Can I manage a has_one relationship with Gridfield (or similar) in Silverstripe? - silverstripe

We have an object with a has_one relationship with a secondary object in a Silverstripe project. The secondary object has multiple has_one fields
class IceCream extends DataObject
private static $has_one = [
'Cone' => 'Cone'
class Cone extends DataObject
private static $has_one = [
'Size' => 'Size',
'Pattern' => 'Pattern'
We want to be able to edit the secondary object Cone from the IceCream object in the CMS. Both creating new Cone records or linking existing Cone records.
If Cone was in a many_many relationship we could use Gridfield with the symbiote/silverstripe-gridfieldextensions module. And use the GridFieldAddExistingSearchButton & GridFieldAddNewInlineButton extensions.
Is there anyway to use this sort of behaviour for a has_one relationship?
I've investigated using the stevie-mayhew/hasoneedit module but it only appears to enable inline editing of has_one fields (in this example Size & Pattern) & doesn't appear to allow the user to link existing Cone records.
How can we create a field in the CMS that allows the user to link or create has_one records - preferably inline or as a modal?

There are a couple of modules you can use to do this.
Our preference is, some other community members prefer to use, which is also a dependency of quite widely used Might be a better option in terms of support.


Many DataObjects with has_many relationship to one generic DataObject

I want to create a class that extends DataObject and simply has a Title, Desc, and Image.
class ImageBlock extends DataObject
private static $db = [
'Title' => 'Varchar(50)',
'Description' => 'Varchar(255)'
private static $has_one = [
'Image' => 'Image'
This is generic Tile to display on the Frontend and could be shown on multiple pages and within multiple DataObjects. A given page or DO can have many of these. To clarify, this is not just for pages. I have a Region DO that has_many of these ImageBlocks:
class TourRegion extends \DataObject
private static $db = [
'RegionName' => 'Varchar(50)',
'RegionSlug' => 'Varchar(50)',
'RegionIntro' => 'Varchar(255)',
'RegionDescription' => 'Text',
private static $has_many = [
'RegionHeroImages' => 'TourHeroImage',
'MainAttractions' => 'ImageBlock'
My question is, a has_many to a DataObject requires a has_one relationship on that DataObject. Since the has_one relationship could be more than one possible class, how do I create this reference?
I have tried adding a has_one to the lowest common class that these objects share (DataObject) as follows:
class ImageBlock extends DataObject
private static $db = [
'Title' => 'Varchar(50)',
'Description' => 'Varchar(255)'
private static $has_one = [
'Image' => 'Image',
'ParentObject' => 'DataObject'
But I get this error:
[User Error] Uncaught Exception: No has_one found on class
'ImageBlock', the has_many relation from 'TourRegion' to
'ImageBlock' requires a has_one on 'ImageBlock'
I get the same error when I try to omit this has_one on ImageBlock altogether. Which begs the question; Why is it I can add has_many relationships to DataObjects like Image or File without the Image or File class having a has_one reference to my Object?
It seems that it's not possible to have generic and reusable has_many related objects in Silverstripe. And that every class that needs to have this ImageBlock must duplicate the class for the sole purpose of adding the has_one reference.
To answer the last part of your question, it's important to remember that has_many is schematically meaningless. It imposes no structural changes to your database. All it does is add a magic method to the parent DataObject that looks for a has_one somewhere else. Defining a has_many is basically just for convenience, to save you the time of writing a getter.
If you're looking to define the relation in the parent, which to me makes sense, I would do that as a many_many, as that requires no reciprocity (It can be reciprocated by belongs_many_many, but that is just a convenience method, too).
For consistency and clarity, I would create an extension to inject the many_many => ImageBlock to the DO's that want it.

