sidebar is hanging over page wrapper tag [closed] - css

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In my attempt to be terribly clever and have my #secondary sidebar sit on top of the slideshow on my homepage, I have somehow made the area dangle over the #wrapper on all the secondary pages. Have added a removed a whole bunch of div tags, nudged things around and tried everything else I can think of. Anyone have a suggestion how to fix this?
This is the homepage: and the sidebar dangles on any other page (the shame!) Thanks!

You won't have a problem once you add content to those pages, though. Not sure what the issue is. An absolutely positioned element is taken out of the document flow, so the wrapper will not take any notice of the sidebar. You could alternatively float it and give it a negative top margin on the home page.


Center menu buttons in the second line woocommerce [closed]

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Closed yesterday.
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So, I need to align buttons in the middle of menu, after they move to next line. I'm pretty new to wordpress and css, but already have tried "few solutions" from internet and my own ideas.
Site URL:
The first thing i tried was "text-align: center", but it did nothing. So I decided to change it to "align-items: center" - same result. After that i started looking and messing around the whole header css changing things to "center", editing max width - no result.
Finally I've decided to change float to "right" and it had some kind of result. Every button moved to right even on the second line. So I immediately decided to change it to "center" and the whole menu went vertical. Of course that wasn't the result I was looking for but finally something has changed.
Hope someone can help me with it!
Thanks in advance!

Overflow-y not working with wrapper mobile [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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On the mobile version of the website, you can scroll to the right to the navigation, which should actually only be accessible via click. How can this be changed?
(URL removed)
I have already tried many different solutions that I have found, but nothing works so far.
I am looking for help in this individual case.
Thank you very much :)
By moving your .main-nav element with transform to the right you extend width of the visible content, and since your scroll properties are default it will enable you to scroll the entire visible content, including that menu.
What you want to do is clip everything that is outside of your html or body element.
html {
overflow-x: hidden;

Z-Index Positioning with Avada Footer [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I can't seem to figure out how to get the leaf image in my footer to have a higher z-index (I tried in the inspector, not in my stylesheets). I'd like it to be on top of the section above it and on top of the section below it. I'd be willing to change it to an pseudo element if that would work better.
for it to be appeared on top of the section above you don't need to change the z-index, because your element is after the above element. you just have to let it show the overflow content so add
to footer tag with this classes: "fusion-footer-widget-area fusion-widget-area"
for the section below it you need to add
z-index: 1
to the footer tag with id: "footer".

Wordpress menu z-index [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My wordpress menu is underneath the elements in the body of the page, when it shouldn't be.
I have checked the z-index over and over again.
The elements in the menu have a z-index of 99 and the elements in the body don't have a z-index value. So in theory the menu should be over lap the elements in the body of the page, but it does.
So if it's not the z-index then that is it?
Note: I know people always want to have some code pasted in the question but the css is 1969 lines long and I don't know which part of that is wrong. And I'm not going to paste 1969 lines into this question.
okay here is the solution
move to the file
go to 889 line and find
just remove
position: relative
from this and then check the output

my div are positioning different in different browser [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 9 years ago.
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Am making changes on a home page. i have background images and links to the image as buttons.
However when creating divs for each image i found out that the best way was to add div for each image as that will allow me to position the images side by side. i was told to use a class, however with class i would not able to put images side by side.:
this is my finished page as you can see the 7 images on the middle of the screen.
however if you open this in Firefox it comes out all messy :/
what is the best solution for this to have it positioned like the link i provided. but in all browsers. is divs the best way?
This is my js fiddle with the code:
<div id="testimage">
<div id="a1">Awards</div>
any help will be grateful.
I've added floats to #testimage2-6 and margins to the last two to space them out
float: left;clear: both;
on #testimage2 to make it sit on a new line
