R statistics programming : using magrittr piping to pass 2 parameters to function - r

I am using magrittr, and was able to pass one variable to an R function via pipes from magrittr, and also pick which parameter to place where in the situation of multivariable function : F(x,y,z,...)
But i want to pass 2 parameters at the same time.
For example, i will using Select function from dplyr and pass in tableName and ColumnName:
I thought i could do it like this:
tableName %>% ColumnName %>% select(.,.)
But this did not work.
Hope someone can help me on this.
Some below are saying that this is a duplicate of a link provided by others.
But based on the algebra structure of the magrittr definition of Pipe for multivariable functions, it should be "doable" just based on the algebra definition of the pipe function.
The link provided by others, goes beyond the base definition and employs other external functions and or libraries to try to achieve passing multiple parameter to the function.
I am looking for a solution, IF POSSIBLE, just using the magrittr library and other base operations.
So this is the restriction that is placed on this problem.
In most of my university courses in math and computer science we were restricted to use only those things taught in the course. So when I said I am using dplyr and magrittr, that should imply that those are the only things one is permitted to use, so its under this constraint.
Hope this clarifies the scope of possible solutions here.
And if it's not possible to do this via just these libraries I want someone to tell me that it cannot be done.

I think you need a little more detail about exactly what you want, but as I understand the problem, I think one solution might be:
list(x = tableName, y = "ColumnName") %>% {select(eval(.$x),.$y) }
This is just a modification of the code linked in the chat. The issue with other implementations is that the first and second inputs to select() must be of specific (and different) types. So just plugging in two strings or two objects won't work.
In the same spirit, you can also use either:
list(x = "tableName", y = "ColumnName") %>% { select(get(.$x),.$y) }
list(tableName, "ColumnName") %>% do.call("select", .).
Note, however, that all of these functions (i.e., get(), eval(), and do.call()) have an environment specification in them and could result in errors if improperly specified. They work just fine in these examples because everything is happening in the global environment, but that might change if they were, e.g., called in a function.


To find valid argument for a function in R's help document (meaning of ...)

This question may seem basic but this has bothered me quite a while. The help document for many functions has ... as one of its argument, but somehow I can never get my head around this ... thing.
For example, suppose I have created a model say model_xgboost and want to make a prediction based on a dataset say data_tbl using the predict() function, and I want to know the syntax. So I look at its help document which says:
predict (object, ...)
object a model object for which prediction is desired.
... additional arguments affecting the predictions produced.
To me the syntax and its examples didn't really enlighten me as I still have no idea what the valid syntax/arguments are for the function. In an online course it uses something like below, which works:
data_tbl %>%
predict(model_xgboost, new_data = .)
However, looking across the help doc I cannot find the new_data argument. Instead it mentioned newdata argument in its Details section, which actually didn't work if I displace the new_data = . with newdata = .:
Error in `check_pred_type_dots()`:
! Did you mean to use `new_data` instead of `newdata`?
My questions are:
How do I know exactly what argument(s) / syntax can be used for a function like this?
Why new_data but not newdata in this example?
I might be missing something here, but is there any reference/resource about how to use/interpret a help document, in plain English? (a lot of document, including R help file seem just give a brief sentence like "additional arguments affecting the predictions produced" etc)
#CarlWitthoft's answer is good, I want to add a little bit of nuance about this particular function. The reason the help page for ?predict is so vague is an unfortunate consequence of the fact that predict() is a generic method in R: that is, it's a function that can be applied to a variety of different object types, using slightly different (but appropriate) methods in each case. As such, the ?predict help page only lists object (which is required as the first argument in all methods) and ..., because different predict methods could take very different arguments/options.
If you call methods("predict") in a clean R session (before loading any additional packages) you'll see a list of 16 methods that base R knows about. After loading library("tidymodels"), the list expands to 69 methods. I don't know what class your object is (class("model_xgboost")), but assuming that it's of class model_fit, we look at ?predict.model_fit to see
predict(object, new_data, type = NULL, opts = list(), ...)
This tells us that we need to call the new data new_data (and, reading a bit farther down, that it needs to be "A rectangular data object, such as a data frame")
The help page for predict says
Most prediction methods which are similar to those for linear
models have an argument ‘newdata’ specifying the first place to
look for explanatory variables to be used for prediction
(emphasis added). I don't know why the parsnip authors (the predict.model_fit method comes from the parsnip package) decided to use new_data rather than newdata, presumably in line with the tidyverse style guide, which says
Use underscores (_) (so called snake case) to separate words within a name.
In my opinion this might have been a mistake, but you can see that the parsnip/tidymodels authors have realized that people are likely to make this mistake and added an informative warning, as shown in your example and noted e.g. here
Among other things, the existence of ... in a function definition means you can enter any arguments (values, functions, etc) you want to. There are some cases where the main function does not even use the ... but passes them to functions called inside the main function. Simple example:
foo <- function(x,...){
y <- x^2
I know of functions which accept a function as an input argument, at which point the items to include via ... are specific to the selected input function name.

Is attributes() a function in R?