Symfony, OneTwoMany, first child element in twig

Product and Image are two entities linked by a oneToMany association (one product has many images). I try to enumerate with TWIG each product with the first image (filename fied) like this :
class ProductRepository extends EntityRepository
public function getProductsWithImages() {
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('e')
->leftJoin('e.images', 'i', 'with', 'i.order = :order')
->setParameter('order' , 0)
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
But I got this error :
Method "filename" for object "\entity\product" does not exist.
I understand why (product entity has no image field). What is the best pratice to get only one child element without add a reference on the parent (like a mainImage field) ?
As the doctrine documentation explains :
A one-to-many association has to be bidirectional, unless you are
using an additional join-table. This is necessary, because of the
foreign key in a one-to-many association being defined on the “many”
side. Doctrine needs a many-to-one association that defines the
mapping of this foreign key.
I have this kind of relation in my current project and I simply defined bidirectional one-to-many association. So in your twig view you should be able to do for example :
{# first Image linked to the Product #}
{{ product.images.first }}
The attribute images is an ArrayCollection.
Hope it helps

Nested models not created as batman objects

Given the following models with one-to-many relationship:
class App.Post extends Batman.Model
#hasMany 'comments'
class App.Comment extends Batman.Model
#belongsTo 'post'
My comments are included in the JSON of the post from the backend. Since i'm having #encode 'comments' the comments are added to the post. However, they are added in an array of simple JS objects instead of an associationset of Batman objects.
Should I really decode them explicitly like this
#encode 'comments',
decode: (value, key, incomingJSON, outgoingAttributes, record) ->
outgoingAttributes = App.Comment.createMultipleFromJSON(incomingJSON.comments)
or am I doing something stupid here?
#hasMany "comments" should automatically set up an encoder to load comments from JSON.
Did you mention that you added your own encoder, like
#encode 'comments'
If so, that is overriding the one created by #hasMany 'comments'. Try removing the #encode 'comments'. Does that help?

Is it possible to have versioned many_many relations?

