Pure CSS interactive human body - css
I am trying to create a human body, that shows on click a belonging section. Currently this is done via Javascript and for testing its just the name of the belonging body part.
I wondering if there is a way to do this interactive human body with css only? Any idea to achive that?
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top: -6px;
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margin-left: -53.5px;
top: 69px;
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margin-left: -78px;
top: 112px;
.human-body svg.cheast {
margin-left: -43.5px;
top: 88px;
.human-body svg.stomach {
margin-left: -37.5px;
top: 130px;
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top: 205px;
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Area: <span id="data"></span>
maybe you can create something like this with :active state? just my first idea
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<p id="head">Head</p>
<p id="shoulder">Shoulder</p>
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d="m 18.251375,70.441125 0.29058,0.91486 0.6224,3.8681 0.0829,5.15733 -0.87136,5.03304 0.0412,-6.44714 -0.91242,-2.57848 -0.12561,-2.82837 z m 1.9915,2.32915 -0.20753,7.73637 -1.65949,6.23904 1.80478,-0.853 3.00816,-10.83583 -1.03727,-6.82095 z" />
d="m 21.404635,64.784375 0.1243,1.12295 -0.87118,1.08171 -0.29058,1.70599 -0.58116,0.24933 -0.49774,-2.57866 -0.33182,-0.91486 0.29058,-0.58247 z m -3.85853,0.0832 0.6224,1.74685 1.3273,2.57867 -0.33182,2.37095 -0.95423,-2.66209 -0.78738,-1.49734 z m 4.97811,-2.37039 -0.95423,5.11609 0.62241,-0.33295 0.49773,1.66381 z" />
d="m 8.2694651,50.399125 0.15504,4.75053 2.4026299,6.60968 -0.73638,1.90021 -2.3640099,-8.34435 z m 0.58117,-11.60768 0.15503,4.00684 -1.31754,7.93154 -0.61978,-6.40308 z m 0.38769,5.1223 2.7515099,6.07239 0.61997,4.87425 -1.16232,6.85771 -2.5190499,-6.98163 -0.15504,-7.18801 z" />
d="m 14.404465,45.040075 0.0221,-0.0277 -0.14866,-0.37945 -3.10172,-3.40449 -0.23283,-0.0825 2.05918,5.32009 z m -1.17263,2.01833 1.27705,3.29948 0.42631,-4.04862 -0.25196,-0.64303 z m 4.05219,-2.01795 -0.0221,-0.0281 0.14867,-0.37926 3.10171,-3.40449 0.23246,-0.0825 -2.05843,5.3199 z m 1.17263,2.01795 -1.27706,3.29948 -0.42631,-4.04843 0.25197,-0.64303 z" />
d="m 9.6258251,39.369415 v 4.21363 l 2.9451699,5.8253 1.86028,5.78349 -0.19366,-4.0072 z m 3.2488699,13.42559 0.0647,0.15485 1.21294,2.90207 -0.78307,7.18803 -1.23618,-0.66102 1.0714,-6.69273 z" />
d="m 14.433335,87.868265 -0.12448,3.45228 -0.29058,1.20637 h -0.87118 l -0.24877,-0.83181 -0.29059,-0.0416 0.0623,0.83181 -1.09934,-0.33333 -0.29058,-0.16629 -1.2448,-0.27033 -0.0412,-0.97747 1.2031899,-2.03781 0.82975,-1.04009 2.03294,-0.83181 z"
id="right-feet" />
d="m 13.437675,70.440945 -0.29058,0.91486 -0.62241,3.86828 -0.0829,5.15733 0.87174,5.03304 -0.0418,-6.44714 0.91298,-2.57848 0.1243,-2.82837 z m -1.99151,2.32914 0.20735,7.73637 1.65968,6.23904 -1.80497,-0.85299 -3.0079799,-10.83584 1.03728,-6.82095 z" />
