Can I tell Carthage how to build my project that doesn't use xcode? - carthage

I'm trying to provide an objective c framework to my iOS team who uses Carthage as their dependency manager. My project that I can compile to an Objective C framework doesn't use xcode to compile as I'm using Kotlin/native - so carthage can't do it automatically.
I have a simple command I can run to build the objective c framework on any computer, but I need a way to instruct Carthage what that command is. I don't see anything in the documentation around this, just that Carthage can build most projects automatically.
How can I tell carthage how to build my non-xcode project?

Please have a look at this conversation. I'm not sure that these instructions are up-to-date, but it might help, as I can see.


Realm support for Swift 3

So I updated to swift 3.0 and now my projects with realm 1.0.2 all give me an error.
RealmSwift compiled with older version of Swift language (2.0) than previous files (3.0)
I also tried to build a net new project and still get the build error, so I know it is not a conversion issue on the Swift side.
I found several Swift 3.0 beta users and tried to run the script to update my version to 3.0 and several other options. The last few posts appeared to use Cocoa Pods - which I don't currently use. Is that the supported fix path?
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't tried it yet, but here is what should work.
Essentially, the compiler gives you a description of what went wrong. The framework was compiled with Swift 2.0, while your project or other files were compiled with Swift version 3.0 (which means you made the switch after upgrading to the new version of Xcode.
To fix this, you need to use the Realm framework compiled with a Swift 3.0 compiler. Since the Realm team doesn't yet provide a precompiled version compiled with Swift 3.0, you have to do so yourself. To do that, go to their Github repository, and follow the instructions in the README under "Building Realm":
Building Realm requires Xcode 7.3.
Building Realm documentation requires jazzy
Once you have all the necessary prerequisites, building
Realm.framework just takes a single command: sh build.
You'll need an internet connection the first time you build Realm to
download the core binary.
This should generate the Realm framework with the current compiler version, which you then just have to use to replace your current Realm framework with. After that, everything should compile as it used to.
As stated before, I don't know if this actually works, as I haven't tried it yet. I don't exactly know if Swift 3.0 is supported by Realm yet or if there are any other issues you could run into. So please let me know how this works out!

How to compile realm-cocoa with source code

Our company's svn cannot allow single file larger than 40mb, realm framework needs 140mb+,so how can I build realm-cocoa with source code on github?
You could instead use the dynamic framework, which is a lot smaller (28,5 MB), through being already linked, but you won't be able to support iOS 7 in that way.
Alternatively I would recommend using a dependency manager like CocoaPods, which helps you with the setup and integration. But as a Core Member of this project, I'm obviously biased in that regard.
If that shouldn't be available for you, then you could theoretically use SVN externals to checkout the realm-cocoa repo (GitHub supports SVN transports), add the Realm.xcodeproj to your Xcode project, set the iOS framework target as dependency target of your app target and link to Realm.framework. But please not that this is not an officially supported way of integration.

QT Creator, compiling and deploying a c or c++ to a remote device (BeagleBone or R pi)

