Trouble in changing thickness of line segments in base plot - r

I have a pppmatching object to plot (using the base plot function) where I need to change the thickness of line segments. Unfortunately, it seems that lwd is somehow changing the thickness of the plot border instead of the line segments! I am puzzled how to get around this.
Reproducible example:
X <- runifpoint(300)
Y <- runifpoint(500)
m <- pppdist(X, Y)
plot(m, lwd = 5) #???
## End(Not run)

This is a question about the plot method plot.pppmatching in the package spatstat. This function plots line segments between the data points, with varying line widths proportional to the matching strength. The parameter lwd would override this behaviour and would plot all lines with the same width, defeating the purpose.
Text added later:
Perhaps you wanted to rescale the line widths, multiplying/dividing them by 5 to make them more visible? This can be done using the argument adjust. For example adjust=0.2 would divide all line widths by 5.
(In a future release of spatstat I will improve the documentation and suppress the irrelevant warning message)


Plotted raster output in R won't eliminate legend margin

In R, I have a raster object generated from a kernel density analysis using the ks package. I convert this into a raster object (from the raster package) and try to draw that raster object to a PNG using plot(). I want the png to have exactly one pixel for every pixel in the raster object. Simple enough, right? By default of course, I get all sorts of extraneous junk added to the plot. I can remove most of this using the various settings in plot() or par(), but no matter what I do, I don't seem able to get rid of the space formerly taken up by the legend on the right side of the plot.
# generate the data
x = matrix(rnorm(1000,1,0.5),500)
xpix = 100
ypix = 100
# calculate the density function
k = kde(
# convert to raster
r = raster(k)
# plot the image to PNG
# see that 'plt' did not change
If I check par before closing the device, I can see that the 'plt' value is not what I set it to; it shows the right margin, where the plotting area has been nudged over to make space for the non-legend. Sample code is above, and the image it generates is linked to here.
Incidentally, I was able to achieve the correct effect with the image() function instead of plot(), though that introduced it's own problems, namely that transparency no longer worked. Can I solve this with plot()? It's very frustrating that I'm so close but just can't seem to change the size of the plot area! I don't want to use another graphics package if there is any way to make the base function work.

Simulate minefields with two samples in the same plot in R

I am trying to simulate a minefield by plotting two Poisson distributed samples in the same plot, one with a higher intensity and smaller area than the other. This is the minefield and the other is just noise (stones, holes, metal) seen as points. I cannot get R to plot the points with the same units in the axis. Whatever I do, the points span the entire plot, even though I only want the X points to cover a quarter of the plot. My R-code is just the following:
Y = rpoispp(c(5),win=owin(c(0,10),c(0,10)))
X = rpoispp(c(10),win=owin(c(0,5),c(0,5)))
Please let me know if you can help me.
My guess is that you are doing something like:
> plot(Y)
> plot(X)
to plot the points.
The problem with this is that the default behavior of the plot function for the class ppp (which is what the rpoispp function returns) is to create a new plot with just its points. So the second plot call essentially erases the first plot, and plots its own points in a differently scaled window. You can override this behavior by setting the option add=TRUE for the second plot. So the code
> plot(Y)
> plot(X, add=TRUE, cols="red")
should get you something like:
Check out the docs (help(plot.ppp)) for more explanation and other options to prettify the plot.

asp is producing unnecessary whitespace within the axes of my R plot. How can I reformat the graph?

I'm trying to create a scatter plot + linear regression line in R 3.0.3. I originally tried to create it with the following simple call to plot:
plot(hops$average.temperature, hops$percent.alpha.acids)
This created this first plot:
As you can see, the scales of the Y and X axes differ. I tried fixing this using the asp parameter, as follows:
plot(hops$average.temperature, hops$percent.alpha.acids, asp=1, xaxp=c(13,18,5))
This produced this second plot:
Unfortunately, setting asp to 1 appears to have compressed the X axis while using the same amount of space, leaving large areas of unused whitespace on either side of the data. I tried using xlim to constrain the size of the X-axis, but asp seemed to overrule it as it didn't have any effect on the plot.
plot(hops$average.temperature, hops$percent.alpha.acids, xlim=c(13,18), asp=1, xaxp=c(13,18,5))
Any suggestions as to how I could get the axes to be on the same scale without creating large amounts of whitespace?
One solution would be to use par parameter pty and set it to "s". See ?par:
A character specifying the type of plot region to be used; "s"
generates a square plotting region and "m" generates the maximal
plotting region.
It forces the plot to be square (thus conteracting the side effect of asp).
hops <- data.frame(a=runif(100,13,18),b=runif(100,2,6))
I agree with plannapus that the issue is with your plotting area. You can also fix this within the device size itself by ensuring that you plot to a square region. The example below opens a plotting device with square dimension; then the margins are also set to maintain these proportions:
n <- 20
x <- runif(n, 13, 18)
y <- runif(n, 2, 6)
png("plot.png", width=5, height=5, units="in", res=200)
plot(x, y, asp=1)