d="m 10.284405,64.784375 -0.12448,1.12295 0.87118,1.08171 0.29058,1.70599 0.58116,0.24933 0.49774,-2.57866 0.33182,-0.91486 -0.29058,-0.58247 z m 3.85854,0.0832 -0.62241,1.74685 -1.32767,2.57867 0.33182,2.37095 0.95423,-2.66209 0.78832,-1.4964 z m -4.9786799,-2.37058 0.9542299,5.11609 -0.6223999,-0.33313 -0.49793,1.6638 z" />
d="m 3.2054751,27.370125 0.005,3.09419 -0.57959,1.91184 -0.54539,-2.41185 z"
id="elbow-right" />
d="m 4.3904451,43.563145 -1.5198,0.0506 -0.76631,-0.67112 -1.21261996,2.15767 -0.86245,3.32873 0.49386,0.22113 0.59814996,-2.20238 0.50016,0.25356 -0.35639,2.49422 0.62382,0.24345 0.41402,-2.49194 0.55839,0.17851 -0.2262,2.76603 0.76938,0.32268 0.25788,-2.86764 0.4578,-0.0181 0.16611,2.65239 0.65997,0.2633 0.0712,-4.56643 0.34158,-0.19428 1.35316,1.68367 0.32832,-0.34354 -0.72644,-2.0551 z"
id="hand-right" />
d="m 28.325215,27.370125 -0.005,3.09419 0.57959,1.91184 0.54538,-2.41185 z"
id="elbow-left" />
d="m 27.140245,43.563145 1.5198,0.0506 0.76631,-0.67111 1.21262,2.15766 0.86245,3.32873 -0.49386,0.22113 -0.59815,-2.20238 -0.50016,0.25356 0.35639,2.49422 -0.62382,0.24345 -0.41402,-2.49194 -0.55839,0.17851 0.2262,2.76603 -0.76938,0.32268 -0.25788,-2.86764 -0.4578,-0.0181 -0.16611,2.6524 -0.65997,0.26329 -0.0712,-4.56643 -0.34158,-0.19428 -1.35316,1.68368 -0.32832,-0.34355 0.72644,-2.0551 z"
id="hands-left" />
d="m 43.185645,27.069445 0.4297,-1.4164 1.30458,-1.68577 -1.39393,-2.96155 -2.28367,0.92162 -1.83567,1.7467 -0.53524,1.78673 0.27068,4.30806 z m -2.46869,15.35539 -1.5182,0.0863 -0.78184,-0.65295 -1.16168,2.1855 -0.78414,3.34805 0.49892,0.20949 0.54632,-2.2158 0.50597,0.24175 -0.29779,2.5019 0.62936,0.22875 0.35546,-2.50096 0.56242,0.16536 -0.16126,2.77057 0.77674,0.30455 0.19056,-2.87291 0.45724,-0.0289 0.22827,2.64778 0.66597,0.24774 -0.0359,-4.56685 0.33693,-0.20224 1.39227,1.65147 0.32017,-0.35115 -0.77444,-2.03749 z m -0.97726,-0.17765 -1.43509,-0.746 -0.30622,-7.00985 c 0,0 0.64359,-2.77938 0.63694,-3.06274 l 0.6093,-1.21924 3.62552,-2.56583 -0.68276,1.9919 0.41561,4.74788 -1.80402,7.69727 z" />
d="m 51.176145,64.073985 -1.20605,3.01461 0.70738,0.26558 0.89754,3.51771 -0.55801,-4.01191 z m -5.08496,-3.15003 0.63355,1.8609 0.16813,2.03261 0.61314,1.93117 -0.90585,-0.0851 -0.28534,2.15982 z m 4.3014,6.58834 1.27664,4.99697 -0.28984,3.02284 -0.67869,10.06546 -1.66325,0.63506 -3.50399,-11.96959 1.24985,-7.17525 z m 0.54053,20.8287 0.85194,1.3581 0.37189,0.79238 -0.15588,1.21774 -0.76984,0.74446 -1.51185,0.12543 -1.1299,-0.29192 -0.24225,-0.95894 0.80765,-1.30405 -0.22562,-0.85987 0.29679,-0.84153 -0.0194,-1.81524 1.53568,-0.54817 z m -1.19598,0.4675 0.15943,1.25776 -0.6023,0.97431 m -0.54436,0.29544 1.06474,0.40084 1.55326,-0.65137 m -4.19331,-39.53466 4.55099,-2.03879 0.63802,0.23079 0.0353,1.80672 0.075,4.64669 -1.97837,6.04282 0.47612,1.41403 -1.42812,3.29446 -1.76611,-0.30111 -0.50079,-2.11605 -0.1695,-1.75674 -2.42102,-8.15763 -0.34279,-3.64687 z" />
d="m 44.742845,39.689035 5.48374,1.86457 2.27386,1.3378 2.74195,-1.74412 4.51804,-1.28077 0.90009,2.29721 0.675,3.4346 -0.81272,5.02838 -2.82636,0.16819 -4.11256,-1.67581 -1.00814,0.39118 -0.95849,-0.39888 -4.44053,1.94411 -2.77023,-0.51478 -0.95181,-6.15325 0.36754,-2.7864 z"
id="buttock" />
