Firebase Cross Platform Push Notification Plugin Duplicating MainActivity - firebase

I'm using the following plugin for implementing and handling FCM push notifications in my xamarin application and there's one little unaddressed problem I'm facing.
I was hoping someone else has already figured it out and could help me.
It seems to be duplicating my MainActivity although I have the LaunchMode set to SingleTop.
There's an event called OnNotificationReceived that's provided by the library.
This event fires as expected, only once, when the application is in the foreground.
When I minimize the application (let it run in the background), send a notification to the device and tap on the notification, it opens the application, as expected, but if I send another notification after that, while the application is in the foreground, The OnNotificationReceived Event is fired twice.
I've tried changing the NotificationActivityFlags property to SingleTop.
I've tried changing my MainActivity's Launch Mode to SingleTop
I tried running the sample application they've provided to check if its something that I'm doing wrong, and still the same thing happens.
Logging the issue in their Github repository
None of the above have worked.
The issue can be reproduced by:
downloading the sample from the repository, link provided above
replacing their google-services.json file with your own from the Firebase
change the package name of the sample of the application to the one you
have registered on Firebase
following the steps above that I've mentioned
Version Number of Plugin: 1.3.0
Device Tested On: Huawei P8 Lite Android Version 6.0
Version of VS: Visual Studio 2019
Version of Xamarin:

Unfortunately, the method below has not proven successful after attempting to implement it, I should have thought of the fact that I'm still going to need the notification object for iOS, earlier.
Myself and the team are going to implement a way to keep track of the users platform on the server and send them a notification either with or without the notification based on their platform, since iOS handles FCM notifications differently from Android. For now we're going to use Google's Instance ID service to determine what platform existing users are on.
I hope this helps someone in the future, if not I hope someone can provide me with a better solution.
In order to have my cake and eat it, basically be able to keep the notification object in the payload instead of removing it and having to further customise the payload to display notifications just for iOS, I changed the MainActivity's (the activity thats launched when a user taps on the notification) Launch mode to SingleInstance. That way I can keep my notification object in the payload and not have to worry about the OnNotificationReceived event being triggered twice.


Push Notification not work correctly in custom app []

I followed the instructions in the documentation:
Removed the check mark from the gateway
added GCM keys from firebase
rebooted the server
Pushs seem to come, but the listener "pushnotificationreceived" is triggered only if I open the application immediately after the push should come or I am in the application during the push, if I have minimized the application and send myself a message, then there is no push.
If I throw the push myself through the firebase API, then the push works out as needed.
There is a suspicion that this is due to the fact that sends push data in the data key, not notification (
I also have an error in the Rocket logs.Chat:
"For devices running Android 8.0 or later, you need to specify the android_channel_id identifier. See for more information", but even with this error, push writes that it was sent successfully.
Please, checkout this post:
Also, consider asking dev questions at:

Shiny NotificationDelegate OnReceived not being called on iOS

We've been using Shiny framework for Local Notifications and it has done what we needed which is make a notification appear on iOS and Android that when tapped will open the app.
However the OnReceived method on the INotificationDelegate never gets called on iOS. This has been the case forever IIRC but was of no real concern as we didn't need to do anything with the OnReceived except track it in AppCenter. Therefore fixing it never got prioritised.
Recently we have been looking at using Push Notifications. We are not using Shiny's push and instead are registering the device using out our own backend WebApi.
I am seeing a problem where our AppDelegate override of ReceivedRemoteNotification does not get called if i call the UseNotifications extension in our ShinyStartup ConfigureServices. We want to continue using Shiny for Local Notifications so this is a problem.
I am wondering if the issue that means our local notification received delegate does not get called is related to this issue.
You are using ReceivedRemoteNotification which is for the "old" way of catching remote notifications in the foreground. Shiny.Notifications uses a UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate which I believe intercepts and stops that method. You can implement the Shiny notification delegate to work with the notification or use Shiny.Push.AzureNotificationHubs.
You can also use: DidReceiveRemoteNotification(UIApplication application, NSDictionary userInfo, Action completionHandler) which is a better method to handle remote notifications anyhow since it is needed for background processing

How do you access OneSignal's database on Android & iOS in Flutter?

