QList generic join() function with template - qt

I am trying to make a generic join() function for QList (like join() for QStringList) in order to make a toString() function for a QList of any type.
This function takes a QList, a separator and a function to dertermine how to print items.
Consider this code :
#include <QList>
#include <QDebug>
template <class T>
static QString join(const QList<T> &list, const QString &separator, const std::function< QString (const T &item) > toStringFunction)
QString out;
for(int i = 0; i<list.size(); i++)
out+= (i ? separator : "") + toStringFunction(list[i]);
return out;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QList <double> list;
int precision = 1;
QString out = join(list, ",",[precision](const double &item)->QString{
return QString::number(item,'f',precision);
return 1;
Here the errors I have :
src\main.cpp(18): error C2672: 'join': no matching overloaded function found
src\main.cpp(20): error C2784: 'QString join(const QList<T> &,const QString &,const std::function<QString(const T &)>)': could not deduce template argument for 'const std::function<QString(const T &)>' from 'main::<lambda_f1fd4bbd6b8532d33a84751b7c214924>'
src\main.cpp(5): note: see declaration of 'join'
Clearly I dont care about this function, plenty of solutions to do it. But I don't understand what I am doing wrong with templates here.
could not deduce template argument ???
NB :
out = join<double>(list, ",",[precision](const double &item)->QString{
return QString::number(item,'f',precision);
=> Works fine
const std::function<QString(const double &item)> toStringFunction = [precision](const double &item)->QString{
return QString::number(item,'f',precision);
out = join(list, ",",toStringFunction);
=> Works fine

I'm not sure what's going on with the C++ internals, but it does work with this declaration:
template <class T>
static QString join(const QList<T> &list,
const QString &separator,
const std::function< QString (const typename QList<T>::value_type &) > toStringFunction)
I think QList can determine the template type from the list being passed, while the join template itself can't.


X is not a valid template argument for 'const char*' because it is not the address of a variable

I'm trying to use the resources of a temporary class object as a template parameter. But apparently this doesn't work:
#include <iostream>
constexpr size_t size(const char* s)
int i = 0;
while(*s!=0) {
return i;
template <const char* S>
struct string_struct
constexpr string_struct() {
for (int i=0; i < size(S); ++i) {
buf_[i] = S[i];
constexpr const char* get() {
return buf_;
char buf_[size(S)] = {0};
constexpr const char some_chars[] = "100";
constexpr auto compose_string()
string_struct<some_chars> other_str{};
return string_struct<other_str.get()>;
int main()
gcc 12.1 complains:
<source>: In function 'constexpr auto compose_string()':
<source>:32:41: error: 'other_str.string_struct<(& some_chars)>::get()' is not a valid template argument for 'const char*' because it is not the address of a variable
32 | return string_struct<other_str.get()>;
| ^
<source>:29:16: error: invalid return type 'auto' of 'constexpr' function 'constexpr auto compose_string()'
29 | constexpr auto compose_string()
Of course this is a contrived example. What I actually want to do is extend an enhanced version of string_struct recursively. But how can I use its resources for template instantiation? And if that is somehow possible, how do I deduce the return type of a function that returns string_structs (and in the recursive case a string_struct, that is instantiated with another string_struct, that is instantiated with another sstring_struct...)?
Is it even possible?