d="m 51.818445,37.309575 0.14418,2.97292 1.15984,-0.0241 0.048,-2.96488 2.80867,-0.81981 2.34029,-0.7541 1.34121,3.73319 -4.77886,1.36455 -2.33301,1.2158 -2.37536,-1.2333 -5.45663,-1.37716 1.51961,-3.95743 z"
id="loin" />
d="m 51.733705,14.788555 0.53876,25.33066 0.48967,-0.0297 0.65658,-25.3387 -0.28147,-0.84188 -1.25059,-4.9e-4 z"
id="column" />
d="m 48.157455,6.3585449 0.44208,-0.14964 0.16111,0.16427 1.48163,4.0475101 2.32401,1.45118 2.39971,-1.52387 0.97577,-3.6896901 0.52752,-0.55908 0.23367,0.0981 0.24198,-3.34467 -2.03129,-2.31103004 -2.84509,-0.51629 -2.20422,0.52915 -1.93631,2.63077004 z"
id="head-back" />
d="m 52.369695,12.105075 -2.35767,-1.55045 -1.47119,-3.9514301 -0.60741,0.0403 0.27409,1.82447 0.97635,0.33932 0.7613,2.2157201 0.33017,1.06849 0.0895,2.14894 1.16448,0.008 0.10563,-0.70833 0.54716,-0.0606 z m 1.01793,1.47595 0.23768,0.64982 1.38107,-0.004 0.01,-2.38784 0.25971,-0.79061 0.57215,-2.1698001 0.76359,-0.41018 0.25158,-1.78416 -0.62859,0.0193 -1.08488,3.8998101 -2.39725,1.46684 0.2768,1.48507 z"
id="nape" />
d="m 61.657445,27.250625 -0.32785,-1.05121 -1.27383,-2.05489 1.38708,-2.96476 2.28579,0.91634 1.83971,1.74245 0.53937,1.78549 -0.26073,4.30868 z m 2.64394,15.3417 1.51839,0.0828 0.78033,-0.65476 1.16673,2.18281 0.79187,3.34623 -0.49843,0.21064 -0.55144,-2.21453 -0.50541,0.24292 0.30356,2.5012 -0.62882,0.23021 -0.36124,-2.50014 -0.56203,0.16666 0.16765,2.77019 -0.77603,0.30634 -0.19719,-2.87245 -0.45732,-0.0278 -0.22215,2.64829 -0.66539,0.24928 0.0254,-4.56692 -0.3374,-0.20146 -1.38845,1.65469 -0.32098,-0.35041 0.76973,-2.03928 z m 0.97685,-0.1799 1.43335,-0.74932 0.29002,-7.01054 c 0,0 -0.65,-2.77789 -0.64401,-3.06126 l -0.61212,-1.21783 -3.98124,-2.57566 1.0222,1.93525 -0.38967,4.82212 1.8218,7.69308 z" />
d="m 54.019305,64.073985 1.20605,3.01461 -0.70737,0.26558 -0.89755,3.51771 0.55802,-4.01191 z m 5.08496,-3.15003 -0.63355,1.8609 -0.16813,2.03261 -0.61313,1.93117 0.90584,-0.0851 0.28534,2.15982 z m -4.3014,6.58834 -1.27664,4.99697 0.28984,3.02284 0.67869,10.06546 1.66325,0.63506 3.504,-11.96959 -1.24986,-7.17525 z m -0.54053,20.8287 -0.85194,1.3581 -0.37189,0.79238 0.15589,1.21774 0.76983,0.74446 1.51186,0.12543 1.12989,-0.29192 0.24225,-0.95894 -0.80765,-1.30405 0.22563,-0.85987 -0.29679,-0.84153 0.0194,-1.81524 -1.53568,-0.54817 z m 1.19598,0.4675 -0.15943,1.25776 0.6023,0.97431 m 0.54436,0.29544 -1.06474,0.40084 -1.55326,-0.65137 m 3.56525,-39.90247 -3.97962,-1.70224 -0.56389,0.27131 -0.0528,1.79746 -0.075,4.64669 1.97837,6.04282 -0.47612,1.41403 1.42813,3.29446 1.7661,-0.30111 0.50079,-2.11605 0.1695,-1.75674 2.42102,-8.15763 0.009,-3.68308 z" />
d="m 62.863315,16.685695 1.57473,1.56518 0.81404,2.06904 0.0384,2.52859 -1.48921,-1.23926 -2.76223,-1.15539 -1.84691,3.4342 -1.13679,5.49715 -0.0767,5.8593 -4.07066,1.10938 0.10355,-7.94098 1.94107,-4.90021 5.04395,-8.19335 z"
id="back-right" />
d="m 55.439085,14.728535 -0.063,-2.62463 0.71441,1.15181 4.37994,1.49796 -4.97857,8.36746 -1.83043,5.08189 0.21949,-13.55362 z"
id="clavicule-right" />
d="m 42.200945,16.586495 -1.57473,1.56517 -0.81404,2.06905 -0.38603,2.52859 1.83679,-1.23927 2.76223,-1.15538 1.84691,3.4342 1.13679,5.49715 0.0767,5.8593 4.07066,1.10938 -0.10355,-7.94098 -1.94107,-4.90022 -5.04395,-8.19334 z"