Use wordlayout results for ggplot geom_text

The R package wordcloud has a very useful function which is called wordlayout. It takes initial positions of words and their respective sizes an rearranges them in a way that they do not overlap. I would like to use the results of this functions to do a geom_text plot in ggplot.
I came up with the following example but soon realized that there seems to be a big difference betweetn cex (wordlayout) and size (geom_plot) since words in graphics package appear way larger.
here is my sample code. Plot 1 is the original wordcloud plot which has no overlaps:
textdf <- data.frame(label=sample(stopwords("en"),samplesize,replace=TRUE),x=sample(c(1:1000),samplesize,replace=TRUE),y=sample(c(1:1000),samplesize,replace=TRUE),size=sample(c(1:5),samplesize,replace=TRUE))
ggplot(textdf,aes(x,y))+geom_text(aes(label = label, size = size))
new_pos <- wordlayout(x=textdf$x,y=textdf$y,words=textdf$label,cex=textdf$size)
textdf$x <- new_pos[,1]
textdf$y <- new_pos[,2]
ggplot(textdf,aes(x,y))+geom_text(aes(label = label, size = size))
textdf$x <- new_pos[,1]+0.5*new_pos[,3]#this is the way the wordcloud package rearranges the positions. I took this out of the textplot function
textdf$y <- new_pos[,2]+0.5*new_pos[,4]
ggplot(textdf,aes(x,y))+geom_text(aes(label = label, size = size))
is there a way to overcome this cex/size difference and reuse wordlayout for ggplots?
cex stands for character expansion and is the factor by which text is magnified relative the default, specified by cin - set on my installation to 0.15 in by 0.2 in: see ?par for more details.
#hadley explains that ggplot2 sizes are measured in mm. Therefore cex=1 would correspond to size=3.81 or size=5.08 depending on if it is being scaled by the width or height. Of course, font selection may cause differences.
In addition, to use absolute sizes, you need to have the size specification outside the aes otherwise it considers it a variable to map to and choose the scale itself, eg:
ggplot(textdf,aes(x,y))+geom_text(aes(label = label),size = textdf$size*3.81)
Sadly I think you're going to find the short answer is no! I think the package handles the text vector mapping differently from ggplot2, so you can tinker with size and font face/family, etc. but will struggle to replicate exactly what the package is doing.
I tried a few things:
1) Try to plot the grobs from textdata using annotation_custom
qplot(0:1000,0:1000,geom="blank") +
2) Run the wordlayout() function which should readjust the text, but difficult to see for what font (similarly doesn't work)
# THEN USE wordcloud() TO GET CO-ORDS
qplot(0:1000,0:1000,geom="blank") +
Here's a cheat if you just want to overplot other ggplot functions on top of it (although the co-ords don't seem to match up exactly between the data and the plot). It basically images the wordcloud, removes the margins, and under-plots it at the same scale:
# make a png file of just the panel
# library to get PNG file
# then plot it behind the panel
qplot(0:1000,0:1000,geom="blank") +
annotation_custom(rasterGrob(readPNG("bgplot.png"),0,0,1,1,just=c("left","bottom")),0,1000,0,1000) +

How can I recreate this 2d surface + contour + glyph plot in R?

