Redux and Normalizr placing single entity into array - redux

I'm using Redux and Normalizr.
I have a state which looks like:
entities: {
users: {
1: {...},
2: {...}
data: {
users: [1,2]
One of my API endpoints returns an object that includes a single user and some other data:
data = {
user: {id: 3, ...}
otherstuff: {...}
const user = new Schema('users');
normalize(data, {user: user})
This returns
entities: {
users: {
3: {id: 3, ...}
result: {
user: 3
However my data reducer expects to merge in a users array (of ids):
function data(state = {}, action) {
if (action.response && action.response.result) {
return deepmerge(state, action.response.result)
return state
Ideally I'd address this issue in the normalisation process rather than changing the reducer. Is there an easy way to either get normalizr to parse {user: {id: 3}} into {result: {users: [3]}}? It already changes the entities key to users.
If not, is there a clean and generic reducer-level solution to having this problem across a variety of entity type names?


How to Publish joined Data from Array of IDs in Meteor

I just want to Publish the relational Data for a Publication to client, but the issue is my Relational Data field is array of ID's of a Different Collection, I tried Different Packages but all works with single Relational ID but not working with Array of relational ID's, let assume I have two Collection Companies and Meteor.users below is my Company Document Looks like
_id : "dYo4tqpZms9j8aG4C"
owner : "yjzakAgYWejmJcuHz"
name : "Labbaik Waters"
peoples : ["yjzakAgYWejmJcuHz", "yjzakAgYWejmJcuHz"],
createdAt: "2019-09-18T15:33:29.952+00:00"
here you can see peoples field contains the user ID's as Array, so How I publish this userId's as user Documents, as for example I tried the most popular meteor package named publishComposit, when I tried Loop in Children's find, I got undefined in children i.e below
publishComposite('compoundCompanies', {
find() {
// Find top ten highest scoring posts
return Companies.find({
owner: this.userId
}, {sort: {}});
children: [
find(company) {
let cursors = company.peoples.forEach(peopleId => {
return Meteor.users.find(
{ _id: peopleId },
{ fields: { profile: 1 } });
//here cursor undefined
return cursors
and if I implement async loop in children's find I got error like below code
publishComposite('compoundCompanies', {
find() {
// Find top ten highest scoring posts
return Companies.find({
owner: this.userId
}, {sort: {}});
children: [
async find(company) {
let cursors = await company.peoples.forEach(peopleId => {
return Meteor.users.find(
{ _id: peopleId },
{ fields: { profile: 1 } });
//here cursor undefined
return cursors
the error occured in above code is Exception in callback of async function: TypeError: this.cursor._getCollectionName is not a function
I don't know what I am exactly doing wrong here, or implementing package function not as intended any help will be greatly appropriated
EDIT: my desired result should be full user documents instead of ID no matter it mapped in same peoples array or as another fields I just want as below
_id: "dYo4tqpZms9j8aG4C",
owner: "yjzakAgYWejmJcuHz",
name: "Labbaik Waters",
peoples: [
profile: {firstName: "Abdul", lastName: "Hameed"},
_id: "yjzakAgYWejmJcuHz"
createdAt: "2019-09-18T15:33:29.952+00:00"
I ran into a similar problem couple of days ago. There are two problems with the provided code. First, using async; it's not needed and rather complicates things. Second, publishComposite relies on receiving one cursor not multiple within its children to work properly.
Below is a snippet of the code used to solve the problem I had, hopefully you can replicate it.
Meteor.publishComposite("table.conversations", function(table, ids, fields) {
if (!this.userId) {
return this.ready();
check(table, String);
check(ids, Array);
check(fields, Match.Optional(Object));
return {
find() {
return Conversation.find(
_id: {
$in: ids
{ fields }
children: [
find(conversation) {
// constructing one big cursor that entails all of the documents in one single go
// as publish composite cannot work with multiple cursors at once
return User.find(
{ _id: { $in: conversation.participants } },
{ fields: { profile: 1, roles: 1, emails: 1 } }

Publish all documents, but filter the values in documents' array by userId

I have the following document structure:
ProductDocument {
_id: "a",
price: 12,
starredByUserIds: [
For security, I want to ensure that a given user cannot see the other user's starredByUserIds by performing a query through a client console.
i.e. user3 should only be able to see his own respective entry:
ProductDocument {
_id: "a",
price: 12,
starredByUserIds: [
whilst a non-logged-in user should only be able to see:
ProductDocument {
_id: "a",
price: 12,
starredByUserIds: [
I can't seem to define the right Publish command. I'd like to be able to do something like:
Meteor.publish('Products', function() {
return Products.find( {}, { fields: { starredByUserIds: this.userId }} );
but 'fields' doesn't accept/match arbitrary string values.
How can this be achieved?
I think the below query should answer your requirement:
Products.find({}, {starredByUserIds: {$elemMatch:{$eq:this.userId}});
Following snippet would work:
Meteor.publish('Products', function() {
return Products.find( {starredByUserIds: this.UserId}, { fields: { starredByUserIds: 0 }} );
Here the query selector starredByUserIds: this.UserId will return documents only which has current user's Id in its starredByUserIds array.
I'm omitting starredByUserIds array while sending it to the client, because you it will either contain the current user's Id if the user is logged in or empty if the user is not logged in, you can regenerate it.
With those security concerns, maybe you should change your data model and put the 'stars' in a different collection. If you don't want to do that, then you must change the code of your publish functions to something like this:
Meteor.publish('Products', function () {
return Products.find().fetch().map(function (product) {
if (this.userId && product.starredByUserIds.indexOf(this.userId) != -1) {
product.starredByUserIds = [this.userId];
} else {
product.starredByUserIds = [];
return product;