id="back-left" />
d="m 49.625175,14.629325 0.063,-2.62462 -0.71441,1.15181 -4.37994,1.49796 4.97857,8.36746 1.83043,5.08188 -0.21949,-13.55362 z"
id="clavicule-left" />
<span style="position:fixed; top:50px; left:50px">{{data_clicked_id}}</span>
You could use a framework lie vue to handle this. I took the liberty to copy your code to make and example. I edited a little the svgs definition to make it work. I think the problem you could be having was with the filling of the path. fill-opacity:1 did the trick.(by the way, this is my first contribution to stackoverflow!)
Cut corners of container using CSS
Im trying to cut the corners of a container using css like this what im trying to achieve I tried using clip-path but I cant manage to make the cuts rounded like in the picture above what i have so far clip-path: polygon(0 0,100% 0,100% calc(100% - 50px),calc(100% - 100px) calc(100% - 50px),calc(100% - 120.40px) 100%,0 100%);
I don't think you can do that with polygon clip-path only, there are outer angles and inside angles... With svg it can be possible but a bit tricky. First needed to design the svg shape by itself (red fill is only to view something in the svg editor: inkscape here). <svg id="clipContainer" width="1920" height="1080" viewBox="0 0 1920 1080" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path style="fill:#ff0000;stroke:none;" d="m 35,0 h 654.05318 c 6.84803,0 13.02979,2.8828963 16.6429,6.7452744 l 63.1577,76.5094516 C 772.54893,87.959545 779.6304,90 785,90 h 350 c 5.6694,-0.04033 12.8528,-3.528812 17.4966,-8.545814 L 1213.8538,7.1954094 C 1219.2498,1.0400203 1224.6973,0 1230.1965,0 H 1885 c 18.8682,0 35,16.120082 35,35 v 875 c -0.2052,10.54136 -8.9432,19.77096 -20,20 h -608.8105 c -13.0687,-0.12776 -25.0997,3.20977 -33.0435,11.97991 L 1147.2068,1064.9984 C 1134.8748,1081.5357 1126.0043,1080 1106.409,1080 H 35 C 16.13187,1080 0,1063.8799 0,1045 V 35 C 0,16.120082 16.13187,0 35,0 Z"/> </svg> now have to put it in HTML body but as a clip-path: <div class="container"> </div> <svg width="0" height="0"> <defs> <clipPath id="svg-clip"> <path style="fill:#ff0000;stroke:none;" d="m 0.01822917,0 h 0.34065265 c 0.003567,0 0.006786,0.00266925 0.008668,0.0062454 l 0.0328946,0.07083957 c 0.001926,0.0043561 0.005613,0.0062455 0.008408,0.0062455 h 0.18229167 c 0.002953,-3.739e-5 0.006695,-0.0032675 0.009113,-0.0079124 L 0.63221469,0.00666224 C 0.63502588,9.6294739e-4 0.63786313,0 0.64072729,0 H 0.98177075 C 0.99159837,0 1,0.01492547 1,0.03240625 v 0.8101562 c -1.0691e-4,0.009762 -0.004658,0.0183059 -0.0104162,0.0185171 H 0.67249445 c -0.006807,-1.1867e-4 -0.0130727,0.00297 -0.0172102,0.0110924 l -0.0577808,0.11390178 c -0.006423,0.0153109 -0.0110433,0.0138917 -0.0212488,0.0138917 H 0.01822917 C 0.00840202,0.99996424 0,0.98503874 0,0.96755799 V 0.03240625 C 0,0.01492547 0.00840202,0 0.01822917,0 Z"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> plus a bit of css saying container using the clip-path svg-clip: body { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: grey; } .container { position: