optimize wordpress site sharing with bluehost - wordpress

my site takes so time to load how can I fix this problem, I have a wp site it's shared with Bluehost when I run the site take so time to load any idea how to solve this issue?!

A lot of factors are involved in website speed, use some tool to scan your site and have some information:
Google PageSpeed help you to understand if image are too big, if the server response time id too high etc.. and also give you some information about the possible fix.
Other thing that may help you to speed up your site is a cache plugin like:
w3 total cache
wp super cache
this plugin have a default settings that help also unexperienced user to have a little benefit.


How to reduce ttfb time in wordpress sites?

How to reduce ttfb time ?
my wordpress site has very long ttfb time.
i tested result several time and result absolutely confuse me sometimes is lower than 200ms sometimes more than 5s !
what is the problem ?
network configuration or server side scripts ? or something else ?
It is not really a Wordpress specific problem as all websites should try to have a ttfb time as little as possible.
Generally speaking when you use a tool like Google page Speed or PingDom (to name a few), you should get some advices on how to improve your ttfb time.
Like using a cache system, compress and regroup JS/CSS files, reduce images size, using a CDN, etc...
Now on Wordpress ecosystem, you have a lot of plugins what can help you with that (especially if you're not a developper).
Here is a list of some I know and have already used that may help you:
W3 Total Cache (caching plugin) - A good free solution for setting a cache system on your WP (realivelly complicated to handle though)
WP Rocket (caching plugin) - an excellent non-free solution. Work pretty well (much easier to handle than W3 Total Cache). Affordable.
Imagify (image compression plugin) - this plugin re-compress and optimize you medias. It is developped by the same company as WP Rocket, you need to create an account on there service to use it. And they have a free plan.
In any case, if you're not a developper, I encourage you to get help from one because some caching options can produce unwanted effects like a JS component that doesn't work anymore of stuff like that so you need to test if your website still works each time you make a change.
Note: long ttfb time can also be related to the server itself (mutualized one for example).
Hope it help.

Woocommerce Shop: Domain hosting on X (namecheap), WP hosting on Y (siteground) = Loading Time Issues?

Is my woocommerce shop facing loading time issues when I host the domain with namecheap (for example) and use another company like siteground (e.g.) for hosting the WordPress site?
I'm wondering if it's better to host both things (domain and WP installation) with one company (for example siteground).
Goal: the faster the shop page is loading the better:)
Help is very much appreciated. I don't have much experience with this yet.
Having a domain and hosting with different companies does not affect the speed of your website at all.
The load speed is fully dependent on the host server capacity and how well your website is coded. Well, Wordpress sites without optiization are pretty massive.
I suggest checking what can be optimized within your website to make it more "light'. I've used this tool https://gtmetrix.com/, you can also check any other similar tool like Google Speed test, etc.

Service Unavailable Server currently undergoing maintenance. Webmaster: please contact support. Error 503

I've been using Hostgator hosting for a while but suddenly Hostgator started to close some website with " Service Unavailable" and It's because CPU resources is high, so Hostgator provide me some steps to optmize my wordpress ( Updating my wordpress , reviewing my pluggins, also I Limit WebCrawlers and Bots with robot.txt, google and bing and I have a Super Cache and wp-optimize ). Well After that I told Hostgator to review them to take out the restriction they put them back up after 2 or 3 days Its very frustration I don't know what It could be .? any help will be appreciate it.
Also I just notice in my google console there are some errors and I trying to delete but I can't find it.
Thank you in Advance
google console results
how much visitors do you have per month? And did you look in your account on hostGator, there is a point that show the ressource usage. Look at it.
A good solution could it be, to install a caching plugin, like w3 Total Cache Plugin or WP Super Cache Plugin. That should help a lot by saving resources.
The point in your image is a list of elements that couldn´t be delivered. The server had to much to do with other stuff, so he wasn´t able to complete the requests, as result you see the 503 Error code.

What is causing my Wordpress site to load so slowly?

So I recently setup a Wordpress site that is being hosted through HostGator with their business share-hosting plan. The website was experiencing very slow load times, sometimes up to 30-45 seconds.
I went ahead and scaled down/resized all the images that are currently on the site, added a caching plugin (W3 Total Cache), an optimization plugin (WP-Optimize), a CDN (Truespeed CDN), minified js/css, and added expires headers.
The site scores much better on site speed tests after I made these changes
Pingdom: 87
GTmetrix: 92%/87%
and it seems that the timing to the first byte is pretty quick too.
Loading the site in its current state still feels pretty slow and after taking these measures, I'm unsure of what could be causing the issue, or if possibly the host might be too slow. Any help and suggestions would be much appreciated.
The url for the site is: http://vmklighting.com/
I am also using Shopisle Theme with Woocommerce and WPML.

Hosting and Speed Optimization solutions for very large listing WordPress website

I have a WordPress listing website. The database has been reached to 25MBs, and site content is more than 12GBs. Site speed has gone terribly slow. What do you recommend for hosting solution and speed optimization?
test your site speed on
this both sites are help you to find the reason of your speed related issue.
As per you mentioned your site content is more than 12GBs that means your site has may be too much images - below one of the plugin can be useful for you.
