How to fix permalink - ?q=%2F appears in link not working wordpress - wordpress

When I'm adding a page to my website ?q=%2F appears in the permalink and the page is redirecting to 'home'. I tried to change the permalink structure and did some changes to solve this in the .htaccess file but nothing worked so far. Is anybody known with this problem and how to solve this?


WordPress permalinks Issue on Localhost

I have this problem, so far i change or permalinks or delete .htaccess file and everything worked but this this this is not the issue. Have broken links on few link with 404 error. Home page i most of the links works but 3-4 of them don't. Tried so far everything that I thinks should work or worked before. Deleted .htaccess file, disable plugins and themes restore to default, change permalinks structure, my WAMP server have enabled rewrite module on for apache, even in htppd.conf have AllowOverride All.
I dont have any ideas left and I would appreciate if someone have some new idea or something that I have missed so far.
After days of searching for the problem finally find it. It was conflict with plugin and my custom added css was conflict with one plugin same name and this was causing the issues on links.
Considering that I lost time for this i needed to share this info with all of you. Usually permalinks problems were solved with changing settings for permalinks but this was something else, and probably I'm the only one that have same name in css with one plugin and this cause the problem.
Hopefully this will help someone if come to same or similar issue.

How to fix wp-admin not coming in the url issue in wordpress?

I am working on wordpress website suddenly some issues are coming although I have not done any major change in the website.
wp-admin are not coming in any admin url.
I am trying to change the Permalinks setting but it is not saving.
All pages are redirecting to home page although in the url having another page path.
for solve this problem you must regenerate permalink-
For solve it go to Settings > Permalink and save it.
Let me know.

Wordpress too many redirects issue on localhost

I am facing the issue as described in the title. I am working on a Woocommerce site with default WP Twenty Nineteen. Everything was working fine but I have mistyped https in the WP admin General Settings Site Url field. This caused too_many_redirects error on both Chrome and Mozilla. I have tried clearing cookies and complete browsing data, disabling plugins, changing permalinks and deleting htaccess file but none of this worked. Maybe this can help but strangely I can access admin but cannot see none of the pages. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
In wp-config.php add this 2 lines (with your protocol+domain_name):

Image URL leads to "Not found page"

Images are working fine in the site. but when I copy an image url and put it on browser, It leads to a "Not found page".
My wordpress site:
Test an image:
Thanks in advance for the help.
There can be three reasons for the above problem. Checking and correcting them can solve your issue.
Missing of attachment.php in the theme folder. So add attachment.php page to the theme folder.
Incorrect permalink structure. So set the permalink structure to default.
Improper .htaccess file. So create a new .htaccess file.

Wordpress: How to redirect old links after changing permalink structure?

I have changed my permalink structure in WordPress.
Can a plugin help me redirect old links to the new?
Redirection works for this, however for it to automatically detect the permalink changes, you'll probably have to revert the permalinks, install Redirection, and then change to the desired permalinks again.
If this isn't adequate, you can add them manually, and it has tools to help you find 404's that you were not aware of.
