Remove Woocommerce add to cart message but keep updating cart amount - woocommerce

I'm using quick view pro by Barn2 for woocommerce and using this code to hide the add to cart message Hide Added to Cart message in Woocommerce which works fine, but in my case the cart amount is not updated until page refresh. So my question is how to modify the code so I be able to hide the message but allow the cart to be updated in the background without need of refresh? Thanks!


Woocommerce Cart Items not showing

When I add products to the cart they do not appear, only the total price and final purchase appear, configuration is ok.
Someone said to me that the problem is related to dynamic change on the cart page
Cart page error

How to generate one cart with multiple items using BigCommerce cart API in nextjs

I am using BigCommerce API with Nextjs and I am trying to understand how cart API works from BC ( ).
When I implement it as it is there, whenever I click on Add to cart button (same/different item ) it generates a new cart with that item.
I don't know how to keep adding items to the same cart (with the same cart-id, etc). There is no API for updating the current cart (i.e. send PUT req with new items on api/cart/cart-id).
Is there any other solution?
Have you checked out the Add Cart Line Items Storefront API? I think this might be what you are looking for to add products to an existing cart.

Add continue shopping button at woocommerce store category

Help me I'm looking around, but I still don't find what I need, add another button on my woocomerce store page with the option to add to cart and continue shopping without leaving the page
Here's an example of what I need:

Remove Woocommerce message from Woocommerce Cart page

I'm using the Woocommerce Preorders plugin and on my cart page, it displays a message, "Your previous cart was emptied because pre-orders must be purchased separately." if a user adds the same item to their cart twice. (My site is, and the cart page is
I've used the php answer (first answer) from this question to remove another unwanted woocommerce-message on the Cart page. However, I don't fully understand how it works so I can't quite get a version of this to work to remove this other unwanted message.
Wordpress - Woocommerece remove "Added to Cart" message
Any recommendations? Thanks for any/all advice, I'm new to this.

Drupal Commerce Ajax cart with added fields

Sorry for the really bad title but wasn't sure how to describe my problem in 10 words.
I have drupal commerce and have made a view that displays the cart contents on top of the checkout page.
Quantity is a text field so it is editable and I have an update button. Unfortunately when I press the update button, naturally the whole checkout page tries to submit. Is there a way to intercept the update button and just refresh the cart with ajax?
Moreover, if I can do that, I want a number of text fields (as many as the quantity number entered) to appear underneath the cart so the user can enter different values on each of them (each referring to the products about to be bought).
Drupal Commerce Cart does this - sort of..
It works fine on the cart page, though I too am trying to combine these pages to cut down on the 'checkout steps'. Though it is the same view as the /cart page and I get an ajax refresh indicator it doesn't actually update the cart on the checkout page.
There is a issue related to that, you can subscribe:
You can disable the Shopping cart contents using the checkout settings. Modify the Shopping Cart View to add a block display and add modify the contextual filter by providing default value using PHP:
if (arg(0) == 'checkout') return arg(1);
else return null;
Add the new Shopping cart block dispplay only on the checkout page and here you go.
