Azure service bus with biztalk server 2016 - biztalk

I'm looking for any feedback on using Azure service bus with Biztalk server 2016 for queuing some web requests in a high traffic group


Azure Service Bus "calls" are not visible on Azure Application Insights for Java applications

I am using Java 17 with the Azure SDK "applicationinsights-agent-3.3.1.jar" to connect all the microservices to "Azure Application Insights".
I am using
The configuration seems correct since I am able to spot each microservice in the application insights view and can see the interconnections between them in the "Application Map".
The Azure Service Bus Queue is also working as expected. (I can see the app logs and the queue monitoring on the Azure Service Bus view)
What is missing, are the arrows pointing to My "Service Bus Queue" and the queue part on the End-to-end transaction (Operation ID chaining) view.
I am expecting something like that:
We can see that "Telemetry emitted by these Azure SDKs is automatically collected by default ... Azure Service Bus 7.1.0+"
But here:
"Kafka, RabbitMQ, and Azure Service Bus isn't supported in the SDK."
Thank you!

How can i host signalr on a dedicated server

I am working on a blazor application.
I have tried azure signalr services (ASRS).
All signalr requests are handled by a dedicated azure resource. So it suppose this reduce load on web server.
What i want to do is to deploy a dedicated signalr server like ASRS but on my own bare-metal server.
I have read some documentation about self-hosted azure but this is not the same thing than ASRS because ASRS does not host Hubs. Hubs stays on web server.
How can i do this ?

publish biztalk service in seperate biztalk server Error

I am New to biztalk
I have created two way port and publish my biztalk project as a biztalk service in my local machine.
Then I have Created Small Client App and access the Biztalk app through published biztalk service. Successfully send the schema and received the response. But For same Application I have created an another web service in seperate server, which has biztalk.
I want the biztalk application in my local machine as it is , and access that biztalk application from seperate server biztalk service.
When I consumed the seperate server web service and try to call the web method, it says:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Internal SOAP Processing Failure
My Soap Transport Properties page web asmx:
My Soap Transport Properties page Public Address:
{RemoteMechineName}/SampleBiztalkApp_ProxyGID /SampleBiztalkApp_SampleOrchestration_PortRR.asmx
Is there any other configuration to do so?
If you have any idea about publishing biztalk service in seperate machine.
BizTalk Server has to be installed and configured on the other machine as well. This is because the Receive Location is running in an Isolated Host within IIS but it's still BizTalk.

BizTalk 2009 MQ Series Adepater with WebSphere MQ 7.0

We are in the process of upgrading IBM Websphere MQ Series from V6.x to V7.x.
Currently our BizTalk application servers are integrated to IBM Websphere MQSeries server to read messages from remote queue through BizTalk 2009 MQSeries adapter.
We would like to know whether our current BizTalk 2009 MQSeries adapter needs any updates to connect to new 7.x version of IBM Websphere MQ Series server.
Below are our BizTalk and IBM MQ series Server configurations
BizTalk 2009 (Windows 2003 64 bit) with MQ Series Adapter.
IBM Websphere MQSeries Server (V6.0.2.7 with Windows 2003 32 bit)
In the Infocenter for each of the releases, there is a section on version-to-version changes. There are several related to Windows. Please see the Infocenter for the appropriate version:
V6.0 to V7.5 Changes
V6.0 to V7.1 Changes
There is a V7.0 Infocenter but at this point, everyone should be migrating to V7.5 preferably, or V7.1 at the earliest, due to the security enhancements and other features.

Issue while deploying wcf service in load balancer environment

I configured a load balancer service for port 80 on two windows server 2003 machines. I deploy the same wcf service on IIS and shared the virtual IP to client to consume the service.
If both the servers are up and running then clients able to consume the service but of any server goes down it throws the below exception :-
There was no endpoint listening at server port that could accept the
message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action.
See InnerException, if present, for more details.
Any idea ?