Meteor nested publications

I have two collections A and B in Meteor. For A I have a publication where I filter out a range of documents in A. Now I want to create a publications for B where I publish all documents in B that have a field B.length matching A.length.
I have not been able to find any example where this is shown but I feel it must be a standard use case. How can this be done in Meteor?
This is a common pattern for reywood:publish-composite
import { publishComposite } from 'meteor/reywood:publish-composite';
publishComposite('parentChild', {
const query = ... // your filter
find() {
return A.find(query, { sort: { score: -1 }, limit: 10 });
children: [
find(a) {
return B.find({length: a.length });
This is a quite different pattern than serverTransform as on the client you end up with two collections, A and B, as opposed to a synthetic single collection A that has some fields of of B. The latter is more like a SQL JOIN.
Use serverTransform
Meteor.publishTransformed('pub', function() {
const filter = {};
return A.find(filter)
'B': function(doc) {
return B.find({
length: doc.length
}); //this will feed directly into miniMongo as if it was a seperate publication

Firebase equalto dynamic nested child

With a structure of
/archive: {
$userId: {
$archiveKey: {
foo: 1
Where $userId references a user id and $archiveKey is dynamic, created by .push().
Is it possible to query the archive ref and get all archiveObjects where foo = 1 ? Or do I need to fetch down the whole table, manually dig into $userId and extract the archiveObjects I'm looking for?
Firebase queries can nowadays query nested paths, but the paths cannot be dynamic.
So if you know the uid, you can query that user's archives with:
If you don't know the uid, then you'll have to create a data structure that allows you to do the lookup:
archive_category_to_uids: {
foo: {
1: {
uid1: true,
uid2: true
A more common way is to separate the archives into their own top-level list and have both users and categories refer to that:
users: {
userId1: {
archiveKey1: true,
archives: {
archiveKey1: {
foo: 1,
uid: uid1
archiveCategories: {
foo: {
1: {
archiveKey1: true,
archiveKey2: true
Now you can get find the archives with:
ref.child('archiveCategories/foo/1').once('value', function(keys) {
keys.forEach(function(key) {
ref.child('archives').child(key.key()).once('value', function(snapshot) {
This process is called denormalization and is quite common in NoSQL databases. You're modeling the data for how your application needs to consume it. For more on this and other common patterns, I recommend reading this article on NoSQL data modeling.

Meteor collection2 type Object

I'm trying to create a field modifiedBy with type: Object (to Meteor users).
I see you can setup blackbox: true for a Custom Object, but if I want to setup to a specific Object say a Group (collection) field modifiedBy is the logged in user, any pointers/help is greatly appreciated.
As far as I see it, you have two options:
Store user-ids there with type: String
Denormalize it as you proposed
Denormalize it as you proposed
To denormalize it you can do something like this inside your schema:
modifiedBy: {
type: object
'modifiedBy._id': {
type: String,
autoValue: function () {
return Meteor.userId()
'modifiedBy.username': {
type: String,
autoValue: function () {
return Meteor.user().username
As you pointed out, you'd want to update these properties when they change:
changed: function (newDoc) {
var updateThese = SomeCollection.find({'modifiedBy.username': {$eq: newDoc._id}})
updateThese.forEach () {
SomeCollection.update(updateThis._id, {$set: {name:}})
Store user-ids there with type: String
I'd recommend storing user-ids. It's cleaner but it doesn't perform as well as the other solution. Here's how you could do that:
modifiedBy: {
type: String
You could also easily write a Custom Validator for this. Now retrieving the Users is a bit more complicated. You could use a transform function to get the user objects.
SomeCollection = new Mongo.Collection('SomeCollection', {
transform: function (doc) {
doc.modifiedBy = Meteor.users.findOne(doc.modifiedBy)
return doc
But there's a catch: "Transforms are not applied for the callbacks of observeChanges or to cursors returned from publish functions."
This means that to retrieve the doc reactively you'll have to write an abstraction:
getSome = (function getSomeClosure (query) {
var allDep = new Tacker.Dependency
var allChanged = allDep.changed.bind(allDep)
added: allChanged,
changed: allChanged,
removed: allChanged
return function getSome () {
return SomeCollection.find(query).fetch()
