TypeScript compiler failing on a mac - gruntjs

Typescript compilation task works fine on linux machines but on a mac fails with the following not particularly useful error message and what looks like a binary dump.
$ grunt
Running "ts:build" (ts) task
Fast compile will not work when --out is specified. Ignoring fast compilation
Using tsc v1.4.1
>> Error: tsc return code: 3
Warning: Task "ts:build" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Im using nvm with node v0.11.4 and rvm with ruby v2.2.0.
Any ideas how to fix this, or even debug?

As the question includes debugging, here are some pointers which might help determine where the problem is.
Try compiling from the command line with tsc alone (no grunt), in case the problem is with grunt or the ts:build task (looks like grunt-ts).
Maybe one of your source files is causing the tools to crash (perhaps they can't cope with a file's encoding?). If a single, simple file will compile, then try removing subsets of your source from the build. If some of those files are causing the crash (whether valid TypeScript or not) you may be able to find a temporary workaround.
Try compiling with different versions of tsc. If you need 1.4.1 features you could try using the latest from https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript (see here for how to do this with grunt-ts).

The problem was with a malfunctioning node installation. I upgraded to node 0.12 which fixed the problem.
Just to check the problem wasn't node 0.11.4 specific I removed all previous versions of node and reinstalled 0.11.4 and the error no longer occurs.
I took these steps after removing all node modules, clearing the cache and reinstalling with no luck. I also tried using multiple typescript compiler versions.


Errors running Grunt and Sass

I've been trying to get Sass up and running with Bootstrap. I've followed the tutorial, going so far as to install exact versions of the dependencies listed rather than the default/latest versions. I've done this from scratch at least three times. I've uninstalled and reinstalled different versions of Sass and Compass (mainly according to Sass --compass --watch Error: Cannot load compass), as well as older versions of Ruby (I just installed 2.3.3, down from the latest release).
But whenever I get to running the grunt sass command, something goes wrong. I've gotten errors about not being able to load Compass. If I search and rectify that, I'll go through an error or two more (not on hand sorry, I've closed everything out), but keep ending up on:
C:/Ruby23-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/compass-core-1.1.0.alpha.3/lib/compass/core/caniuse.rb:72: warning: circular argument reference - browsers
Use --trace for backtrace.
Warning: Exited with error code 1 Use --force to continue.
I've looked up this error, and I've tried doing the bundle update listed here, but end up right back where I started with the same problems (since now there are updated versions of dependencies that apparently don't play well together, and compass things don't work again).
I know how to use Sass, I just can't practice since I can't get it running. I'm newer to coding, and I don't know Ruby at all, so I'm stuck now that my search-fu has failed me. My machine is running Windows 10. I am specifically looking to set up Sass to run with Bootstrap 4 (yes, I know it's in alpha, it's what I'm required to use for work) and there doesn't seem to be any good documentation out there about how to actually get it running properly.

Pocl `make check` fails all tests

I'm trying to set up pocl-0.11 on an ARM (llvm-3.3). I used ./configure --enable-debug --disable-icd --enable-testsuites=all (I'd like to get pocl to run without ICD loader as a first step).
During configure I got a couple of warnings about disabled tests due to missing glut, libDSL, boostlib, etc. Since the warnings 'only' concern some testsuites, I assume the configure is fine and I guess some basic tests will still be enabled!?
Furthermore I get the output:
checking LLC host CPU... cortex-a9
configure: using the ARM optimized kernel lib for the native device
<stdin>:1:19: error: 'test' declared as an array with a negative size
constant int test[sizeof(long)==8?1:-1]={1}; (Is that relevant? I don't really know what to do with this message.)
Eventually configure succeeds and make & make install run without any hint of a problem.
make check then fails all tests, even: check for pocl version FAILED (testsuite.at:29)
The 001/testsuite.log file indicates a linker problem!?
Do you have any idea?
Am I missing a configure flag or an environment variable? I didn't touch --prefix or any other paths.
LLVM 3.3 is quite old and its support will be dropped after the next pocl release. The configure error message you see probably means it fails to detect your CPU features correctly, but the testsuite error indicates that not all LLVM symbols are properly linked in. You can try fixing this by using a shared LLVM library, but I really suggest you to upgrade LLVM. The upcoming 3.7 should work now and has fixed several issues and includes better OpenCL C Clang support.

