How to have functions chaining in R like in c# with linq we have method chaining? - r

I am a new-bee to R one thing I noticed in R that we need to keep on saving the result to the variable each time before further processing is required. Is there some way where I can store the result to some buffer and later on use this buffer result in further processing.
For people who are familiar with c# using LINQ we have a feature called Method Chaining, here we keep on passing the intermediate result to various functions on the fly without the need of storing them into separate variables and in the end, we get the required output.This saves lots of extra syntax, so is there something like this in R?

Function composition is to functional programming as method chaining is to object-oriented programming.
x <- foo(bar(baz(y)))
is basically the same as
x = baz(y).bar().foo()
in the languages you might be familiar with.
If you're uncomfortable with nested parens and writing things backwards, the magrittr package provides the %>% operator to unpack expressions:
x = y %>% baz() %>% bar() %>% foo()
R also provides a couple of frameworks for conventional OO programming: reference classes and R6. With those, you can write something like
x = y$baz()$bar()$foo()
but I'd suggest learning how to deal with "normal" R expressions first.

In R we have something called Pipes(%>%) through which one can send the output of one function to another, i.e output from one function becomes input for subsequent function in the chain.
Try something like in this in R console Consider a tibble MyData containing Username and pwd as two columns u can use pipes as:
MyData %>%
This will print all the usernames and pwd sorted by username that contains non NA's value
Hope that helps


Using "count" function in a loop in R

I'm quite new to R and I've been learning with the available resources on the internet.
I came across this issue where I have a vector (a) with vars "1", "2", and "3". I want to use the count function to generate a new df with the categories for each of those variables and its frequencies.
The function I want to use in a loop is this
b <- count(mydata, var1)
However, when I use this loop below;
for (i in (a)) {
'j' <- count(mydata[, i])
print (j)
The loop happens but the frequencies which gets saved on j is only of the categorical variable "var 3".
Can someone assist me on this code please?
In R there are generally better ways than to use loops to process data. In your particular case, the “straightforward” way fails, because the idea of the “tidyverse” is to have the data in tidy format (I highly recommend you read this article; it’s somewhat long but its explanation is really fundamental for any kind of data processing, even beyond the tidyverse). But (from the perspective of your code) your data is spread across multiple columns (wide format) rather than being in a single column (long form).
The other issue is that count (like many other tidyverse functions) expect an unevaluated column name. It does not accept the column name via a variable. akrun’s answer shows how you can work around this (using tidy evaluation and the bang-bang operator) but that’s a workaround that’s not necessary here.
The usual solution, instead of using a loop, would first require you to bring your data into long form, using pivot_longer.
After that, you can perform a single count on your data:
result <- mydata %>%
pivot_longer(all_of(a), names_to = 'Var', values_to = 'Value') %>%
count(Var, Value)
Some comments regarding your current approach:
Be wary of cryptic variable names: what are i, j and a? Use concise but descriptive variable names. There are some conventions where i and j are used but, if so, they almost exclusively refer to index variables in a loop over vector indices. Using them differently is therefore quite misleading.
There’s generally no need to put parentheses around a variable name in R (except when that name is the sole argument to a function call). That is, instead of for (i in (a)) it’s conventional to write for (i in a).
Don’t put quotes around your variable names! R happens to accept the code 'j' <- … but since quotes normally signify string literals, its use here is incredibly misleading, and additionally doesn’t serve a purpose.

R - Access an object own's name in apply functions

This is a problem I often encounters: I try to access an object's own name when using a function from apply family and spend hours figuring out how to do it... For instance (this is not the core of my question), today I was willing to inspect an attached package trying to figure out if it contained some non function objects. After a lot of tries and fails, I finally came up with (for the rrapply package - I know looking at the documentation is also easy but this one illustrates well the problem):
eapply(rlang::pkg_env('rrapply'), function(x) {if(!is.function(x)) x}) %>%
`[`(sapply(., function(x) !is.null(x))) %>%
## [1] "renewable_energy_by_country" "pokedex"
I feel that is really too complicated for a simple test !
So my question: is there an easy way to loop through an object in base R (or maybe tidyverse) and return only the names of those elements that correspond to a certain condition ? rrapply seems to be able to achieve that but:
it is fairly complicated
and it seems to work on lists only and to loop through all sub-elements as well which is not desired
Thanks !
Identify the environment of interest, e, and then use eapply with the indicated function taking the names of the extracted elements at the end. This isn't conceptually different from the code in the question but does seem somewhat less complex when done in base R in the following way:
e <- as.environment("package:rrapply")
names(Filter(`!`, eapply(e, is.function)))
or the same code written as a pipeline:
"package:rrapply" %>%
as.environment %>%
eapply(is.function) %>%
Filter(`!`, .) %>%

