How to Publish joined Data from Array of IDs in Meteor - meteor

I just want to Publish the relational Data for a Publication to client, but the issue is my Relational Data field is array of ID's of a Different Collection, I tried Different Packages but all works with single Relational ID but not working with Array of relational ID's, let assume I have two Collection Companies and Meteor.users below is my Company Document Looks like
_id : "dYo4tqpZms9j8aG4C"
owner : "yjzakAgYWejmJcuHz"
name : "Labbaik Waters"
peoples : ["yjzakAgYWejmJcuHz", "yjzakAgYWejmJcuHz"],
createdAt: "2019-09-18T15:33:29.952+00:00"
here you can see peoples field contains the user ID's as Array, so How I publish this userId's as user Documents, as for example I tried the most popular meteor package named publishComposit, when I tried Loop in Children's find, I got undefined in children i.e below
publishComposite('compoundCompanies', {
find() {
// Find top ten highest scoring posts
return Companies.find({
owner: this.userId
}, {sort: {}});
children: [
find(company) {
let cursors = company.peoples.forEach(peopleId => {
return Meteor.users.find(
{ _id: peopleId },
{ fields: { profile: 1 } });
//here cursor undefined
return cursors
and if I implement async loop in children's find I got error like below code
publishComposite('compoundCompanies', {
find() {
// Find top ten highest scoring posts
return Companies.find({
owner: this.userId
}, {sort: {}});
children: [
async find(company) {
let cursors = await company.peoples.forEach(peopleId => {
return Meteor.users.find(
{ _id: peopleId },
{ fields: { profile: 1 } });
//here cursor undefined
return cursors
the error occured in above code is Exception in callback of async function: TypeError: this.cursor._getCollectionName is not a function
I don't know what I am exactly doing wrong here, or implementing package function not as intended any help will be greatly appropriated
EDIT: my desired result should be full user documents instead of ID no matter it mapped in same peoples array or as another fields I just want as below
_id: "dYo4tqpZms9j8aG4C",
owner: "yjzakAgYWejmJcuHz",
name: "Labbaik Waters",
peoples: [
profile: {firstName: "Abdul", lastName: "Hameed"},
_id: "yjzakAgYWejmJcuHz"
createdAt: "2019-09-18T15:33:29.952+00:00"

I ran into a similar problem couple of days ago. There are two problems with the provided code. First, using async; it's not needed and rather complicates things. Second, publishComposite relies on receiving one cursor not multiple within its children to work properly.
Below is a snippet of the code used to solve the problem I had, hopefully you can replicate it.
Meteor.publishComposite("table.conversations", function(table, ids, fields) {
if (!this.userId) {
return this.ready();
check(table, String);
check(ids, Array);
check(fields, Match.Optional(Object));
return {
find() {
return Conversation.find(
_id: {
$in: ids
{ fields }
children: [
find(conversation) {
// constructing one big cursor that entails all of the documents in one single go
// as publish composite cannot work with multiple cursors at once
return User.find(
{ _id: { $in: conversation.participants } },
{ fields: { profile: 1, roles: 1, emails: 1 } }


How to run a `$set` and `$pull` within a Meteor method?

I want to update a collection called SMUProfiles, through a method called classroom.delete. I want to pull out the classroom_id from 2 places inside SMUProfiles i.e. one inside classrooms.owner which has an array of codes, and the other inside array classrooms.students.
I have successfully one the $set part, and now trying to add the $pull, but $pull doesn't seem to work.
Can we do the $set and $pull in such way?
/* Method for deleting Classroom */
'classroom.delete'(classroom_id) {
if (!this.userId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorised');
let classids = Classrooms.find({ owner: this.userId }).fetch().map(function(classrooms){
return classrooms._id })
owner: this.userId,
}, {
$set: {
'classrooms.owner': classids
$pull: {
'classrooms.students': classroom_id
You're trying to $set and $pull on the same field in the same update - the two operations conflict; so no, you can't use these operators in this way.
You could easily split this into two:
{ owner: this.userId },
{ $set: { 'classrooms.owner': classids },
{ owner: this.userId },
{ $pull: { 'classrooms.students': classroom_id },
See e.g. this answer

How to access server aggregate on the client side within meteor

Bit of a noob question. I'm using meteor-native-mongo on the server to access the aggregate function in MongoDB, however, I'm not sure how I return and access the results on the client side. In the past subscribing and then accessing the collections on the client was pretty straightforward using the collection.find({}) function, however, I don't understand how to do it with the aggregate function. Can someone please explain.
Meteor.publish('companies', function(limit) {
db.collection('companies').aggregate([{ $group: { _id: { location: "$google_maps.geometry_location" }, companies: { $addToSet: { name: "$company_name" } }, count: { $sum: 1} } }, { $match: { count: { $gt: 1 } } }]).toArray((err, result) => {
return result;
Use this.added, this.changed, this.removed from ...
Meteor.publish('companies', function(limit) {
var subscription = this;
db.collection('companies').aggregate([{ $group: { _id: { location: "$google_maps.geometry_location" }, companies: { $addToSet: { name: "$company_name" } }, count: { $sum: 1} } }, { $match: { count: { $gt: 1 } } }]).toArray((err, result) => {
subscription.added('companies-aggregate', 'geometry-grouping', {result: result});
// On the client:
var CompaniesAggregate = new Mongo.Collection('companies-aggregate');
// Inside a reactive context, like a helper
var result = CompaniesAggregate.findOne('geometry-grouping').result;
Naturally, to make it reactive, you'd have to know when the results of the aggregations would change. There is no automatic way to do that--you would have to resolve that logically, with your own code.
The best way to do that is to save the subscription variable in an array somewhere in a higher scope, and called changed on all the subscriptions for 'companies' for the geometry-grouping document, computing an updated result.
The commenter's solution won't be realtime; in other words, if one user makes a change to the e.g. company name or location, another user won't see those changes.