I am using OneSignal in my Flutter application to receive notifications. I have created my own table within Flutter to save notifications but I cannot save messages that have been sent whilst the app has been terminated. However, I have found that the OneSignal package has it's own database installed on the device which captures everything no matter what state the application is in! So, to avoid duplicating data I want to use this database instead. It is located outside of the flutter app folder which is my issue (see image below).
How do I access this database? Does anybody know if it is the same on iOS (I haven't been able to check at this time).
Many thanks.
It's important to understand that if an app has been terminated, any onReceived handler will not be fired. We don't recommend using the local db at all. Your best bet is to use the respective notification extender services for each platform. Though you will have to write native code for this! Cheers
ANDROID - NotificationExtenderService - This can be setup to receive silent notifications when your app is not running or to override how notifications are shown in the notification shade. See the Background Data and Notification Overriding section to set this up.

Web app fetching background geolocation using service worker and push notification

I am looking for a solution to fetch geolocation periodically (every 1 minute) on mobile browser. I did some research and came to know that fetching geolocation in background (when phone is locked or webapp not active) is impossible. In foreground it works ok.
I am making a web app where I fetch user location and send it to my server. All works ok, until the point where user locks his/her phone. I tried many things for workarounds:
setInterval to get geolocation, works fine in foreground but fails in background
converted my web app into Android using cordova, but same problem existed
used this plugin for android
works good in both foreground and background
but the same plugin does not work in iPhone (I did not tested it, I searched in Google before moving ahead)
Its not good to release my app with just one platform (android) support, thus this workaround also failed for me.
I also considered using serviceworkers for my web app but it seems issue persist for background
I have another solution in mind, but before investing time in it, I wish to know if someone has tried it already.
I learnt about Push notifications:
Web app client registers to Push notification
It sends
subscriber object to my server
My server using this object sends
message to Push notification server
Push notification server
sends messages to my web app client
My web app client wakes up my
service worker for a brief period to show the notification message
As per google documentation:
Note: In the current implementation
of Chrome, whenever we receive a push message and we don't have our
site visible in the browser we must display a notification. That is,
we can't do it silently without the user knowing. If we don't
display a notification the browser automatically creates one to let
the user know that the app is doing work in the background.
I won't mind showing a permanent notification to users until my app is running. I am ready for this trade-off.
Now, my question is, at step 5, when I wake up the service worker **is there a chance I call my main.js (main web app) which might be running in background **, will fetch the geolocation and update it to my server?
Has someone tried this solution already with success or failure, please inform.
Can you try Page visibility Api, which listens for visibilitychange of a browser tab is hidden or switched to other tab (in case of browser). For mobiles, it's just a try.
src :
or You can look into this answer too..
Detecting when screen is locked

FCM console push test is currently broken? (Android)

I've been using FCM console(web) to test push notification for Android smartphone.
I use push token from Android device, but FCM console says "Completed" and it's not delivered.
It worked fine before, but recent few days, it's not working.
Is there anyone facing same problem?
I got an answer from FCM support team.
Thank you for that information.
It would seem that you are affected by the changes made between July
31 and August 1st. We rolled out a change to Firebase Notifications to
filter apps by GMP App Id rather than by package name. This change was
purely internal and should have had no effect on visible behavior as
all apps using Firebase should have had both package name and app id
set to match. However, we are now seeing some apps that have the wrong
app id set and this is causing messages to not be delivered (or in
some cases to be delivered to the wrong app if an app has the app id
of another app). These apps have a bug that was previously masked but
is now exposed.
We are investigating ways in which apps have sent these incorrect app
ids and ways in which we can catch them and warn app developers.
For now, the Firebase Notifications console will only work with apps
that use the FCM SDK. We recommend updating to the latest version of
the FCM SDK in order to mitigate the issue, but in case you don't want
to migrate to FCM SDK, you can still use your own server to send push
Apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused. Please let me
know if there's anything else I could help with.