Creating a data frame by applying a function to each element of a vector and combining the results

I am working on a project where we frequently work with a list of usernames. We also have a function to take a username and return a dataframe with that user's data. E.g.
users = c("bob", "john", "michael")
get_data_for_user = function(user)
data.frame(user=user, data=sample(10))
We often:
Iterate over each element of users
Call get_data_for_user to get their data
rbind the results into a single dataerame
I am currently doing this in a purely imperative way:
ret = get_data_for_user(users[1])
for (i in 2:length(users))
ret = rbind(ret, get_data_for_user(users[i]))
This works, but my impression is that all the cool kids are now using libraries like purrr to do this in a single line. I am fairly new to purrr, and the closest I can see is using map_df to convert the vector of usernames to a vector of dataframes. I.e.
dfs = map_df(users, get_data_for_user)
That is, it seems like I would still be on the hook for writing a loop to do the rbind.
I'd like to clarify whether my solution (which works) is currently considered best practice in R / amongst users of the tidyverse.
That looks right to me - map_df handles the rbind internally (you'll need {dplyr} in addition to {purrr}).
FWIW, purrr::map_dfr() will do the same thing, but the function name is a bit more explicit, noting that it will be binding rows; purrr::map_dfc() binds columns.
I would suggest a slight adjustment:
dfs = map_dfr(users, get_data_for_user)
map_dfr() explicitely states that you want to do a row bind. And I would be inclined to call this best practice when working with purrr.
For the sake of completeness, here are some additional approaches:
using built-in functions
Reduce(rbind, lapply(users, get_data_for_user))
using data.table approach
rbindlist(lapply(users, get_data_for_user))

R statistics programming : using magrittr piping to pass 2 parameters to function

I am using magrittr, and was able to pass one variable to an R function via pipes from magrittr, and also pick which parameter to place where in the situation of multivariable function : F(x,y,z,...)
But i want to pass 2 parameters at the same time.
For example, i will using Select function from dplyr and pass in tableName and ColumnName:
I thought i could do it like this:
tableName %>% ColumnName %>% select(.,.)
But this did not work.
Hope someone can help me on this.
Some below are saying that this is a duplicate of a link provided by others.
But based on the algebra structure of the magrittr definition of Pipe for multivariable functions, it should be "doable" just based on the algebra definition of the pipe function.
The link provided by others, goes beyond the base definition and employs other external functions and or libraries to try to achieve passing multiple parameter to the function.
I am looking for a solution, IF POSSIBLE, just using the magrittr library and other base operations.
So this is the restriction that is placed on this problem.
In most of my university courses in math and computer science we were restricted to use only those things taught in the course. So when I said I am using dplyr and magrittr, that should imply that those are the only things one is permitted to use, so its under this constraint.
Hope this clarifies the scope of possible solutions here.
And if it's not possible to do this via just these libraries I want someone to tell me that it cannot be done.
I think you need a little more detail about exactly what you want, but as I understand the problem, I think one solution might be:
list(x = tableName, y = "ColumnName") %>% {select(eval(.$x),.$y) }
This is just a modification of the code linked in the chat. The issue with other implementations is that the first and second inputs to select() must be of specific (and different) types. So just plugging in two strings or two objects won't work.
In the same spirit, you can also use either:
list(x = "tableName", y = "ColumnName") %>% { select(get(.$x),.$y) }
list(tableName, "ColumnName") %>%"select", .).
Note, however, that all of these functions (i.e., get(), eval(), and have an environment specification in them and could result in errors if improperly specified. They work just fine in these examples because everything is happening in the global environment, but that might change if they were, e.g., called in a function.