relative; width: 90vw; height: 90vh; background-color: #222222; border-radius: 2vw; clip-path: url(#svg-clip); } Now the problem is the scale! That works but not really following the scale of the container. We will use clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox" but to do so we need to have value of the path between 0 and 1 (yes yes 1 px!!!). So after edit in inkscape the svg is: <svg id="clipContainer" width="1920" height="1080" viewBox="0 0 1920 1080" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path style="fill:#ff0000;stroke:none;" d="m 0.01822917,0 h 0.34065265 c 0.003567,0 0.006786,0.00266925 0.008668,0.0062454 l 0.0328946,0.07083957 c 0.001926,0.0043561 0.005613,0.0062455 0.008408,0.0062455 h 0.18229167 c 0.002953,-3.739e-5 0.006695,-0.0032675 0.009113,-0.0079124 L 0.63221469,0.00666224 C 0.63502588,9.6294739e-4 0.63786313,0 0.64072729,0 H 0.98177075 C 0.99159837,0 1,0.01492547 1,0.03240625 v 0.8101562 c -1.0691e-4,0.009762 -0.004658,0.0183059 -0.0104162,0.0185171 H 0.67249445 c -0.006807,-1.1867e-4 -0.0130727,0.00297 -0.0172102,0.0110924 l -0.0577808,0.11390178 c -0.006423,0.0153109 -0.0110433,0.0138917 -0.0212488,0.0138917 H 0.01822917 C 0.00840202,0.99996424 0,0.98503874 0,0.96755799 V 0.03240625 C 0,0.01492547 0.00840202,0 0.01822917,0 Z"/> </svg> That gives the following snippet: body { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: grey; } .container { position: relative; width: 90vw; height: 90vh; background-color: #222222; border-radius: 2vw; clip-path: url(#svg-clip); } <div class="container"> </div> <svg width="0" height="0"> <defs> <clipPath id="svg-clip" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox"> <path style="fill:#ff0000;stroke:none;" d="m 0.01822917,0 h 0.34065265 c 0.003567,0 0.006786,0.00266925 0.008668,0.0062454 l 0.0328946,0.07083957 c 0.001926,0.0043561 0.005613,0.0062455 0.008408,0.0062455 h 0.18229167 c 0.002953,-3.739e-5 0.006695,-0.0032675 0.009113,-0.0079124 L 0.63221469,0.00666224 C 0.63502588,9.6294739e-4 0.63786313,0 0.64072729,0 H 0.98177075 C 0.99159837,0 1,0.01492547 1,0.03240625 v 0.8101562 c -1.0691e-4,0.009762 -0.004658,0.0183059 -0.0104162,0.0185171 H 0.67249445 c -0.006807,-1.1867e-4 -0.0130727,0.00297 -0.0172102,0.0110924 l -0.0577808,0.11390178 c -0.006423,0.0153109 -0.0110433,0.0138917 -0.0212488,0.0138917 H 0.01822917 C 0.00840202,0.99996424 0,0.98503874 0,0.96755799 V 0.03240625 C 0,0.01492547 0.00840202,0 0.01822917,0 Z"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>
how to solve svg path stoke width different thickness
I have a square hexagonal svg image, and i set stroke-width 4px for it. But the stroke thickness is not consistent, the vertical lines are thinner and the slanted lines are thicker. demo image <svg width="173" height="199" viewBox="0 0 173 199" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path stroke='#5088ff' stroke-width="4px" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" stroke-linecap="square" d="M86.5 0L173 50V150L86.5 199L0 150V50L86.5 0Z"/> </svg> I have searched and tried vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke", it does't work.
