Wordpress index.php redirect - wordpress

I've just installed WordPress and I want to work on the theme. So I need to have an under construction page. I made an under.html file and addressed it in the .htaccess file as a default page.
But when I want to go to mydomain.com/index.php to see the WordPress main page and work on the theme, It redirects to mydomain.com again and shows me that under.html.
Any solution to have both under.html as the default page and the wordpress first page at the same time?

If you want to show an under construction page, you can simply use a plugin.
Hope this will work for you.


Wordpress redirecting to wrong homepage

I worked for a few days on XAMPP with a wordpress platform. After I bought a domain, I decided to use Duplicator plugin to transfer my whole wordpress snap to the new server. Everything is working just fine except for one single thing: whenever I go to my website, instead of visiting the actual page that should be "www.example.com/welcome" it redirects automatically to "www.example.com/wordpress". I made some research about it and discovered that usually wp is installed in a wordpress directory, but I completely made sure that:
on htaccess there is no /wordpress directory url
on index.php there is no /wordpress directory url
on wp-config there is no /wordpress directory both on SITE-URL and HOME
made sure that on the wp-admin config panel in the General section, the URLs are both set to the root directory.
For some unexplicable reason, everything is working fine, www.example.com/shop works for example, but if I set from the customization panel a page like "www.example.com/dummy" as homepage, then THAT page won't be found because it automatically redirects "dummy" to "/wordpress" which of course does not exist. You can type www.example.com and be redirected to www.example.com/wordpress and the same thing happens if you type www.example.com/dummy, since now that should be the homepage.
Can anyone explain me why is this happening? I searched everywhere but I can't find an answer.
I'm using the Storefront theme and Woocommerce plugin if that might help.

Why might a Wordpress site have an /index.php/ rewrite rule?

I've just inherited a WP site to maintain, and every page on the site loads from
For what reason would a Wordpress site be set up like this? Can I possibly change this in the Dashboard, or would I need to modify htaccess?
Internally, all requests go through index.php. You can override this in the "Permalinks" section of your WP Admin Panel.

Issues with redirect from .html pages to wordpress pages

here is my issue:
I have a static html site and under blog I have wordpress installed. Now I added a new database and installed a second wordpress that works perfectly, but I want to 301 redirect old .html pages to new ones so I can keep the links and rankings, but every time I try to change the .htaccess file my wordpress totally crashes and I have to re-install.
I just want to redirect dozen .html pages to new wp versions, example, I want to redirect www.site.com/page.html to www.site.com/page/
Can someone point me in the right direction?
The easiest way to do this, is to use the redirection plugin for wordpress.
We used it when we converted an old static site and it works well and tracks the number of hit's etc.

permanent redirect on wordpress site

I've got a web site based on wordpress, I need to temporarily hide the web site.
I thought about using a PHP 301 redirect. I tried to put at the begining of index.php and xmlrpc.php without success. How does wordpress file-structure works?
I've used this for redirects in the same purpose:
I put the temporary html-file that I wanted to display in a folder which was placed in the same place as the main index.php file.
If you really need to hide a website under development, block search engines in Dashboard/Settings/Privacy and use something like WordPress › Absolute Privacy « WordPress Plugins to disable RSS feeds and redirect to a static page you choose.

wordpress : how to put an enter page?

ive created an enter page for wordpress and what im wondering is how do i put it as the index page when the index page has the code to load wordpress? how and where do i place the enter page? thanks
There's setting in wordpress admin page which doesn't involve manual setting in .htaccess.
Besides the fact that splash pages are so very wrong... (the only defensible exception I can think of is for an adults only site that asks you if you are 18 or older), you could set it up as index.html and ensure your .htaccess has
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
Things that you could do ...
Put the splash page on /index.html and put wordpress in /site/ (or something else innocuous); put a redirect on /index.html -> /site/ after the splash is done.
Put the splash page as a page named 'Splash' in Wordpress, with its own template. In the Reading settings page, set the 'Front Page' as 'Splash'. Redirect to the index page after the splash is done.
Put the splash page as a page named 'Splash' in Wordpress, with its own template. Modify index.php in your theme to check for a cookie -- if the cookie isn't present, load the Splash page instead of processing the Wordpress Loop. Once the splash page is done, set the cookie and redirect to the index page.
A route that's worked for me is to bypass the WordPress core files and do everything from your theme folder. So, for example, in your theme folder (WEBROOT/wp-content/themes/YOURTHEMEFOLDER) add a home.php file, and in that file, add whatever code you'd like to use for that first page. By default, WordPress looks for a file named home.php, if it finds it, it will use it first, if it doesn't find it, it will use the index.php next. Since you'd like to use both, it will use home.php for your home page / site default page & then every other page can use the index.php page.
Also, there's other template files that WordPress will look towards before it displays the index.php page - for a detailed list / illustration of this go to http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hierarchy & scroll down a little.
