I am developing an app and would like cordova functionality when using the browser as well in this case spesifically chrome - firebase

Want to be able to deploy my app to Firebase and use Cordova functionality in the browser. Get an error that cordova_not_available when opening the firebase website.
To be able to run Cordova on the browser in this case chrome in the first place I added the browser platform to my project and the use the Cordova run command instead of serve.
But when I deploy to the website I get the Cordova not available error

You can use the cordova-browser platform to run in any modern browser. More info
Now, when you run for a browser, you need to keep in mind to
include cordova.js in your index.html
include plugins which also support a browser platform. (most plugins support ios and android, so heads up on this)
Device plugin is one such plugin which supports a browser platform.
Have a look at this video on how you can configure and run device
plugin with Cordova on chrome.
Specific to your case, more chances that you get the error cordova not available is because you might have missed adding cordova.js to your index.html file.

Cordova functionality is only available in Cordova, not in a standalone browser. See https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/pwa-how-to-access-cordova-plugins-in-pwa-web-applications/147575
Firebase Hosting hosts web sites, not Cordova apps. The latter are run as native apps on your device, providing extra native functionality to your JavaScript code. A lot of that functionality is these days also available directly in browser APIs, but it may have a different form there. You'll have to look at each piece of functionality in turn, and possibly reimplement it using native APIs for the web platform.


NativeScript firebase plugin

I'm developing a mobile app using nativeScript.
When i'm trying to use nativeScript firebase plugin, nativeScript sidekick app gives the following error:
Plugin nativescript-plugin-firebase is not included in preview app on device 7D3433B1-7016-41A1-AAF7-66B7B163BB17 and will not work.
I tried to run it on preview app,
can anyone help with this.?
As the error log confirms, Preview app only works with limited set of plugins. Plugins those do not require native dependencies to be more precise. Hence Firebase plugin can't be used with Preview app, you will actually have to build the project in your local machine if you want to try this plugin.

How to communicate with Firebase database form Android Things using a service account

I have an Android client and an Android Things server application sharing a Firebase database. How can I communicate from the Android Things application with the Firebase database using a service account? Following the instructions below results in a Gradle error.
Gradle error
Error:(56, 0) Version: 5.8.0 is lower than the minimum version (9.0.0) required for google-services plugin.
You've got several things going wrong here.
First, you don't need a service account to deal with Firebase services from within an Android Things app. You deal with Firebase just like you would a normal Android app as a client of the Firebase service. There is literally almost no difference in how you interface with Firebase from this perspective.
Second, don't use firebase-admin in an Android app. That's for server-side code. Use the normal Firebase client SDKs for Android.
Also bear in mind that Android Things Developer Preview 0.6.1 has Play Services 11.6.x on it, and it doesn't self-update like normal Android devices. This means you have to use the 11.6.0 Firebase and Play SDKs in your Thing app. If you try to use newer versions, the client will fail because the client SDK versions aren't matched by an equal or better Play Services APK on the device.

VS2015 + Cordova + HockeyApp +Windows Mobile

Anyone have experience/documentation integrating the HockeyApp SDK into a VS2015 Community Windows 10 Mobile Cordova app and adding the version to the HockeyApp dashboard?
When I use HockeyApp on my Windows device, I see the following error when I try to install
This App cannot be installed over the air.
I packaged the app using Project > Store > Create App Packages and uploaded the .aapx from the AppPackages. I select no when the wizard asks if Do you want to build packages to upload to the Windows Phone
Any thoughts?
In addition, When I upload the release apk, or aapx I get the following on the HockeyApp dashboard.
No statistics found. Please integrate HockeySDK to collect analytics, crash reports, and feedback:
Note: I am using the cordova-hockeyapp-plugin for Android and IOS.
Right click your project and select store, then click Create App Packages. Select no as you mentioned, click next, you can set Version and output type in the page. Check ARM and click create button. You may upload .appx file to Hockeyapp. Hockeyapp will create a new project in the dashboard.
Did you sign your app for company app distribution as described here?
If yes, please upload your .aetx token to the app page, then the download page should offer both files and the installation should work.
Did you set the right App ID? Does the version exist on HockeyApp? If you set right, the crash report will appear.
This App cannot be installed over the air. error appears because an .aetx is required. An .aetx is generated using a purchased Enterprise Mobile Code Signing Certificate from Symantec Corp and AetGenerator.exe
However, if you want to use the native HockeyApp for sideloading on the device, you'll still get This App cannot be installed over the air.
Note: An .aetx is not necessary for sideloading Windows 10 mobile apps. Unfortunately, the native HockeyApp does not have the ability to download and install the app for sideloading. Instead, the app should be download and sideloaded to the device via the web ui.
Purchase Symantec Certificate to create .aetx
Sideload apps using the HockeyApp web ui.
Hope this helps!

is there a way to build meteor mobile app from build.phonegap.com?

I am new to meteor. I developed mobile application from meteor. Now I wish to build that app from build.phonegap.com site. I feel build.phonegap is easy instead of meteor build
To put it short its not possible to build an app using the phonegap build service.
The reason for this is meteor build does not exclusively build the apk. meteor build also takes your project and builds it up into what would be the /www directory in your phonegap project.
Secondly Meteor doesn't use the original phonegap/cordova build. There is a modification to phonegap so the files in /www are served using an on-device HTTP server at http://meteor.local. This is one of the reasons its not available on WP8, Blackberry, etc. The local webserver sorts out some issues related to routing.
So you would need to use meteor build to build your app.

gruntfile.js issues or minification issues

We are working on developing a website using different APIs naming Firebase, Filepicker etc. Technologies used are Node.js and AngularJS. The project is based on a tool called yeoman, which is a scaffolding tool for web apps. We keep our modules updated through bower and NPM. The website is developed and running fine locally. We are inclined to host the app on Heroku's server and whenever we push the production code the application breaks without any message and the server crashes. I believe there are some issues with Gruntfile.js or minification issues with angular when used with grunt. Please connect me with someone who could guide me to setup the website on Heroku's server. We use heroku toolbelt for windows to push the changes.
There are some known issues with minifying AngularJS app, some of the declarations need to be written in particular way. See this SO answer.
Also, read the docs, scroll down to the part "A note on minification".
I've found this when looking for Heroku + AngularJS issues.
Please also verify compression server settings you are using.