Help files call attributes() a function. Its syntax looks like a function call. Even class(attributes) calls it a function.
But I see I can assign something to attributes(myobject), which seems unusual. For example, I cannot assign anything to log(myobject).
So what is the proper name for "functions" like attributes()? Are there any other examples of it? How do you tell them apart from regular functions? (Other than trying supposedfunction(x)<-0, that is.)
Finally, I guess attributes() implementation overrides the assignment operator, in order to become a destination for assignments. Am I right? Is there any usable guide on how to do it?
Very good observation Indeed. It's an example of replacement function, if you see closely and type apropos('attributes') in your R console, It will return
along with other outputs.
So, basically the place where you are able to assign on the left sign of assignment operator, you are not calling attributes, you are actually calling attributes<- , There are many functions in R like that for example: names(), colnames(), length() etc. In your example log doesn't have any replacement counterpart hence it doesn't work the way you anticipated.
Definiton(from advanced R book link given below):
Replacement functions act like they modify their arguments in place,
and have the special name xxx<-. They typically have two arguments (x
and value), although they can have more, and they must return the
modified object
If you want to see the list of these functions you can do :
apropos('<-$') and you can check out similar functions, which has similar kind of properties.
You can read about it here and here
I am hopeful that this solves your problem.

How to have functions chaining in R like in c# with linq we have method chaining?

I am a new-bee to R one thing I noticed in R that we need to keep on saving the result to the variable each time before further processing is required. Is there some way where I can store the result to some buffer and later on use this buffer result in further processing.
For people who are familiar with c# using LINQ we have a feature called Method Chaining, here we keep on passing the intermediate result to various functions on the fly without the need of storing them into separate variables and in the end, we get the required output.This saves lots of extra syntax, so is there something like this in R?
Function composition is to functional programming as method chaining is to object-oriented programming.
x <- foo(bar(baz(y)))
is basically the same as
x = baz(y).bar().foo()
in the languages you might be familiar with.
If you're uncomfortable with nested parens and writing things backwards, the magrittr package provides the %>% operator to unpack expressions:
x = y %>% baz() %>% bar() %>% foo()
R also provides a couple of frameworks for conventional OO programming: reference classes and R6. With those, you can write something like
x = y$baz()$bar()$foo()
but I'd suggest learning how to deal with "normal" R expressions first.
In R we have something called Pipes(%>%) through which one can send the output of one function to another, i.e output from one function becomes input for subsequent function in the chain.
Try something like in this in R console Consider a tibble MyData containing Username and pwd as two columns u can use pipes as:
MyData %>%
This will print all the usernames and pwd sorted by username that contains non NA's value
Hope that helps

Use the multiple variables in function in r

I have this function
ANN<-function (x,y){
I need the function run like
and get result of the function. So the problem is to say the function USE the object which was created during the run of function. I need to run trough lapply more combinations of x,y, so I need it this way. Any advices how to achieve it? Thanks
I've edited my answer, this still works for me. Does it work for you? Can you be specific about what sort of errors you are getting?
New response:
ANN<-function (y){
dat <- data.frame(X1,X2)
ANN<-neuralnet(DV ~y,hidden=10,algorithm='rprop+',data=dat)
If you want so specify the two parts of the formula separately, you should still pass them as formulas.
ANN<-function (x,y){
ANN(DV~., ~X1+X2)
And assuming you're using neuralnet() from the neuralnet library, it seems the data= is required so you'll need to pass in a data.frame with those columns.
Formulas as special because they are not evaluated unless explicitly requested to do so. This is different than just using a symbol, where as soon as you use it is evaluated to something in the proper frame. This means there's a big difference between DV (a "name") and DV~. (a formula). The latter is safer for passing around to functions and evaluating in a different context. Things get much trickier with symbols/names.

lapply-ing with the "$" function

I was going through some examples in hadley's guide to functionals, and came across an unexpected problem.
Suppose I have a list of model objects,
x=1:3;y=3:1; bah <- list(lm(x~y),lm(y~x))
and want to extract something from each (as suggested in hadley's question about a list called "trials"). I was expecting one of these to work:
lapply(bah,`$`,i='call') # or...
However, these return nulls. It seems like I'm not misusing the $ function, as these things work:
Anyway, I'm just doing this as an exercise and am curious where my mistake is. I know I could use an anonymous function, but think there must be a way to use syntax similar to my initial non-solution. I've looked through the places $ is mentioned in ?Extract, but didn't see any obvious explanation.
I just realized that this works:
and this
Maybe this just comes down to some lapply voodoo that demands anonymous functions where none should be needed? I feel like I've heard that somewhere on SO before.
This is documented in ?lapply, in the "Note" section (emphasis mine):
For historical reasons, the calls created by lapply are unevaluated,
and code has been written (e.g. bquote) that relies on this. This
means that the recorded call is always of the form FUN(X[[0L]],
...), with 0L replaced by the current integer index. This is not
normally a problem, but it can be if FUN uses sys.call or
match.call or if it is a primitive function that makes use of the
call. This means that it is often safer to call primitive functions
with a wrapper, so that e.g. lapply(ll, function(x) is.numeric(x))
is required in R 2.7.1 to ensure that method dispatch for is.numeric
occurs correctly.
