out is specified. Ignoring fast compilation
Using tsc v1.4.1
>> Error: tsc return code: 3
Warning: Task "ts:build" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Im using nvm with node v0.11.4 and rvm with ruby v2.2.0.
Any ideas how to fix this, or even debug?
As the question includes debugging, here are some pointers which might help determine where the problem is.
Try compiling from the command line with tsc alone (no grunt), in case the problem is with grunt or the ts:build task (looks like grunt-ts).
Maybe one of your source files is causing the tools to crash (perhaps they can't cope with a file's encoding?). If a single, simple file will compile, then try removing subsets of your source from the build. If some of those files are causing the crash (whether valid TypeScript or not) you may be able to find a temporary workaround.
Try compiling with different versions of tsc. If you need 1.4.1 features you could try using the latest from https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript (see here for how to do this with grunt-ts).
The problem was with a malfunctioning node installation. I upgraded to node 0.12 which fixed the problem.
Just to check the problem wasn't node 0.11.4 specific I removed all previous versions of node and reinstalled 0.11.4 and the error no longer occurs.
I took these steps after removing all node modules, clearing the cache and reinstalling with no luck. I also tried using multiple typescript compiler versions.

bld.inf not found error in carbide.c++ using qt

I am trying to build a Qt GUI Main Window project and get the following errors:
BLDMAKEERROR:Can't find "\Symbian....\BLD.INF
bldmake returned with exit value=1
In the last two days, I've re-installed above apps many times following all
installation guides; setting up the environment variables but nothing worked
Kindly anyone help as I've been able to build even the Helloworld program.
Thanks in advance.
bld.inf gets generated by qmake from your .pro file. Have you run qmake on your project? In Carbide.C++ Qt perspective it's Project->Run qmake.
I got the same problem even w/o Qt and qmake. :( The problem is in the IDE: it generates wrong bld.inf! If you open folder "group", which contains bld.inf, you'll see the Icons_aif_scalable_dc.mk file, but in bld.inf it configured as
gnumakefile icons_scalable_dc.mk
And this is the source of the problem, so after changing icons_scalable_dc.mk on Icons_aif_scalable_dc.mk project will be built as it should.

Qmake does not specify a valid qt

After installing Qt SDK for Open Source C++ development on Mac OS by following the respective steps
Note for the binary package: If you have the binary package, simply
double-click on the Qt.mpkg and follow the instructions to install Qt.
Yes, that is all I have done to install Qt on MacOsX. Everything was going fine, until I run a sample application, of which compile output resulted in:
No valid Qt version set.
Set one in Preferences
Error while building project qtilk
When executing build step 'QMake'
Canceled build.
Then I tried to change the respective Qt version in Preferences and I hovered over the Path, I realized my mkspec isn't set:
Then I tried querying qmake by qmake -query:
QMAKE_MKSPECS seems to be set here??
Will setting my mkspec solve my building problem? I tried setting by typing export mkspec=macx-g++. Still, mkspec seems not to be set to anything. I am all ears waiting for your answers. Thanks in advance.
To set the correct spec, use:
qmake -spec max-g++
