Service Unavailable Server currently undergoing maintenance. Webmaster: please contact support. Error 503 - wordpress

I've been using Hostgator hosting for a while but suddenly Hostgator started to close some website with " Service Unavailable" and It's because CPU resources is high, so Hostgator provide me some steps to optmize my wordpress ( Updating my wordpress , reviewing my pluggins, also I Limit WebCrawlers and Bots with robot.txt, google and bing and I have a Super Cache and wp-optimize ). Well After that I told Hostgator to review them to take out the restriction they put them back up after 2 or 3 days Its very frustration I don't know what It could be .? any help will be appreciate it.
Also I just notice in my google console there are some errors and I trying to delete but I can't find it.
Thank you in Advance
google console results

how much visitors do you have per month? And did you look in your account on hostGator, there is a point that show the ressource usage. Look at it.
A good solution could it be, to install a caching plugin, like w3 Total Cache Plugin or WP Super Cache Plugin. That should help a lot by saving resources.
The point in your image is a list of elements that couldn´t be delivered. The server had to much to do with other stuff, so he wasn´t able to complete the requests, as result you see the 503 Error code.


Failed to evaluate expression Wordpress deployment

I have a Wordpress instance deployed on GCP and haven’t looked at it in some time. When I launch into deployments I can see all the information I used to see but not the URLs for my Wordpress instance. I have no idea where to start? Needless to say that I am not that technical…. I searched for the error message but the leads I found were way to technical. I thought it may have to do that my credit card information expired for some time and that it may have been taken offline. The Wordpress site isn’t reachable analoger either. Any leads are welcome. Thanks

optimize wordpress site sharing with bluehost

my site takes so time to load how can I fix this problem, I have a wp site it's shared with Bluehost when I run the site take so time to load any idea how to solve this issue?!
A lot of factors are involved in website speed, use some tool to scan your site and have some information:
Google PageSpeed help you to understand if image are too big, if the server response time id too high etc.. and also give you some information about the possible fix.
Other thing that may help you to speed up your site is a cache plugin like:
w3 total cache
wp super cache
this plugin have a default settings that help also unexperienced user to have a little benefit.

Malware on Wordpress Site

I am working on a Wordpress website hosted on Godaddy and struggling with a Malware issue.
Every now and then the webpages start displaying thousands of random links on top of the pages.
When I searched for the texts in the content files, the only place I could find them was in comet cache.
If I delete the cache files, the links go away but again come back after few days.
Can anyone please suggest how can I prevent such a scenario and what all steps I can take to secure my website from such vulnerabilties.
Many thanks in advance.
There's a number of things that could be causing it. Check all of the following to help remove security holes:
Are you running the latest version of WordPress? If not, there could be a known vulnerability that is being exploited.
Are all your plugins up to date? For the same reason as above - a poorly written WordPress plugin can open up security holes.
Do the WordPress files and folders have the correct CHMOD permissions on the server? If not, you're asking for trouble.
I'd recommend any/all of the following as further reading:
If you don't want to do this work on your own, and you're working with GoDaddy, they offer (and now own) Sucuri which is a security service that will scan and clean your site. You can do this one-time, or pay for a monthly service that will continuously protect and restore your site.

What are my (other) options to reduce resource usage on shared hosting?

I got a message from our shared hosting company (InMotion) informing me our resource usage is too high. We have a WordPress-powered website. To give you an idea of our website, based on Google Analytics, we get 8,343 unique sessions per month. According to our webhost, we used 8660.71 MB of bandwith in January.
One day, InMotion told me there was a spike in CPU usage, and included an excerpt of my access logs which they say indicated "some heavy WordPress Admin activity". They said "We are not exactly sure what this admin user was attempting to accomplish, however this activity does seem to have inflated your account's CPU usage." They included the ID of the item that was uploaded and caused the spike. It was the only file I uploaded that day. It was a 7 kB PNG file; I uploaded it once, deleted it and uploaded it a second time.
I do not understand the complexities of resource usage, so to me, it seems stange that uploading a 7kB twice can bring about spikes and be considered heavy activities.
When I asked more about the Ressource Usage graph, they replied this : "The numbers are percentages. 100% means you're right at the top of what we consider normal CPU usage on a shared platform. Anything above that is VPS territory. If you zoom in on the graph, you'll see that for the most part you're right at 100%, but you occasionally have spikes over. Going through the logs, your CPU usage is mostly from the Wordpress Dashboard, so disabling the heartbeat feature should reduce your usage the most."
They also told me there was unusual activity to the wp-admin/admin-ajax.php.
At our hosting company's request, I did the following:
Disabled WordPress' heartbeat / autosave features
Installed a caching plugin (WP Fastest Cache)
Installed P3 Plugin Performance Plugin to see which plugins were using most resources
I deactivated 2 plugins that were highest in ressource usage : Scroll Back To Top and Simple Page Tester.
But even with these changes, there are still "spikes" in our resource usage and we are receiving warnings. Our host is recommending we either upgrade to VPS hosting or use a CDN service like CloudFlare or MAXCDN.
So my questions are as follow :
How can I tell what is really causing excessive ressource usage?
Are there other ways to reduce resource usage caused by WordPress?
Are CloudFlare or MAXCDN good for this type of situation?
Thank you for taking the time to read. Any help or tips will be appreciated!
Your usage is not at all surprising. If you get 8,343 unique sessions per month and you used 8660.71 MB, then each visitor is taking an average of about 1MB.
Just loading your home page is about 0.525MB, so if people browse your site (plus with admin traffic) it's easy to see how you might use that much.
Yes, a CDN like CloudFlare or MAXCDN would be really good for your situation. Your page is loading a lot of CSS, Javascript and images that could all be moved to a CDN. This would significantly reduce your host bandwidth usage and probably lower your page load time as an additional benefit.

Google bot return error 500

Is there a way to check if a page returns a 500 error? Google has just dropped 3000 of our pages from index. Implemented some fix, but need to check if it worked. It is only going to crawl the site again next week.
Google Webmaster Tools has a crawl statistics menu, where it will display crawl errors. It requires you to sign up, verify the site and then waiting until Google has crawled the site.
However, it has a 'view as googlebot' function which might help you as well.
I'd start there personally.
Monitor all the things!
Apache log4net
Enable Trace Logging for Failed Requests (IIS 7)
Hope this helps (I know you need to verify it now that your fix works, so my answer is more of a future recommendation).
