Google Cloud PHP my admin is not getting connected with ssh - wordpress

I've been trying connecting my PHP my admin via ssh Client tool putty, but my URL gets redirected to my website URL from to which throws me the following error
For security reasons, this URL is only accessible using localhost ( as the hostname.

This is a built-in security feature. In order to access your server using SSH using Putty, you must create an SSH tunnel to route your request.
I found this guide that explains in detail how to get this set up:


ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED And Domain refused to connect

I'm trying to connect WordPress instance on google cloud with the custom domain but I'm having this error
This site can’t be refused to connect.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
What I found it wired is that the domain is working on Tor browser and not working on Chrome and Safari, and I tried to take an online screenshot from it and it's working & I ping the domain and seems working too! not so sure what to debug or do to fix this bug!
This is a sample URL:
How it looks like on my browsers:
Custome DNS on my google cloud
If you have moved the site recently then check in your database (either or SSH if Cloud SQL) for references to the old domain and update to the new domain. This includes moving from http to https
In GCP Compute Engine VM Instance settings, make sure to allow http and allow https traffic. You may want to assign a static IP in GCP Console > VPC Network > External IP addresses
Lastly you may need to update etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf to make sure your servername matches your WordPress domain name

I am not not able run an website in localhost

This site can’t provide a secure connection localhost sent an invalid response.
Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
When running a service or site locally you can avoid this problem by doing the following:
In project properties enable SSL:
Make sure to put https link as a start URL or just make direct request to https version:

In Minishift, Web Console API path not changed to public domain setting

My case would be, I would like to share my minishift instance to my intranet network.
It looks like there is no option to choose the network / IP, e.g. if you try to set the virtualbox network interface to "bridge", it would just fail
So I would like to setup port forwarding, e.g.
In this case I am able to access to the web console, e.g. redirect port of machine IP:PORT to (minishift)
But all the API, e.g. "" are still using the internal IP, which of course it can not be accessed externally.
Are there any way to make it work properly?
When I need to access minishift from other hosts, I use SSH tunneling.
First you need to enable SSH access in your OSX and make sure you enable AllowTcpForwarding. Then create another user in your laptop to login via SSH.
From other hosts you need to login using SSH with following command:
ssh -L 8443: user#<you_laptop_IP_address>
Keep the user logged in so that you can access your minishift web console using browser to https://localhost:8443

Cannot trickle ICE server using external IP, Coturn server in Ubuntu

I have setup Coturn server from Url in Ubuntu.
Turnserver is working fine using local-ip, but when I try to trickle using exernal-ip I get error Not reachable?
If I access turnserver from browser url I can access it using external-ip. I get message.
TURN Server
https admin connection
To use the HTTPS admin connection, you have to set the database table _admin_user_ with the admin user accounts.
My turnserver.conf looks like:
I am starting turn server using command:
sudo turnserver -a
And I try to trickle using below format:
Please tell me where I am going wrong.
I got what was wrong, it turned out to be that UDP port 3478 was blocked. Also I was able to get trickle if I used TCP protocol (turn:?transport=tcp[username:password])

Google JavaScript API v3 unauthorized on 192.168 connection

I'm working on a project that uses the Google Maps JavaScript API v3 to render directions on an integrated map.
The website it built with Jekyll and I run the server using the following command:
jekyll serve --host
The given IP address is the IP Address of the system running the server.
The reason I made it listen to that IP Address is because I want to test the application on my mobile devices, following this answer
In the API Console I whitelisted 192.168.*, so that any local connection can use the API.
However, when I go to that IP Address on my phone or computer, the API says the application is not authorized despite me having whitelisted it.
What am I doing wrong here and how can I solve it?
Jekyll serve
The --hostname flag doesn't exist. Use --host or host: in _config.yml. Target address will then be as 4000 is the default listening port for Jekyll webrick server.
Google API withelist
It's not necessary to white list domain, as with no domain white listed you have Any referer allowed
Google authorization
Verify that you've set your API key to something else than you are supposed to have something like this :
If you still have problems, you can give a repository url to have it fixed quicker.
Happy Jekyll ! is a private IP address and is not publicly accessible. To use that you will probably need to get a license.