Meteor collections: upsert w/ array

Forms of this question have been asked a few times, but I've been unable to find a solution:
I have a schema like this (simplified):
StatusObject = new SimpleSchema({
statusArray: [statusSchema]
where statusSchema is
type: String,
optional: true
type: Number,
optional: true,
decimal: true
type: Number,
optional: true
I am trying to upsert - with the following meteor method code:
var upsertResult = BasicInfo.update({
userId: this.userId,
statusArray: {
$elemMatch: { topicId : newStatus.topicId }
}, {
$set: {
"statusArray.$.topicId": newStatus.topicId,
"statusArray.$.someInfo": newStatus.someInfo,
"statusArray.$.otherInfo": newStatus.otherInfo
}, {
multi: true,
upsert: true
But I keep getting an error: statusArray must be an array
I thought by adding the $, I was making sure it is recognized as an array? What am I missing?
It seems (after your clarification comments), that you want to find a document with particular userId and modify its statusArray array using one of these scenarios:
Update existing object with particular topicId value;
Add a new object if the array doens't have one with particular topicId value.
Unfortunately, you can't make it work using just one DB query, so it should be like this:
// try to update record
const updateResult = BasicInfo.update({
userId: this.userId,
'statusArray.topicId': newStatus.topicId
}, {
$set: {
"statusArray.$": newStatus
if (!updateResult) {
// insert new record to array or create new document
userId: this.userId
}, {
$push: {
statusArray: newStatus
$setOnInsert: {
// other needed fields
}, {
upsert: true
Your code is treating StatusArray as an object,
Before you do the upsert, build the status array first, assuming that your current value is currentRecord
newStatusArray = currentRecord.statusArray
topicId: newStatus.topicId,
someInfo : newStatus.someInfo,
otherInfo: newStatus.otherInfo
and in the upsert, simply refer to it like this
$set: { statusArray: newStatusArray}

Publish all documents, but filter the values in documents' array by userId

I have the following document structure:
ProductDocument {
_id: "a",
price: 12,
starredByUserIds: [
For security, I want to ensure that a given user cannot see the other user's starredByUserIds by performing a query through a client console.
i.e. user3 should only be able to see his own respective entry:
ProductDocument {
_id: "a",
price: 12,
starredByUserIds: [
whilst a non-logged-in user should only be able to see:
ProductDocument {
_id: "a",
price: 12,
starredByUserIds: [
I can't seem to define the right Publish command. I'd like to be able to do something like:
Meteor.publish('Products', function() {
return Products.find( {}, { fields: { starredByUserIds: this.userId }} );
but 'fields' doesn't accept/match arbitrary string values.
How can this be achieved?
I think the below query should answer your requirement:
Products.find({}, {starredByUserIds: {$elemMatch:{$eq:this.userId}});
Following snippet would work:
Meteor.publish('Products', function() {
return Products.find( {starredByUserIds: this.UserId}, { fields: { starredByUserIds: 0 }} );
Here the query selector starredByUserIds: this.UserId will return documents only which has current user's Id in its starredByUserIds array.
I'm omitting starredByUserIds array while sending it to the client, because you it will either contain the current user's Id if the user is logged in or empty if the user is not logged in, you can regenerate it.
With those security concerns, maybe you should change your data model and put the 'stars' in a different collection. If you don't want to do that, then you must change the code of your publish functions to something like this:
Meteor.publish('Products', function () {
return Products.find().fetch().map(function (product) {
if (this.userId && product.starredByUserIds.indexOf(this.userId) != -1) {
product.starredByUserIds = [this.userId];
} else {
product.starredByUserIds = [];
return product;

Redux and Normalizr placing single entity into array

I'm using Redux and Normalizr.
I have a state which looks like:
entities: {
users: {
1: {...},
2: {...}
data: {
users: [1,2]
One of my API endpoints returns an object that includes a single user and some other data:
data = {
user: {id: 3, ...}
otherstuff: {...}
const user = new Schema('users');
normalize(data, {user: user})
This returns
entities: {
users: {
3: {id: 3, ...}
result: {
user: 3
However my data reducer expects to merge in a users array (of ids):
function data(state = {}, action) {
if (action.response && action.response.result) {
return deepmerge(state, action.response.result)
return state
Ideally I'd address this issue in the normalisation process rather than changing the reducer. Is there an easy way to either get normalizr to parse {user: {id: 3}} into {result: {users: [3]}}? It already changes the entities key to users.
If not, is there a clean and generic reducer-level solution to having this problem across a variety of entity type names?