I've run a 2d simulation in some modelling software from which i've got an export of x,y point locations with a set of 6 attributes. I wish to recreate a figure that combines the data, like this:
The ellipses and the background are shaded according to attribute 1 (and the borders of these are of course representing the model geometry, but I don't think I can replicate that), the isolines are contours of attribute 2, and the arrow glyphs are from attributes 3 (x magnitude) and 4 (y magnitude).
The x,y points are centres of the triangulated mesh I think, and look like this:
I want to know how I can recreate a plot like this with R. To start with I have irregularly-spaced data due to it being exported from an irregular mesh. That's immediately where I get stuck with R, having only ever used it for producing box-and-whisper plots and the like.
Here's the data:
Edit: fields: x, y, heat flux (x), heat flux (y), thermal conductivity, Temperature, gradT (x), gradT (y).
names(Ellipses) <- c('x','y','dfluxx','dfluxy','kxx','Temps','gradTx','gradTy')
It's quite easy to make the lower plot (making the assumption that there is a dataframe named 'edat' read in with:
edat <- read.table(file=file.choose())
with(edat, plot(V1,V2), cex=0.2)
Things get a bit more beautiful with:
with(edat, plot(V1,V2, cex=0.2, col=V5))
So I do not think your original is being faithfully represented by the data. The contour lines are NOT straight across the "conductors". I call them "conductors" because this looks somewhat like iso-potential lines in electrostatics. I'm adding some text here to serve as a search handle for others who might be searching for plotting problems in real world physics: vector-field (the arrows) , heat equations, gradient, potential lines.
You can then overlay the vector field with:
with(edat, arrows(V1,V2, V1-20*V6*V7, V2-20*V6*V8, length=0.04, col="orange") )
You could"zoom in" with xlim and ylim:
with(edat, plot(V1,V2, cex=0.3, col=V5, xlim=c(0, 10000), ylim=c(-8000, -2000) ))
with(edat, arrows(V1,V2, V1-20*V6*V7, V2-20*V6*V8, length=0.04, col="orange") )
Guessing that the contour requested if for the Temps variable. Take your pick of contourplots.
intflow<- with(edat, interp(x=x, y=y, z=Temps, xo=seq(min(x), max(x), length = 410),
yo=seq(min(y), max(y), length = 410), duplicate="mean", linear=FALSE) )
with( intflow, contour(x=x, y=y, z=z) )
The last one will mix with the other plotting examples since those were using base plotting functions. You may need to switch to points instead of plot.
There are several parts to your plot so you will probably need several tools to make the different parts.
The background and ellipses can be created with polygon (once you figure where they should be).
The contourLines function can calculate the contour lines for you which you can add with the lines function (or contour has and add argument and could probably be used to add the lines directly).
The akima package has a function interp which can estimate values on a grid given the values ungridded.
The my.symbols function along with ms.arrows, both from the TeachingDemos package, can be used to draw the vector field.
#DWin is right to say that your graph don't represent faithfully your data, so I would advice to follow his answer. However here is how to reproduce (the closest I could) your graph:
Ellipses <- read.table(file.choose())
names(Ellipses) <- c('x','y','dfluxx','dfluxy','kxx','Temps','gradTx','gradTy')
First preparing the data:
#First the background layer (the 'kxx' layer):
# Here the regular grid on which we're gonna do the interpolation
E.grid <- with(Ellipses,
names(E.grid) <- c("x","y") # Without this step, function inout throws an error
E.grid$Value <- rep(0,nrow(E.grid))
#Split the dataset according to unique values of kxx
E.k <- split(Ellipses,Ellipses$kxx)
# Find the convex hull delimiting each of those values domain <- lapply(E.k,function(X){X[chull(X$x,X$y),]})
for(i in unique(Ellipses$kxx)){ # Pick the value for each coordinate in our regular grid
# Then the regular grid for the second layer (Temp)
T.grid <- with(Ellipses,
interp(x,y,Temps, xo=seq(min(x),max(x),length=200),
duplicate="mean", linear=FALSE))
# The regular grids for the arrow layer (gradT)
dx <- with(Ellipses,
duplicate="mean", linear=FALSE))
dy <- with(Ellipses,
duplicate="mean", linear=FALSE))
T.grid2 <- with(Ellipses,
interp(x,y,Temps, xo=seq(min(x),max(x),length=15),
duplicate="mean", linear=FALSE))
And then the plotting:
plot(E.grid$x, E.grid$y, col=E.grid$Value,
axes=F, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", pch=19)
contour(T.grid, add=TRUE, col=colorRampPalette(c("blue","red"))(15), drawlabels=FALSE)
arrows(gradTgrid[,1], gradTgrid[,2], # Here I multiply the values so you can see them
gradTgrid[,1]-dx$z*40*T.grid2$z, gradTgrid[,2]-dy$z*40*T.grid2$z,
col="yellow", length=0.05)
To understand in details how this code works, I advise you to read the following help pages: ?inout, ?chull, ?interp, ?expand.grid and ?contour.
