Maintain unique value for DynamoDB partition key - amazon-dynamodb

I'm new to "DynamoDB" and wanting to know best practice to maintaining unique partition key value when you add records to a table.
With my existing experience related to SQL, primary keys are normally maintained by the system with identity columns or via a trigger. I've searched through various forums and "AWS" documentation, but did not find any specifics. Do you manually determine the existence of partition key value or am I missing something obvious?

In DynamoDB the querying is flexibility is limited when compared to SQL. So the schema as well as partition key / sort key should be designed to make the most common and important queries as fast as possible. You can find some generic best practices here
If you can provide better context on the use case that you are trying to use DynamoDB, you should get more pointed answere


Dynamodb using partition key in a global secondary index

New to DynamoDB, I have the partition group_id, and sort key groupid_storeid_sortk.
I am wanting to setup additional access pattern with the group_id and store_addrss_sortk.
Will this have any impact on performance using the partition key in the secondary index, or would it be better to create a new attribute as the secondary key, even though it would be duplicate data.
It’s fine to use the same partition key attribute again as the PK for the GSI. No problem there.
For the future: You may want to watch some videos on single-table design and start using PK/SK as generic names since you might want to overload what’s inside them for different items. And then you might want GSI1PK/GSI1SK as the GSI keys.
That’s a style thing when you aim for some optimizations single-table design can bring.
An index is simply another table that you don't have to manage yourself. When you create an index, the service (DynamoDB, for example) creates a new table for you and manages the synchronization of the data between the tables.
In DynamoDB you have two types of secondary indexes, Global and Local. If you use the same partition key, you can use both of these options. However, you have to define the secondary local index (SLI) when you create the table and you can't add it later. Only secondary global indexes (SGI) can be added after the creation of the table. You can read more about it in DyanmoDB documentation.
Regarding performance, you need to consider the cost (read/write capacity) on top of the usual time considerations. You need to see if you are writing a lot to the table and not only reading a lot. Based on that you can plan carefully the projection of the data into the new index. Remember that writes are about 10 times more expensive and slower than reads. You can read more about projection best practices here.

How to select a partition key for a Graph database in Azure CosmosDB

I am working with Azure CosmosDB, and more specifically with the Gremlin API, and I am a little bit stuck as to what to select as a partition key.
Indeed, since I'm using graph data, not all vertices follow the same data schema. If I select a property that not all vertices have in common, Azure won't let me store vertices which don't have a value for the partition key. The problem is, the only property they all have in common is /id, but Azure doesn't allow for this property to be used as a partition key.
Does that mean I need to create a property that all my vertices will have in common ? Doesn't that kill a little bit the purpose of graph data ? Or is there something I'm missing out ?
For example, in my case, I want to model an object and its parts. Each object and each part have a property /identificationNumber. Would it be better to use this property as a parition key, or to create a new property /partitionKey dedicated to the purpose of partitioning ? My concern is that, if I select /identificationNumber as the partition key, and if my data model has to evolve in the future, if I have to model new objects without an /identificationNumber, I will have to artificially add this property to these objects the data model, which might lead to some confusion.
Creating a dedicated property to use as a synthetic partition key is a good practice if there isn't an obvious existing property to use. This approach can mitigate cases where you don't have an /identificationNumber in some objects, since you can assign some other value as the partitionKey in those cases. This also allows flexibility around refactoring /identificationNumber in the future, since partitionKey is what needs to be unchanging.
We shouldn't be concerned about an "artificial property" because this is inherent with using a partitioned database. It doesn't need to be exposed to users, but devs need to understand Cosmos is somewhat different than traditional DBs. It's also possible to migrate to a new partition key by copying all data to a new container, in the worst case of regret down the road. It's probably best to start working on the project with a best guess and seeing how things work, and perhaps iterating on different ideas to compare performance etc.