Do you use attach() or call variables by name or slicing?

Many intro R books and guides start off with the practice of attaching a data.frame so that you can call the variables by name. I have always found it favorable to call variables with $ notation or square bracket slicing [,2]. That way I can use multiple data.frames without confusing them and/or use iteration to successively call columns of interest. I noticed Google recently posted coding guidelines for R which included the line
1) attach: avoid using it
How do people feel about this practice?
I never use attach. with and within are your friends.
Example code:
> N <- 3
> df <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(N),x2=runif(N))
> df$y <- with(df,{
> df
x1 x2 y
1 -0.8943125 0.24298534 -0.6513271
2 -0.9384312 0.01460008 -0.9238312
3 -0.7159518 0.34618060 -0.3697712
> df <- within(df,{
x1.sq <- x1^2
x2.sq <- x2^2
y <- x1.sq+x2.sq
x1 <- x2 <- NULL
> df
y x2.sq x1.sq
1 0.8588367 0.0590418774 0.7997948
2 0.8808663 0.0002131623 0.8806532
3 0.6324280 0.1198410071 0.5125870
Edit: hadley mentions transform in the comments. here is some code:
> transform(df, xtot=x1.sq+x2.sq, y=NULL)
x2.sq x1.sq xtot
1 0.41557079 0.021393571 0.43696436
2 0.57716487 0.266325959 0.84349083
3 0.04935442 0.004226069 0.05358049
I much prefer to use with to obtain the equivalent of attach on a single command:
with(someDataFrame, someFunction(...))
This also leads naturally to a form where subset is the first argument:
with(subset(someDataFrame, someVar > someValue),
which makes it pretty clear that we operate on a selection of the data. And while many modelling function have both data and subset arguments, the use above is more consistent as it also applies to those functions who do not have data and subset arguments.
The main problem with attach is that it can result in unwanted behaviour. Suppose you have an object with name xyz in your workspace. Now you attach dataframe abc which has a column named xyz. If your code reference to xyz, can you guarantee that is references to the object or the dataframe column? If you don't use attach then it is easy. just xyz refers to the object. abc$xyz refers to the column of the dataframe.
One of the main reasons that attach is used frequently in textbooks is that it shortens the code.
"Attach" is an evil temptation. The only place where it works well is in the classroom setting where one is given a single dataframe and expected to write lines of code to do the analysis on that one dataframe. The user is unlikely to ever use that data again once the assignement is done and handed in.
However, in the real world, more data frames can be added to the collection of data in a particular project. Furthermore one often copies and pastes blocks of code to be used for something similar. Often one is borrowing from something one did a few months ago and cannot remember the nuances of what was being called from where. In these circumstances one gets drowned by the previous use of "attach."
Just like Leoni said, with and within are perfect substitutes for attach, but I wouldn't completely dismiss it. I use it sometimes, when I'm working directly at the R prompt and want to test some commands before writing them on a script. Especially when testing multiple commands, attach can be a more interesting, convenient and even harmless alternative to with and within, since after you run attach, the command prompt is clear for you to write inputs and see outputs.
Just make sure to detach your data after you're done!
I prefer not to use attach(), as it is far too easy to run a batch of code several times each time calling attach(). The data frame is added to the search path each time, extending it unnecessarily. Of course, good programming practice is to also detach() at the end of the block of code, but that is often forgotten.
Instead, I use xxx$y or xxx[,"y"]. It's more transparent.
Another possibility is to use the data argument available in many functions which allows individual variables to be referenced within the data frame. e.g., lm(z ~ y, data=xxx).
While I, too, prefer not to use attach(), it does have its place when you need to persist an object (in this case, a data.frame) through the life of your program when you have several functions using it. Instead of passing the object into every R function that uses it, I think it is more convenient to keep it in one place and call its elements as needed.
That said, I would only use it if I know how much memory I have available and only if I make sure that I detach() this data.frame once it is out of scope.
Am I making sense?