Converting QMap<QString, QString> to Json string results empty

I have a function defined and used as this:
// usage:
QMap<QString, QString> map = ...;
// defination:
QString stringMapToJson(const QMap<QString, QString>& arg) {
QVariant v = QVariant::fromValue(arg);
JsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromVariant(v);
Then I realized v is empty.
Is there a method to convert QMap<String, QString> to QMap<String, QVariant>, so above v could be valid?
Why above v is empty? I read people were saying QVariant and qMetaData, I don't understand given the following valid, why QString have a qMetaData problem:
QString s = "";
QVariant v = s;
(A Java programmer starts her pleasant C++ journey.)
There are 2 ways to do this. The first is to convert your map to a QMap<QString, QVariant> like you mentioned:
QByteArray stringMapToJson1(const QMap<QString, QString>& arg)
QVariantMap vmap;
for(auto it = arg.cbegin(); it != arg.cend(); ++it)
vmap.insert(it.key(), it.value());
const QVariant v = QVariant::fromValue(vmap);
const QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromVariant(v);
return doc.toJson();
Alternatively, you can build the json object directly from the map. In this case it's the same amount of code:
QByteArray stringMapToJson2(const QMap<QString, QString>& arg)
QJsonObject jObj;
for(auto it = arg.cbegin(); it != arg.cend(); ++it)
jObj.insert(it.key(), it.value());
QJsonDocument doc;
return doc.toJson();
This seems like a stylistic choice and I am unsure which would be faster. Both produce the same output.
One thing to note: The conversion from QString to QVariant is predefined in Qt, so the first method works fine. For objects of your own classes you would have to register that type and provide a suitable conversion which can be a bit tough to get right. In the second method you could do this conversion inline in the loop.

QtConcurrent mapped with index

I wondered if there is an option to also hand over the current processed index with QtConcurrent::mapped(someVector, &someFunction)) (also filter, filtered, map,...)
What I want: I want to do something with the elements in someVector based on the current index in it. but since the function someFunction is only taking the type T which is also used for the QVector<T> vector.
What I did: Because I needed this, I created a QVector<std::pair<int, T>> and manually created the index for the elements.
Since this requires more space and is not a nice solution, I thought maybe there could be another solution.
Docs: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtconcurrent-index.html
If your input is a QVector, you can make use of the fact that QVector stores all the elements contiguously. This means that given a reference to an element e in a QVector v, then the index of e can be obtained by:
std::ptrdiff_t idx = &e - &v.at(0);
Below is a complete example using QtConcurrent::mapped:
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtConcurrent>
// lambda functions are not directly usable in QtConcurrent::mapped, the
// following is a necessary workaround
// see https://stackoverflow.com/a/49821973
template <class T> struct function_traits :
function_traits<decltype(&T::operator())> {};
template <typename ClassType, typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) const> {
// specialization for pointers to member function
using functor_type = ClassType;
using result_type = ReturnType;
using arg_tuple = std::tuple<Args...>;
static constexpr auto arity = sizeof...(Args);
template <class Callable, class... Args>
struct CallableWrapper : Callable, function_traits<Callable> {
CallableWrapper(const Callable &f) : Callable(f) {}
CallableWrapper(Callable &&f) : Callable(std::move(f)) {}
template <class F, std::size_t ... Is, class T>
auto wrap_impl(F &&f, std::index_sequence<Is...>, T) {
return CallableWrapper<F, typename T::result_type,
std::tuple_element_t<Is, typename T::arg_tuple>...>(std::forward<F>(f));
template <class F> auto wrap(F &&f) {
using traits = function_traits<F>;
return wrap_impl(std::forward<F>(f),
std::make_index_sequence<traits::arity>{}, traits{});
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
// a vector of numbers from 0 to 500
QVector<int> seq(500, 0);
std::iota(seq.begin(), seq.end(), 0);
qDebug() << "input: " << seq;
QFuture<int> mapped = QtConcurrent::mapped(seq, wrap([&seq](const int& x) {
// the index of the element in a QVector is the difference between
// the address of the first element in the vector and the address of
// the current element
std::ptrdiff_t idx = std::distance(&seq.at(0), &x);
// we can then use x and idx however we want
return x * idx;
qDebug() << "output: " << mapped.results();
QTimer::singleShot(100, &app, &QCoreApplication::quit);
return app.exec();
See this question for a related discussion. Note that the linked question has a cleaner answer that involves the usage of zip and counting iterators from boost (or possibly their C++20 ranges counterparts), but I don't think that this would play well with QtConcurrent::map when map slices the sequence into blocks, and distributes these blocks to multiple threads.