DynamoDB: Querying all similar items of a certain type

Keeping in mind the best practices of having a single table and to evenly distribute items across partitions using as unique partition keys as possible in DynamoDB, I am stuck at one problem.
Say my table stores items such as users, items and devices. I am storing the id for each of these items as the partition key. Each id is prefixed with its type such as user-XXXX, item-XXXX & device-XXXX.
Now the problem is how can I query only a certain type of object? For example I want to retrieve all users, how do I do that? It would have been possible if the begin_with operator was allowed for partition keys so I could search for the prefix but the partition keys only allow the equality operator.
If now I use my types as partition keys, for example, user as partition key and then the user-id as the sort key, it would work but it would result in only a few partition keys and thus resulting in the hot keys issue. And creating multiple tables is a bad practice.
Any suggestions are welcome.
This is a great question. I'm also interested to hear what others are doing to solve this problem.
If you're storing your data with a Partition Key of <type>-<id>, you're supporting the access pattern "retrieve an item by ID". You've correctly noted that you cannot use begins_with on a Partition Key, leaving you without a clear cut way to get a collection of items of that type.
I think you're on the right track with creating a Partition Key of <type> (e.g. Users, Devices, etc) with a meaningful Sort Key. However, since your items aren't evenly distributed across the table, you're faced with the possibility of a hot partition.
One way to solve the problem of a hot partition is to use an external cache, which would prevent your DB from being hit every time. This comes with added complexity that you may not want to introduce to your application, but it's an option.
You also have the option of distributing the data across partitions in DynamoDB, effectively implementing your own cache. For example, lets say you have a web application that has a list of "top 10 devices" directly on the homepage. You could create partitions DEVICES#1,DEVICES#2,DEVICES#3,...,DEVICES#N that each stores the top 10 devices. When your application needs to fetch the top 10 devices, it could randomly select one of these partitions to get the data. This may not work for a partition as large as Users, but is a pretty neat pattern to consider.
Extending this idea further, you could partition Devices by some other meaningful metric (e.g. <manufactured_date> or <created_at>). This would more uniformly distribution your Device items throughout the database. Your application would be responsible for querying all the partitions and merging the results, but you'd reduce/eliminate the hot partition problem. The AWS DynamoDB docs discuss this pattern in greater depth.
There's hardly a one size fits all approach to DynamoDB data modeling, which can make the data modeling super tricky! Your specific access patterns will dictate which solution fits best for your scenario.
Keeping in mind the best practices of having a single table and to evenly distribute items across partitions
Quickly highlighting the two things mentioned here.
Definitely even distribution of partitions keys is a best practice.
Having the records in a single table, in a generic sense is to avoid having to Normalize like in a relational database. In other words its fine to build with duplicate/redundant information. So its not necessarily a notion to club all possible data into a single table.
Now the problem is how can I query only a certain type of object? For
example I want to retrieve all users, how do I do that?
Let's imagine that you had this table with only "user" data in it. Would this allow to retrieve all users? Ofcourse not, unless there is a single partition with type called user and rest of it say behind a sort key of userid.
And creating multiple tables is a bad practice
I don't think so its considered bad to have more than one table. Its bad if we store just like normalized tables and having to use JOIN to get the data together.
Having said that, what would be a better approach to follow.
The fundamental difference is to think about the queries first to derive at the table design. That will even suggest if DynamoDB is the right choice. For example, the requirement to select every user might be a bad use case altogether for DynamoDB to solve.
The query patterns will further suggest, what is the best partition key in hand. The choice of DynamoDB here is it because of high ingest and mostly immutable writes?
Do I always have the partition key in hand to perform the select that I need to perform?
What would the update statements look like, will it have again the partition key to perform updates?
Do I need to further filter by additional columns and can that be the default sort order?
As you start answering some of these questions, a better model might appear altogether.

How to create a good primary key in DynamoDB

I have an application on AWS using DynamoDB with user sending messages to each other. I am not familiar with AWS and I a lacking best practice knowledge
My application has now started to get slow to retrieve messages for a user because I have more and more data in my database.
I am thinking that it is because of my primary key and I wonder what could be a good primary key in this case.
Currently I am using a random guid as a primary key.
I am looking to retrieve all messages corresponding to a user, I am doing a scan operation.
I would like to use a composite value based on username as a primary key but I wonder if it will be better. For instance if I need to retrieve the number of messages for a user and to increment it will probably be even longer to do the request to create the primary key.
What would be a good primary key here ?
It will be better since it appears you often query based on the userid. Scans are expensive and should be avoided where possible. AWS has a great article on best practices for choosing a partition key (primary key). The key takeaway is the following:
You should evaluate various approaches based on your data ingestion and access pattern, then choose the most appropriate key with the least probability of hitting throttling issues.
Using a guid for the partition/primary key is a waste if you never query the data using it. Since using the query operation (rather than using scan) requires querying using the partition/primary (and sort key), you want to ensure you choose a value that you use to retrieve the data often and also has the sufficient cardinality to ensure your data is distributed across a reasonable amount of partitions.
What other access patterns do you have in your application? From what you've mentioned so far, userid seems to be a reasonable choice.

Scan Vs BatchGetItems in Dynamo-db

If I know the primary key of the items, Which approach is best approach
Scan with FilterExpression with IN Operator
BatchGetItem with all keys in request parameter
Please recommend the solution in terms of both latency and partitions impact.
Probably neither. Of course it all depends on the key schema and the data in the table, but you probably want to create an Global Secondary Index for your most frequently used queries.
Having said that; performing scans is highly discouraged, especially when working with large volumes of data. So if you know the primary key of the items you're interested in, go for BatchGetItems over doing a scan.
