FCM console push test is currently broken? (Android) - push-notification

I've been using FCM console(web) to test push notification for Android smartphone.
I use push token from Android device, but FCM console says "Completed" and it's not delivered.
It worked fine before, but recent few days, it's not working.
Is there anyone facing same problem?

I got an answer from FCM support team.
Thank you for that information.
It would seem that you are affected by the changes made between July
31 and August 1st. We rolled out a change to Firebase Notifications to
filter apps by GMP App Id rather than by package name. This change was
purely internal and should have had no effect on visible behavior as
all apps using Firebase should have had both package name and app id
set to match. However, we are now seeing some apps that have the wrong
app id set and this is causing messages to not be delivered (or in
some cases to be delivered to the wrong app if an app has the app id
of another app). These apps have a bug that was previously masked but
is now exposed.
We are investigating ways in which apps have sent these incorrect app
ids and ways in which we can catch them and warn app developers.
For now, the Firebase Notifications console will only work with apps
that use the FCM SDK. We recommend updating to the latest version of
the FCM SDK in order to mitigate the issue, but in case you don't want
to migrate to FCM SDK, you can still use your own server to send push
Apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused. Please let me
know if there's anything else I could help with.


Device-to-device messages with FCM and XMPP

I'm setting up a React Native app to, essentially, send messages between devices (it's not a chat app in practice but technically that's what it's doing). I've decided to use Firebase and the RN Firebase library to manage this.
I've finally got my iPhone receiving notifications from the Firebase notification composer. But it's saying I need an XMPP server in order to send messages from devices.
I do see the example in the RN Firebase docs but I'm hoping to do this app severless, just using Firebase for messaging, db, what have you.
I'm going through docs on Firebase (searching their site for XMPP) but it's not quickly clear, so I'm posting here to see if anyone can point me to instructions to quickly set this up in Firebase itself without running my own server (or that someone would know whether it's possible).

Detect Huawei app is uninstalled from phone

I'm having difficulty figuring out if the user has deleted my app from their Huawei phone when sending a Push.
I'm looking at the push docs, I do not see any error code for this case. Also, looking at the sample app that Huawei has given, I can't see it there either.
Does anyone know exactly what I need to look for when sending a push to Huawei to detect if an app is deleted from the phone?
One gets posted a receipt state with value 2, when the app isn't installed anymore.
If the app does not exist after the message is successfully sent to the device, the app has been uninstalled.
My ReceiptStatus.php would feature these values, but not yet implemented.

Can FCM push notifications in Electron App

I'm trying to send notifications from Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to a window app (window form for example) but it doesn't seem to be possible (since fcm only supports android/ios/webapp, for here and here).
So trying building Electron app to be able to receive and display notifications from fcm (slack is built from electron js and also displays notifications, here), and found the electron-push-receiver allowing it to receive notifications from FCM
But it seems that there is no update for a long time, so there is a issue#80
Now is it possible to build electron application that can receive notifications from FCM?
Thank you very much!
I just implemented FCM in my Electron app earlier today by following the guide here:
Screenshot of FCM working in an Electron app
I was skeptical at first as well, given that the repo hasn't been updated in a while, but was pleasantly surprised that it still works.
If you have any further questions, go ahead and I'll try to help :)
I also got this working with electron-push-receiver, though I had to do a workaround for more recent versions of Electron.
I looked at the firebase-admin.messaging Node package but that is only for privileged environments.
The HTTP 503 issue you linked it seems was just another outage that has been resolved; I can still register for push notifications with this setup.

Xamarin's implementation of FCM update broke data messages on iOS 11 and Xamarin

I updated my project's Firebase packages, including Cloud Messaging, with 2.0.0 release. Now I see that iOS 11 devices do not receive data messages from FCM. Unlike this thread, I have no problems receiving notifications via APNs with Firebase.
I implemented every necessary change, including replacing the old Messaging.SharedInstance.Connect() method with Messaging.SharedInstance.ShouldEstablishDirectChannel = true;.
I have tried to implement the IMessagingDelegate's methods ApplicationReceivedRemoteMessage and DidReceiveMessage - both separately and together. neither hits breakpoints.
The Xamarin guys have not updated the guideline here as of this question's writing. Has anyone else encountered this issue? What can be done?

Firebase FCM InternalServerError

I implemented Firebase FCM in my app about a month ago, and it has worked great ever since, until today. When I am trying to send a push notification from my console, nothing ever shows up. I find this very strange considering it worked before I went to bed yesterday. I do also have a PHP script that sends push notifications (FCM) as well, which also was working - but when I try to use this to send a push notification, I get this:
I find this very strange. I Googled this, and I read something about re-generating my APNS certificates (because they might be wrong or something), which I thought was weird as well, due to the fact that I created new certificates yesterday as well (which was working). Now I have once again tried to delete, and generate new - without any luck.
I also want to point out that when I go to my 'Cloud messaging' tab in Firebase, to configure my certificates, I am unable to delete - only re-upload.
What could this possibly be? I have checked my certificates and my API key is correct. It was working 100% 10 hours ago.
Could this be a Firebase problem, or how would I solve this? Help is much appreciated.
Most of the InternalServerError returned by FCM before February 2017,
were due to issues with the APNs certificates.
The API has now been updated.
Now if there an issue with the APNs certificate,
FCM will return error:InvalidApnsCredential
