My site loads slowly and the elements look messy - wordpress

I have a small problem with the loading of my website done in Wordpress.
When I enter the site, all the elements are displayed in a disorderly way for about 3 or 4 seconds.
After that short time, all the elements are loaded and sorted correctly.
I have tried to use plugins to optimize the load, clear cache and minimize css and javascript. However, the problem continues.
What action can I take on the site to fix this faulty and slow load? Thank you very much.
This is my site:
Various plugins such as WP-Rocket and WP-Optimize.

I would suggest adding a loading screen. This will be the easiest route.
Alternatively you will need to priorities what needs to be loaded first on page load.
I assume you have optimized your images and made sure everything is up to date.


Strange loading css/js issue

I am working on a site that when going to the URL on desktop it seems like the content is loading first then the styles about a 1 second late that creates a kind of 'flashing' effect on each page,
The sections expand and then the background images are loaded next,
I am using the WPRocket plugin - does anybody know what the cause of this is likely to be?
I am not sure if I am allowed to include the domain,
Many thanks,
It is likely a case of Flash of unstyled content,
Wikipedia has a good breakdown.

Broken CSS on all pages except Homepage & if via Customize.php
Here's how it looks via customize.php
I was not doing any major changes. Cleared cache and changed stuff in customize.php but thats it.
I've been working for 2 straight days to get a decent gtmetrix score and overall design. Help would be greatly appreciated.
Just a quick note: GTmetrix score/ Pingdom or google page speed test
are just recommended approach and the speed they show does not
necessarily mean real world differences. Those scores do not cover the
complexity of code of the server side (which also delays the page load
time). So there are scenarios where you have to ignore few of the
recommendations to make sure everything works fine.
Although in your case i can see that there are no css on you page applied externally nor internally. Kindly tweak the css rendering settings to see if it works. The theme is working fine on customize.php because the changes do not affect the back end of the website it's only the front end which gets affected. So CSS are rendering on back end but not of the frontend. It maybe of theme issue if css are not enqueued properly. there can be serveral reasons. Switch to one of the default themes and see if the plugin is working properly. This will help you find out where exactly the problem exists.

CSS and Page download speed

my site seems to be downloading very slowly. I recently changed the CSS and HTML to improve the layout, but I think I might have messed it up somehow.
Can anyone give me feedback on things I could do to speed it up?
There are many online Web Optimization sites that you can use.
I've attached some optimized results for your page.
See The Result
and you can use Google Page Speed Link
Simply, I would suggest one thing based on your page design and the code is..., use CSS Simplify Tool and the HTML Symplify Tool. It reduces the Page Loading time dramatically. and as well as some Image Compression Tool too.
One thing that really reduces the page speed is Flash contents or Images. so be focus on that primarily for linting for ordering attributes for adding browser prefixes
There are many many factors that come in play with a slow page besides CSS/HTML. The size of the images, whether they are optimized, how fast the server delivers, caching, etc...
I would recommend using Google PageSpeed Insights or similar service - they show you a lot of info.
Go to
Edit: Your URL loads this JS file which has an anonymous function that runs again and again:
You can view for yourself by using a web inspector - I am in Safari 7 and under Timelines on the Inspector panel - select "Layout & Rendering" from leftside menu and reload page. You can see that the HelloBar is doing some kind of adjusting over and over.

Why does our website load so much slower in IE than any other browser?

We have a WordPress website which loads sufficiently in every browser I've tried, except for IE. For some reason in IE, it seems to freeze the browser for a few seconds every single time the page is loaded, doubly so if it has to load a page with an iframe of another page. The user has to wait awhile before they can interact with anything on the page.
Here's the site.
Someone suggested we could use WP Supercache to solve the issue, but I've had problems with this plugin in the past and am reluctant to rely on it, especially since this seems to be only a problem in IE.
What is the best way I can troubleshoot this issue? How do I find out which scripts in the header, or footer, etc. is causing it? Is there a quick way to do so, or do I just need to start eliminating variables within the theme?
I'd don't quite understand why but in IE9 style.css is being pushed right down the page load order - see request #35
As a browser won't render until it's downloaded the applicable CSS this blocks rendering.
Chrome on the other hand prioritises downloads so that resources that can block rendering are downloaded ahead of images.
Here's a side-by-side video of the two loading experiences.
(If you want help looking at this further my contact details are in my profile)
Thanks to this thread I just found, the answer appears to be fancybox: Fancybox causing slow load times in IE?
Specifically, the IE-specific filters in the CSS file for fancybox. I removed those filter styles, and it loads fine now.
Sorry, I don't seem to be able to give just a comment. Anyway, in Opera 12.14 it works fine. And in Explorer (8) it works just as well, no errors in the console. Just my .1 cent.

Different layout before and after refreshing

I am working on this website. I used firebug along with DreamWeaver to create it. The website does not load fine when the page is opened(the layout is not as I wanted and I created it.) but when I refresh the page, it becomes exactly as I wanted it to be. Now I am stuck with it. I have never been into such a situation before. Please help me out how can I make the website load properly at the first instant. Thanks
It could be that the connection was slow the first time you loaded it. So the layout took longer. Next time you loaded it, everything was in the cache and the layout was quick!
So your low bandwidth (HTML) version of the site loads a 7.46 MB animated gif? Wow... I would get rid of that animated gif! Makes your site look choppy and unprofessional! That is surely a big part of your problem.
It looks exactly the same to me both before and after refresh. Hard-reset your cache, make sure you're not on a destructive proxy, and try using your browser in private mode.