I already used versioning on DataObjects when they contain a lot of content, now I'm wondering if it's possible to apply versioning to a many_many relation?
Assuming I have the following:
class Page extends SiteTree
private static $many_many = array(
'Images' => 'Image'
Then the ORM will create a Page_Images table for me to store the relations. In order to have a versioned relation, more tables would be required (eg. Page_Images_Live).
Is there any way to tell the ORM to create versioned relations? When looking at the above example with a Page * – * Images relation, I don't want the Image class to be versioned, but rather the relation. Eg. something like this:
Version Stage:
Images ( ImageA, ImageB, ImageC )
Version Live:
Images ( ImageA, ImageC, ImageD, ImageE )
Is that even possible out of the box?
I've spent a lot of time looking into this and without fundamentally modifying ManyManyList (as it doesn't expose the necessary hooks through the extension system), there isn't many choices.
I am a dessert-first kind of person, how CAN we do it?
My only suggestion to accomplish this feat is essentially a many-to-many bridge object (ie. a separate entity joining Page and Image) via $has_many though it still requires quite a bit of modification.
This is partially discussed on the forum where a solution about subverting the actual relationship by storing the versioned items against the actual object rather than in a joining table. That would work but I think we can still do better than that.
I am personally leaning towards tying the version of the relationship to the Page itself and my partial solution below covers this. Read below the fold for more info trying this as an update to ManyManyList.
Something like this is a start:
class PageImageVersion extends DataObject
private static $db = array(
'Version' => 'Int'
private static $has_one = array(
'Page' => 'Page',
'Image' => 'Image'
This contains our 2-way relationship plus we have our version number stored. You will want to specify the getCMSFields function to add the right fields required allowing you to relate it to an existing image or upload a new one. I am avoiding covering this as it should be relatively straight forward compared to the actual version handling part.
Now, we have a has_many on Page like so:
private static $has_many = array(
'Images' => 'PageImageVersion'
In my tests, I also added an extension for Image adding the matching $has_many onto it as well like so:
class ImageExtension extends DataExtension
private static $has_many = array(
'Pages' => 'PageImageVersion'
Honestly, not sure if this is necessary beyond adding the Pages
function on the Image side of the relationship. As far as I can see, it won't really matter for this particular usecase.
Unfortunately, because of this way of versioning, we can't use the standard way of calling the Images, we will need to be a bit creative. Something like this:
public function getVersionedImages($Version = null)
if ($Version == null)
$Version = $this->Version;
else if ($Version < 0)
$Version = max($this->Version - $Version, 1);
return $this->Images()->filter(array('Version' => $Version));
When you call getVersionedImages(), it will return all images that have the Version set on it aligning with the version of the current page. Also supports getting previous versions via getVersionedImages(-1) for the last version or even gets images for a specific version of the page by passing any position number.
OK, so far so good. We now need to make sure that every page write we are getting a duplicate list of images for this new version of the page.
With an onAfterWrite function on Page, we can do this:
public function onAfterWrite()
$lastVersionImages = $this->getVersionedImages(-1);
foreach ($lastVersionImages as $image)
$duplicate = $image->duplicate(false);
$duplicate->Version = $this->Version;
For those playing at home, this is where things get a bit iffy relating to how restoring previous versions of Page would affect this.
Because we would be editing this in GridField, we will need to do a few things. First is make sure our code can handle the Add New function.
My idea is an onAfterWrite on the PageImageVersion object:
public function onAfterWrite()
//Make sure the version is actually saved
if ($this->Version == 0)
$this->Version = $this->Page()->Version;
To get your versioned items displaying in GridField, you would have it set up similar to this:
$gridFieldConfig = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create();
$gridField = new GridField("Images", "Images", $this->getVersionedImages(), $gridFieldConfig);
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Images", $gridField);
You might want to link to images directly from the GridField via GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor however this is when things get sour.
Time for the veggies...
One of the big difficulties is GridField, for both linking and unlinking these entities. Using the standard GridFieldDeleteAction will directly update the relationship without the right version.
You will need to extend GridFieldDeleteAction and override the handleAction to write your Page object (to trigger another version), duplicate every version of our versioned image object for the last version while making it skip the one you don't want in the new version.
I'll admit, this last bit is just guesswork by me. From my understanding and debugging, it should work but simply there is a lot of fiddling to get it right.
Your extension of GridFieldDeleteAction then needs to be added to your specific GridField.
This would essentially be your last step away from making this solution work. Once you have the adding, removing, duplicating, version updating part down, it really is a matter of just using getVersionedImages() to get the right images.
Avoid. I get why you want to do this but I really don't see a clean way of being able to handle this without a decent sized update to how many_many relationships are handled in Silverstripe.
But I really want it as a ManyManyList!
The changes I see required for ManyManyList are having a 3-way key (Foreign Key, Local Key, Version Key) and the various methods for adding/removing/fetching etc updated.
If there were hooks in the add and remove functions, you might be able to sneak in the functionality as an extension (via Silverstripe's extension system) and add the needed data to the extra fields that many_many relationships allow.
While I could get this happening by extending ManyManyList directly and then forcing ManyManyList to be replaced with my custom class via Object::useCustomClass, it would be even more of a messy solution.
It is simply too long/complex for me to give a full answer for a pure ManyManyList solution at this stage (though I may get back to this later and give it a shot).
Disclaimer: I am not a Silverstripe Core dev, there may be a neater solution to this entire thing but I simply can't see how.
You can define second relation with "_Live" suffix and update it when the page is published. Note: This solution stores only two versions (live and stage).
Bellow is my implementation which automatically detects whether many-many relation is versioned or not. It then handles publishing and data retrieval. All what is needed is to define one extra many-many relation with "_Live" suffix.
$page->Images() returns items according to the current stage (stage/live).
class Page extends SiteTree
private static $many_many = array(
'Images' => 'Image',
'Images_Live' => 'Image'
public function publish($fromStage, $toStage, $createNewVersion = false)
if ($toStage == 'Live')
parent::publish($fromStage, $toStage, $createNewVersion);
protected function publishManyToManyComponents()
foreach (static::getVersionedManyManyComponentNames() as $component_name)
protected function publishManyToManyComponent($component_name)
$stage = $this->getManyManyComponents($component_name);
$live = $this->getManyManyComponents("{$component_name}_Live");
$live_table = $live->getJoinTable();
$live_fk = $live->getForeignKey();
$live_lk = $live->getLocalKey();
$stage_table = $stage->getJoinTable();
$stage_fk = $live->getForeignKey();
$stage_lk = $live->getLocalKey();
// update or add items from stage to live
foreach ($stage as $item)
$live->add($item, $stage->getExtraData(null, $item->ID));
// delete remaining items from live table
DB::query("DELETE l FROM $live_table AS l LEFT JOIN $stage_table AS s ON l.$live_fk = s.$stage_fk AND l.$live_lk = s.$stage_lk WHERE s.ID IS NULL");
// update new items IDs in live table (IDs are incremental so the new records can only have higher IDs than items in ID => should not cause duplicate IDs)
DB::query("UPDATE $live_table AS l INNER JOIN $stage_table AS s ON l.$live_fk = s.$stage_fk AND l.$live_lk = s.$stage_lk SET l.ID = s.ID WHERE l.ID != s.ID;");
public function manyManyComponent($component_name)
if (Versioned::current_stage() == 'Live' && static::isVersionedManyManyComponent($component_name))
return parent::manyManyComponent("{$component_name}_Live");
return parent::manyManyComponent($component_name);
protected static function isVersionedManyManyComponent($component_name)
$many_many_components = (array) Config::inst()->get(static::class, 'many_many', Config::INHERITED);
return isset($many_many_components[$component_name]) && isset($many_many_components["{$component_name}_Live"]);
protected static function getVersionedManyManyComponentNames()
$many_many_components = (array) Config::inst()->get(static::class, 'many_many', Config::INHERITED);
foreach ($many_many_components as $component_name => $dummy)
$is_live = 0;
$stage_component_name = preg_replace('/_Live$/', '', $component_name, -1, $is_live);
if ($is_live > 0 && isset($many_many_components[$stage_component_name]))
yield $stage_component_name;

