Where does wordpress store redirects? - wordpress

For example.
I create new page with permalink /test1
then after publishing I change the permalink to /test2
then if I browse to /test1 I get redirected to /test2
It looks like somewhere wordpress has stored a redirect from test1 to test2. However I can't find it anywhere.
Can someone please help me figuring out what is going on?
I'm using the Avada theme by themefusion. The only redirect plugin installed is simple 301 redirects. This plugin doesn't store redirects automatically and I do not believe that this plugin creates a problem. As the "problem" also occurs on other wordpress websites which do not have simple 301 redirects installed

Wordpress does that by default. If you want to remove that functionality try with adding remove_filter('template_redirect', 'redirect_canonical'); to your theme's (preferably child theme's) functions.php file.


How to redirect links from structure to another

My site Permalinks structure is: /%post_id%/%postname%/
are working correctly and showing the same content
I want to redirect every link with
/%post_id%/ structure
/%post_id%/%postname%/ structure without change Permalinks structure
Is there any way to do that using WordPress plugin or htaccess code?
The problem has been solved using Redirection plugin
permalink settings
Redirections plugin settings

WordPress domain redirection

Beginner question:
I need to perform a 301 redirect from one Wordpress site (domain), to another Wordpress domain, like this:
A problem is that I have no FTP credentials for my From-site. I can't reach the .htaccess file.
Is there a plugin to use? I have studied the Redirection plugin, but this one seems working on pages within the same domain only(?)
I guess I need to be careful, because if some plugin edits the .htaccess file and something breaks, I can't reach the file...
Thankful for any help!
Whit Redirection Plugin you can redirect a url from old to new website.
You can create and manage redirects quickly and easily without needing Apache or Nginx knowledge. If your WordPress supports permalinks then you can use Redirection to redirect any URL.
There is full support for regular expressions so you can create redirect patterns to match any number of URLs.
The plugin can also be configured to monitor when post or page permalinks are changed and automatically create a redirect to the new URL.
You can easily find multiple plugins to perform 301 redirection in wordpress,but if you want to edit .htaccess you can install the plugin called "WP htaccess control" https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-htaccess-control/ .
Through this plugin you can edit the .hraccess file from admin side.

Wordpress index.php redirect

I've just installed WordPress and I want to work on the theme. So I need to have an under construction page. I made an under.html file and addressed it in the .htaccess file as a default page.
But when I want to go to mydomain.com/index.php to see the WordPress main page and work on the theme, It redirects to mydomain.com again and shows me that under.html.
Any solution to have both under.html as the default page and the wordpress first page at the same time?
If you want to show an under construction page, you can simply use a plugin.
Hope this will work for you.

Redirect /123/POST to just /POST in wordpress using .htaccess Rewrite Rules

I have a website running wordpress with some good amount of posts.
For a specific reason, i setup my wordpress permalinks structure to /%post_id%/%postname%/
Now i want change my permalink structure to /%postname%/ for supporting a plugin Category Subdomain Pro
When i change the change the permalink structure, new links are working but i am getting a 404 error for old urls.
So, i am thinking about redirecting old urls to new urls.
If you know anything about this, please share something and help me resolve this issue.
Sorry for delay, Check this out... Before # BEGIN WordPress in .htaccess file put this code...
Redirect 301 /post_id/postname/ http://example.com/postname/
just replace post_id,postname to your website posts id and post name. Replace example.com with your website name and postname with your postname.
replace for every single post
or you can use plugin Redirection

permanent redirect on wordpress site

I've got a web site based on wordpress, I need to temporarily hide the web site.
I thought about using a PHP 301 redirect. I tried to put at the begining of index.php and xmlrpc.php without success. How does wordpress file-structure works?
I've used this for redirects in the same purpose:
I put the temporary html-file that I wanted to display in a folder which was placed in the same place as the main index.php file.
If you really need to hide a website under development, block search engines in Dashboard/Settings/Privacy and use something like WordPress › Absolute Privacy « WordPress Plugins to disable RSS feeds and redirect to a static page you choose.