Make sure that the stroke is not outside the viewBox. A stroke will be painted equal inside and outside the path outline. Here I moved the path using transform/translate and make the width and the height of the viewBox larger. <svg width="200" viewBox="0 0 177 203" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path stroke='#5088ff' transform="translate(2 2)" stroke-width="4" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" stroke-linecap="square" d="M 86.5 0 L 173 50 V 150 L 86.5 199 L 0 150 V 50 L 86.5 0 Z"/> </svg>
How to hide "overlapping" stroke on a path element that overlaps with itself
I am trying to get the following image to look nice. The issue is specifically right here: Basically I'd like to hide the vertical strokes wherever they overlap with another part of the <path/> I've made a simplified snippet below for people to play with. path { transform: translate(50px, 50px); stroke-width: 1; stroke: black; opacity: .5; box-sizing: inherit; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: miter; } <svg height="400px" width="400px"> <path stroke-width="1" stroke="black" fill="green" d=" M 0,0 L -5,0 L -5,-5 L -22,-5 L -22,-20 L 22,-20 L 22,-5 L 5,-5 L 5,0 L 50,0 L 50,-25 L -22,-25 L -22,-40 L 132,-40 L 132,-25 L 60,-25 L 60,0 L 94,0 L 94,-5 L 33,-5 L 33,-20 L 165,-20 L 165,-5 L 104,-5 L 104,0 L 152.5,0 Q 155.5,8 152.5,16 L 0,16 z"></path> </svg> Thanks!
You can fake it with stroke-dasharray. If these figures are auto-generated, it will take a little math to calculate where the gaps need to go, but if everything is made with straight lines that shouldn't be too difficult. <svg height="150px" width="400px" viewBox="-50-50 250 100"> <path stroke-width="1" stroke="black" fill="green" d="M 0,0 L -5,0 L -5,-5 L -22,-5 L -22,-20 L 22,-20 L 22,-5 L 5,-5 L 5,0 L 50,0 L 50,-25 L -22,-25 L -22,-40 L 132,-40 L 132,-25 L 60,-25 L 60,0 L 94,0 L 94,-5 L 33,-5 L 33,-20 L 165,-20 L 165,-5 L 104,-5 L 104,0 L 152.5,0 Q 155.5,8 152.5,16 L 0,16 z" stroke-dasharray="172 16 338 16 9999" /> </svg>
Alternatively, you can split the shape into more than one path. And give them a non-transparent fill. path { transform: translate(50px, 50px); stroke-width: 1; stroke: black; box-sizing: inherit; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: miter; } <svg height="400px" width="400px"> <path stroke-width="1" stroke="black" fill="#80c080" d=" M 0,0 L -5,0 L -5,-5 L -22,-5 L -22,-20 L 22,-20 L 22,-5 L 5,-5 L 5,0 L 50,0 L 50,-25 L -22,-25 L -22,-40 L 132,-40 L 132,-25 L 60,-25 L 60,0 L 152.5,0 Q 155.5,8 152.5,16 L 0,16 z "/> <path stroke-width="1" stroke="black" fill="#80c080" d=" M 94,0.5 L 94,-5 L 33,-5 L 33,-20 L 165,-20 L 165,-5 L 104,-5 L 104,0.5 "/> </svg>
Animating SVG gradient border
I'm trying to make a loading animation with an irregular shape. The top shape is the vector object and the bottom is a single frame of the animation. I would like the gradient to animation in an infinite looping circle. Is this possible? Here is the SVG code for the shape <svg width="64" height="44" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M31.725 1C42.327 1 49.85 2.505 54.727 5.6c5.268 3.346 7.722 8.708 7.722 16.876 0 7.243-3.194 12.373-9.765 15.684-3.66 1.844-10.269 4.042-20.96 4.042-10.712 0-17.32-2.198-20.976-4.041C4.188 34.852 1 29.722 1 22.475c0-8.16 2.462-13.523 7.747-16.873C13.633 2.506 21.15 1 31.725 1" stroke="#000" stroke-width="2" fill="none"/> </svg>
Here you go! path { stroke-dasharray: 30 139; stroke-dashoffset: 0; animation: spin 1s linear infinite; stroke-width: 3; } #keyframes spin { 0% { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } 100% { stroke-dashoffset: -169; } } <!-- Simple stroke --> <svg width="64" height="44" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M31.725 1C42.327 1 49.85 2.505 54.727 5.6c5.268 3.346 7.722 8.708 7.722 16.876 0 7.243-3.194 12.373-9.765 15.684-3.66 1.844-10.269 4.042-20.96 4.042-10.712 0-17.32-2.198-20.976-4.041C4.188 34.852 1 29.722 1 22.475c0-8.16 2.462-13.523 7.747-16.873C13.633 2.506 21.15 1 31.725 1" stroke="#000" stroke-width="2" fill="none"/> </svg> <!