I'm trying since days to write and develop programs on my host pc (Ubuntu 64bit) using qt-creator for my beaglebone and raspberry pi devices.
I looked for 'qt-creator cross compile beagle, raspberry etc...' and it leads me to hundred of links and tutorial on how to compile qt-creator for my target plattform. But seriously, that not my idea. All what I want is to simply use my pc for developing my programs and lately deploy them to the remote device.
So first of all a noob question: Is something wrong with my idea? Should I really compile the source of qt for beaglebone or raspberry on my pc for writing programs which lately should be run on that devices????
I will not compile qt-creator again for another plattform, so I don't know how to find the right way. A lot of informations on internet are misleading.
So after many hours spend look for the right information I come up with the following procedure:
first I installed a arm-gnu toolchain on my 64bit Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install build-essential libc6-armhf-cross libc6-dev-armhf-cross binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf linux-libc-dev-armhf-cross libstdc++6-armhf-cross gcc-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf
then I installed qt-creator from the repository on my Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install qtcreator
I tried to configure to use qt for compiling my projects using the toolchain for arm (see following pictures)
and here:
but it seems that qt-creator doesn't recognize the new kit when I start a new project:
Now: I m really confused, I could think that the problem is related to qt, but I m not sure, whether the way of thinking, that I can compile on ubuntu 64bit and then run my application on the remote device is right or not.
For this reason it would be nice if you can answer the question above.
UPDATE: What happen if I add a QT-Version in my Kit???
It happens that the gnueabi compiler conflicts with that options and the following problem arises:
I would like to say again that I don't need to use qt-library or something like that on my remote device. I need just to use the qt-IDE as IDE for my projects (mainly c or c++ plain projects)
You need a complete toolchain
A toolchain is just a name for a group of things:
Compiler for the target platform (or cross compiler in your case)
Sysroot: An image of the filesystem in the target platform
A cross compiling qmake
QtCreator and the kit
You are lacking a cross compiling qmake. Please see my answer at this other post.
Furthermore, you need a toolchain for the Pi, and another toolchain for the Beagle.
It looks like before the update in the question, you didn't even have a valid kit, so there was nothing the IDE could do. You need to create a kit, and set Qt Version to None - because whatever Qt version you have installed is not for the ARM target. So, as long as it'll be none, it should work then, assuming that you have installed a full ARM toolchain for the target, including the Linux-specific bits - since you're not building a bare-bones application, but an application that will run on Linux.
When creating a new project, make sure to select Non-Qt Project, either C or C++, and choose the CMake build system (not qmake or qbs).
To test this out, start with creating a kit for your host platform, without selecting a Qt version (set it to None), and make sure you can create a simple C project and build it (choose proper compilers etc). Once you have done that, you should have an idea how to proceed with building for your ARM Linux targets. It really shouldn't be problematic at all (it all "just works" in my experience), so you probably didn't install something major (related to the target toolchain, nothing to do with Qt nor Qt Creator).
In Derek Molloy's tutorial for the Beaglebone on this subject, he mentions at around minute 18 that installing QT directly through the command sudo apt-get install qtcreator, won't install all the features of the QT app.
Try downloading QT directly from Qt site.

Flex Mojo Maven Compile Question

I am trying to get the flex mojos maven compiler to run my projects.
Anyone with feedback on the below information is appreciated.
I am using this configuration for the maven compiler plugin and for
some reason every time I run the clean install on my SWF project I
still see the following in the compile step for the app.
-compiler.actionscript-file-encoding UTF-8
That means I can not connect to my app via the Flex Builder's debug
tool. Any thoughts on how I should properly configure the plugin in
the pom.xml?
adam, we're just starting to build out the chapter on flexmojos in Maven: The Definitive Guide. For starters, use the new plugin groupId, artifactId that is listed in that chapter. velo moved the flexmojos project over to the Sonatype Forge a few months ago, and we're just getting the 3.0 release out.
To anyone out there reading this: remember Maven is a build tool; it only (typically) executes (parts of) your code as a consequence of executing the tests you've implemented.

Qt create executable

Is there a quick, straightforward way to make a Qt application into an executable? I attempted to follow the instructions at but have been unsuccesfull thus far; I'm unable to Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I always use CMake to build Qt projects, it's easy, free and cross platform. Guide : Compiling Qt4 apps with CMake. CMake also come with CPack to easly make installer for Windows, Mac and Linux.
I agree with chmod700 about the Qt Creator suggestion, it's not my favorite IDE but it's still really nice and easy.
Do you mean an installer package? I assume you are able to compile, link, and run your app and you mean how do you package it up for others. <-- special handling of Qt based projects but costs $ <-- my personal favorite and it's free (can be rough to learn advanced features though)
Though if you mean how do you build your app, you may want to try the new Qt Creator ( which will setup build targets for you and really makes desktop Qt dev a snap. Also if you're still using 4.1, you can now use 4.5 under the LGPL on all platforms making it almost a no-brainer to upgrade.
I'm not sure if I understand your problem. Assuming you're using MinGW, it's really easy and quite straightforward:
get the Qt sources and unpack them to some folder (f.e. c:\Qt\4.5.0-static)
install MinGW. Make sure the MinGW executable folder is in the %PATH% variable.
open a cmd windows, go to the Qt sources and run configure -static. You can add other config options if you like to, but usually you don't need that.
when building Qt finished, go to your application sources, open a cmd window and run the qmake of your built Qt installation -- i.e. c:\Qt\4.5.0-static\bin\qmake in the example given above.
run make
you get a statically linked binary in the end (you might want to check it with Dependency Walker).
Doing the same using Visual Studio is pretty similar.
Or do you want to build dynamically and create an installer package?