building brackets was "Done, without errors" in Debian Wheezy, but

i was trying to build "brackets sprint 40" from source code (by following #jasonsanjose instructions look #4816 and the official wiki's page here) in my 32bit Wheezy, Using CEF3 (Verion 3.1547.1406_linux32_release with glibc 2.13) and everything was OK .
when i ran grunt build and grunt installer the output was: Running "build" task
Running "build-linux" task
Done, without errors.
and when i installed .deb package and executed it in the terminal , this error has been thrown:brackets: libcef_dll/wrapper/libcef_dll_wrapper.cc:120: int CefExecuteProcess(const CefMainArgs&, CefRefPtr): Assertion `false' failed.
I did rebuild it many times, but the problem persist.
And this is where i stopped, i don't know where the problem lies.
some help will be appreciated, thank you in advance.
There's a duplicate of this question with longer discussion posted here - https://github.com/adobe/brackets/issues/8170.
Note: This problem shouldn't affect a "vanilla" brackets-shell build on Linux -- it's specific to a hack some people have developed to support an older version of Debian than Brackets officially supports. This requires swapping in a newer version of the CEF library, which is not always easy to do since they are not usually backwards-compatible.

adobe brackets-shell : cef extract failed

I followed all the step is mention in given below url to build my project( I am using win7 OS).
actullly i want to create brackets installer (installed wix 3.7).
but i am getting cef-extract failed error.
even though i also used grunt cef-extract --force.
after that its throunging new error.
create -project failed after that i am not able to process further.
can some one help me.
thanks in advanced.
ashish .
If you include the exact console output you're seeing, it would be much easier to help you. But based on snags other people have encountered recently, you can try these things:
Make sure your PATH includes Python 2.7 (otherwise "create-project" will fail).
Delete all these folders to be sure you're starting from a clean slate: deps, Debug, include, libcef_dll, Release, Resources.
Just run the high-level tasks grunt setup and grunt build, following the Building brackets-shell instructions. (There's a known bug where grunt cef-extract fails when run standalone).

Sqlite 3.7.15 Crosss compilation for ARM

I am using SQLite 3 for Database management in my ARM9 based microprocessor.
I want to cross compile the latest version of the SQLite 3 for my project in Linux (Ubuntu 10.04). I am using the arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc compiler for development.
I tried to cross compile using following commands,
Downloaded the sqlite-amalgamation-3.7.0.tar
I extract it and then write the following command on Terminal,
sudo ./configure --exec-prefix=/media/8CCC8E9BCC8E7F68/SQLIte3/sqliteinstall/ --host=arm --target=arm CC=/opt/arm-2011.03/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc AR=/opt/arm-2011.03/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-ar STRIP=/opt/arm-2011.03/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-strip RANLIB=/opt/arm-2011.03/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-ranlib CFLAGS="-Os"
It successfully cross compiled the SQLite.
sudo make command.
It successfully run.
Now "make install " command.
It did not give me an error but when i went to the config.log file i found there is some sentences as following,
1.conftest.c:17:7: error: size of array 'off_t_is_large' is negative
2.conftest.c:12:28: fatal error: ac_nonexistent.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
3.conftest.cpp:23:28: error: ac_nonexistent.h: No such file or directory
4.conftest.c:67:13: error: invalid type argument of unary '*' (have 'int')
I doubt that weather it has been cross compiled properly or not.
I can not understand.
I inserted the library on my board it works fine but the problem is that the speed got very slow. I think there is some problem that i have not set any flags for the GCC compiler.
I could not find any options.How I can set the particular flags for the GCC compiler so that unnecessary features can be omitted.
You probably shouldn't try to do cross-compilation manually. Instead, use an embedded Linux build system that will do that for you, and automate the cross-compilation process entirely. My favourite is of course Buildroot (http://buildroot.org), but there are plenty of others (with varying levels of quality, complexity and features) : OpenEmbedded, Yocto, PTXdist, etc.