One to one relationship in Silverstripe

I'll try and put this as simply as possible but basically what I am trying to achieve is this.
There are two page types with a one to one relationship, car and owner. I want to be able te be able to select an owner through a dropdown on the car page. If an owner is already linked to another car I don't want it to appear in the dropdown.
I know that I'll need an if statement but I I'm finding it hard to puzzle out how it should go. I followed this tutorial to create the dropdown and it worked quite well.
Thanks in advance.
You can modify the function that gives you the dropdown values. Your DataObject::get() call
can have a filter for the second argument. Simply select all owners that have a CarID of 0.
So, from the tutorial you provided, you can use this modified code:
new DropdownField(
'Please choose an owner',
Dataobject::get("Owner","CarID='0'")->map("ID", "Title", "Please Select")
2 things to note:
This assumes your DataObjects are called Car and Owner (change as necessary, but keep the ID at the end of the name as it is written above)
This may not work depending how you set up the relationships with the $has_one assignments on your DataObjects. If there is no CarID field on the Owner table, then this code won't help you (you may have it set up vice-versa). In that case, you'll have to create a function that loops through all cars, and then removes the DataObjects from that DataObjectSet that have an OwnerID of 0. Add a comment if this isn't making sense.
Benjamin Smith' answer is perfectly valid for the dropdown you were asking for, just wanted to point to another approach: instead of taking care of the one-to-one relation yourself, there's the 'HasOneComplexTableField' handling this for you.
use the following code for your Car class:
class Car extends Page {
public static $has_one = array(
'Owner' => 'Owner'
function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$tablefield = new HasOneComplexTableField(
'Title' => 'Title'
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Content.Owner', $tablefield);
return $fields;
note the 'setOneToOne()' call, telling the tablefield to only let you select Owners which aren't already selected on another car.
you'll find more information on this in the silverstripe tutorial:
