ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row when inserting multiple rows - oracle11g

I am trying to assign or give all permissions of a user to another given user, 13053 but facing this Oracle error, ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row and i know exactly which part of my SQL statement shown below is returning this error but failed to handle it because what i want to achieve is to give those multiple rows returned to the given user with an id of 13053.
My attempt
INSERT INTO userpermissions (
13053,( SELECT permissionid
FROM userpermissions
WHERE userid = ( SELECT userid
FROM users
WHERE username = '200376'
Any help ?
Thanks in advance.

A rewrite ought to do the trick:
WHERE p.userid = (SELECT userid FROM users WHERE username = '200376');
The problem with the original insert is that you are using single-row insert syntax when you are really trying to insert a set of rows.
Including the target userid as a literal is one way to make the set of rows look the way I am assuming you intend.


Inserting rows from table2 to end of table1 with unique ids

I'm trying to add a test user to my website that employers can look at to see my work. I want to use some of the data I have entered into my profile so that it is faster.
I have a workouts table:
CREATE TABLE workouts(
DateAndTime smalldatetime NOT NULL,
I have taken 25 of the first results and put it into a temporary workouts2 table:
CREATE TABLE workouts2 (
userid integer,
dateandtime smalldatetime);
Now I want to take those rows from workouts2 and put them into workouts. I have tried to add them by inserting workouts2 into workouts like this:
insert into workouts (id , userID, DateandTime) values (select * from workouts2);
This gives me an Error: in prepare, near "select": syntax error (1)
I can do it one at a time like this:
insert into workouts (userid, dateandtime) values (2, "2022-01-02T06:00");
Doing it one at a time is not ideal.
What am I missing here? I know I have a syntax error but I don't know how to fix it.
I have looked at this question which inserts one at a time:
How to insert a unique ID into each SQLite row?
The problem is it only inserts one at a time.
You should use SELECT instead of VALUES and not include the column id, which is auto-incremented, in the list of columns of workouts which will receive the values (such a column does not exist in workouts2):
INSERT INTO workouts (userID, DateandTime)
FROM workouts2;

Case when no record then error (postgresql)

Struggling with a simple problem and find no solution.
https://ideone.com/Hisu8H (sqlfiddle mini) Should be two rows, but only one OK appears.
If there is a record there should be an OK result. If no records there should be ERROR result.
CASE WHEN (SELECT count(*) from code)=0 THEN 'ERROR' else 'OK' end
FROM code
The problem is that if the CODE_ID exists, there will be a line OK but if the record is missing there will be no line fetched at all.
In a simple query this works. But not as a condition!
SELECT COALESCE(count(*), 0) FROM code
Thanks in advance for any clue!
If there is no row that matches the condition then nothing is returned and you can't count it.
To return information about values that are used in a condition but do not exist in the database you typically use an outer join on the list of values:
select t.id,
from (
values ('error'), ('test')
) as t (id)
left join code on code.code_id = t.id;
This essentially a where code_id in ('error', 'test') query that also returns those values from the in list that do not exist in the table.
This can then be used to identify the missing values:
select t.id,
case when code.code_id is null then 'Error' else 'OK' end as status
from (
values ('error'), ('test')
) as t (id)
left join code on code.code_id = t.id;

"Insert if not exists" statement in SQLite

I have an SQLite database. I am trying to insert values (users_id, lessoninfo_id) in table bookmarks, only if both do not exist before in a row.
INSERT INTO bookmarks(users_id,lessoninfo_id)
(SELECT _id FROM Users WHERE User='"+$('#user_lesson').html()+"'),
(SELECT _id FROM lessoninfo
WHERE Lesson="+lesson_no+" AND cast(starttime AS int)="+Math.floor(result_set.rows.item(markerCount-1).starttime)+")
SELECT users_id,lessoninfo_id from bookmarks
WHERE users_id=(SELECT _id FROM Users
WHERE User='"+$('#user_lesson').html()+"') AND lessoninfo_id=(
SELECT _id FROM lessoninfo
WHERE Lesson="+lesson_no+")))
This gives an error saying:
db error near where syntax.
If you never want to have duplicates, you should declare this as a table constraint:
CREATE TABLE bookmarks(
users_id INTEGER,
lessoninfo_id INTEGER,
UNIQUE(users_id, lessoninfo_id)
(A primary key over both columns would have the same effect.)
It is then possible to tell the database that you want to silently ignore records that would violate such a constraint:
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO bookmarks(users_id, lessoninfo_id) VALUES(123, 456)
If you have a table called memos that has two columns id and text you should be able to do like this:
INSERT INTO memos(id,text)
SELECT 5, 'text to insert'
WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM memos WHERE id = 5 AND text = 'text to insert');
If a record already contains a row where text is equal to 'text to insert' and id is equal to 5, then the insert operation will be ignored.
I don't know if this will work for your particular query, but perhaps it give you a hint on how to proceed.
I would advice that you instead design your table so that no duplicates are allowed as explained in #CLs answer below.
For a unique column, use this:
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tableName (...) values(...);
For more information, see: sqlite.org/lang_insert
insert into bookmarks (users_id, lessoninfo_id)
select 1, 167
select user_id, lessoninfo_id
from bookmarks
where user_id=1
and lessoninfo_id=167;
This is the fastest way.
For some other SQL engines, you can use a Dummy table containing 1 record.
select 1, 167 from ONE_RECORD_DUMMY_TABLE

bulk insert using insert...select in sqlite?

I have a list of users who should receive the message. They are in the table subscribe. Now I'd like to insert a message for every one of these users. My query is
insert into message(user, type, theId)
select (select user from subscribe_message), #type, #id
At the moment it is empty. I get the error message.user may not be NULL. Shouldn't it not insert any rows? When I have more than one row it inserts the first row only. How do I write this so it will insert 0 to many rows?
Try this
INSERT INTO message ( user, type, theId )
SELECT subscribe_message.user, #type, #id
FROM subscribe_message

Using prepared statements and full-text-search in SQLite

I'm using the SQLite C interface to write an application. Since I like security, I'm using prepared statements to query the database. In one such query, I'm selecting rows from a virtual database using the MATCH keyword for full-text-searching. Here's an example:
WHERE ( Subject LIKE ?001 OR ?001 IS NULL )
AND ( Author LIKE ?002 OR ?002 IS NULL )
AND ( Body MATCH ?003 OR ?003 IS NULL )
This allows the user to enter any terms (Subject, Author, or Body) individually or in any combination to do a search. Any term that isn't entered, I'll bind NULL to that parameter. The problem with that statement is that you can't use the OR keyword with the MATCH keyword. I'm looking for a statement I can use with the MATCH keyword to return all rows if not searching in the Body column. Is there such a statement?
I suggest the following:
SELECT * FROM emails
ELSE body MATCH ?003
I ended up modifying the SQL statement at runtime to replace MATCH with LIKE '%'. Not very elegant, but it works for now.