-- Simple gradient stroke --> <svg width="64" height="44" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <defs> <!-- Simple gradient. Notice to x1, x2, y1, y2. These values decide the direction of gradient. Gradient go from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) --> <linearGradient id="Gradient1" x1="0" x2="1" y1="0" y2="1"> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="red"/> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="blue"/> </linearGradient> </defs> <path d="M31.725 1C42.327 1 49.85 2.505 54.727 5.6c5.268 3.346 7.722 8.708 7.722 16.876 0 7.243-3.194 12.373-9.765 15.684-3.66 1.844-10.269 4.042-20.96 4.042-10.712 0-17.32-2.198-20.976-4.041C4.188 34.852 1 29.722 1 22.475c0-8.16 2.462-13.523 7.747-16.873C13.633 2.506 21.15 1 31.725 1" stroke="url(#Gradient1)" stroke-width="2" fill="none"/> </svg> <!-- Gradient stroke that animate along with the animation. --> <svg width="64" height="44" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <defs> <linearGradient id="Gradient2" x1="0" x2="1" y1="0" y2="1"> <!-- Change the value of x1,x2,y1,y2 during animation to change the direction of gradient. Expected result: (x1,y1): (0,0) -> (1,0) -> (1,1) -> (0,1) -> (0,0) (x2,y2): (1,1) -> (0,1) -> (0,0) -> (0,1) -> (1,1) --> <animate attributeType="XML" attributeName="x1" values="0; 1; 1; 0; 0" keyTimes="0; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> <animate attributeType="XML" attributeName="y1" values="0; 0; 1; 1; 0" keyTimes="0; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> <animate attributeType="XML" attributeName="x2" values="1; 0; 0; 1; 1" keyTimes="0; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> <animate attributeType="XML" attributeName="y2" values="1; 1; 0; 0; 1" keyTimes="0; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="red"/> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="blue"/> </linearGradient> </defs> <path d="M31.725 1C42.327 1 49.85 2.505 54.727 5.6c5.268 3.346 7.722 8.708 7.722 16.876 0 7.243-3.194 12.373-9.765 15.684-3.66 1.844-10.269 4.042-20.96 4.042-10.712 0-17.32-2.198-20.976-4.041C4.188 34.852 1 29.722 1 22.475c0-8.16 2.462-13.523 7.747-16.873C13.633 2.506 21.15 1 31.725 1" stroke="url(#Gradient2)" stroke-width="2" fill="none"/> </svg> Explanation: The key of that animation is playing with stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset. stroke-dasharray: 30 139;. 30 is the length of the path that shows and moves to make animation. You can change it to whatever you want. 169 is total length of your path so 139 is the result of 169 - 30. Then you animate stroke-dashoffset from 0 to -169 and your animation is all setted
Animate SVG path for different screen sizes
I am new to SVG. I am trying to animate a straight line to curved line. I have followed a few links but could not find an appropriate way to do that. Following is my code: <svg width="100%" height="960px"> <path id="shape" d="M0 0 C0 0, 0 00, 400 0" stroke="black" fill="transparent" stroke-width="1" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"> <animate attributeName="d" dur="500ms" begin="indefinite" repeatCount="1" to = "M0 0 C0 0, 165 50, 400 0" id="test" /> </path> </svg> I also have used: values="M0 0 C0 0, 0 00, 400 0; M M0 0 C0 0, 165 50, 400 0;" in animate tag, but still it didn't work. What is problem: I am not able to make path curved, animation happens once and then path becomes straight again and I am not sure how to make the same curve on different screen sizes.
If you use begin="indefinite" the animation won't start, except via javascript. In order to demonstrate things I've set begin="1s" If you want the animation to stay in the end position then add fill="freeze" to it. If you want it to work with different screen sizes, use a viewBox. <svg width="100%" height="960px" viewBox="0 0 500 500" preserveAspectRatio="none"> <path id="shape" d="M0 0 C0 0, 0 00, 400 0" stroke="black" fill="transparent" stroke-width="1" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"> <animate attributeName="d" dur="500ms" begin="1s" repeatCount="1" fill="freeze" to = "M0 0 C0 0, 165 50, 400 0" id="test" /> </path> </svg>