How to convert QList<QVariant> to QList<T>

For my serialization method i need to store a QList<T> where T is my custom Type, in a QVariantList.
QList<T> l;
QVariant var = QVariant::fromValue(l);
var.canConvert(QVariant::List); // returns true
//So i can easily iterate over the variant with sth like this:
QVariantList list;
QSequentialIterable it = var.value<QSequentialIterable>();
for (const QVariant &v : it)
list << v;
/* deserialization side */
var = list;
var.value<QList<T>>(); //returns an empty list which is not my serialized list;
My problem is that i cannot convert back the variant list into QList<T>
#define PROPERTY(type, name) \
Q_PROPERTY(type name MEMBER name) \
type name;
class Measurement
PROPERTY(int, index)
PROPERTY(QString, name)
PROPERTY(QString, unit)
PROPERTY(double, factor)
PROPERTY(bool, isVisible)
PROPERTY(quint8, decimal)
bool operator ==(const Measurement &other)
return (this->index == other.index);
you can consider this class as my custom type (T). i also save the class name (here "Measurement") along with serialized data for furthur uses, because as you know we can get the registered type with QMetaType::type(char*) but with that type i can only construct a QVariant with QVariant(int typeId, const void *copy) but here i want to construct the QList<Measurement> itself.
You will need to deserialize the QVariant list one item at a time. I am also not sure that this line:
var = list;
is performing what you intended. It will take your QVariantList list and wrap it inside another QVariant called var, which is of type QVariant(QVariantList, (QVariant(MyType, ), QVariant(MyType, ))). There doesn't seem to be much benefit to doing this.
Nonetheless, the example below shows a way to recover the list from var.
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QVariant>
class MyType {
MyType() {}
MyType(QString value) { m_value = value; }
QString m_value;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
QList<MyType> l;
QVariant var = QVariant::fromValue(l);
var.canConvert(QVariant::List); // returns true
//So i can easily iterate over the variant with sth like this:
QVariantList list;
QSequentialIterable it = var.value<QSequentialIterable>();
for (const QVariant &v : it)
list << v;
/* deserialization side */
var = list;
QList<MyType> deserializedList;
foreach(QVariant v, var.value<QVariantList>()) {
deserializedList << v.value<MyType>();
return a.exec();

How to get human-readable event type from QEvent?

I want to debug event handling code and would like to convert QEvent::Type enum's value to a human-readable string. QEvent has a Q_GADGET macro, so presumably there's a way of pulling that off?
Recent versions of Qt do the right thing when outputting events to the debug stream, so the below isn't neccessary. If you get an error similar to warning C4273: 'operator <<' : inconsistent dll linkage, it means that your version of Qt already supports this without need for the code below.
The Q_GADGET macro adds a QMetaObject staticMetaObject member to the class. The static metaobject's definition is generated by moc, and it - in the case of QEvent - contains the enumeration information.
Below is an example of how to leverage that to give a more reasonable QDebug output of events.
#include <QEvent>
#include <QMetaEnum>
#include <QDebug>
/// Gives human-readable event type information.
QDebug operator<<(QDebug str, const QEvent * ev) {
static int eventEnumIndex = QEvent::staticMetaObject
str << "QEvent";
if (ev) {
QString name = QEvent::staticMetaObject
if (!name.isEmpty()) str << name; else str << ev->type();
} else {
str << (void*)ev;
return str.maybeSpace();
Use example:
void MyObject::event(QEvent* ev) {
qDebug() << "handling an event" << ev;
Q_GADGET and Q_ENUM can be combined to get the following template:
template<typename EnumType>
QString ToString(const EnumType& enumValue)
const char* enumName = qt_getEnumName(enumValue);
const QMetaObject* metaObject = qt_getEnumMetaObject(enumValue);
if (metaObject)
const int enumIndex = metaObject->indexOfEnumerator(enumName);
return QString("%1::%2::%3").arg(metaObject->className(), enumName, metaObject->enumerator(enumIndex).valueToKey(enumValue));
return QString("%1::%2").arg(enumName).arg(static_cast<int>(enumValue));
void MyObject::event(QEvent* ev)
qDebug() << ToString(ev->type());
