Looking for software so I can spin up a quick test site with temp URL based on GIT feature branch - wordpress

I'm looking for some software (web based ideally) that will allow me to spin up quick clones of my live website(s) for client approval/testing purposes on to a temporary URL.
Ideally I'd be able to specify a GIT feature branch to deploy to it so my client only sees the exact features they are approving (as there could be lots of work in progress on the current test site).
As an example:
My client wants to see what a new module looks like on mysite.com.
Currently I would add the module to my local project and test (wamp), commit to GIT feature branch, push, then create a new staging/test server by dumping/tarring, uploading, creating hosting space, etc etc etc.
This is really time consuming and expensive.
I don't even know if anything like this even exists but if it does I'd love to hear about it! Thanks.

3 options, fastest/easier > longest
Create a skeleton of the website, only the basics.
1a. Use Node.JS to deploy a temp webserver on localhost.
(Exemple, you can deploy a linux machine where you host (with IP, no domain name) where you can display you PoCs
1b. Display PoC for your modules.
If that's not good enough, create a separate folder, on target(client) server where you can upload the "testing website" you'll use and password lock it (mydomain.com/testsite/).
Use Snapshot to make a snap of client server (if you want to display the PoC on his server/website)


CD-CM setup with merge replication

I am in the process of trying to make the publishing process quicker and simpler for one of our customers, on their sitecore based website. Through research I stumbled upon Merge Replication which might solve some of our issues, but it introduces other issues.
I need your help and guidance to figure out which way is the best!
We've got a CD & CM setup, with 1 CM server which has its own SQL instance. 2 CD servers with a SQL instance each.
At the moment I have the current setup:
CM (Master-, web- and core-database) Web is shown only internally on a secure admin url for the site, this works like a preview site.
CD1 & CD2 are the servers for visiting users, these each have a publishing-target in Sitecore.
When we deploy a release:
1. Deploy new code for CM. Publish templates and potential content changes for Sitecore to Web. Verify and authenticate that everything is correct.
2. Take out CD1 of the Load Balancer, deploy new code for CD1, publish templates and potential changes to Sitecore, verify and authenticate, then put server back into the load balancer.
3. Repeat step 2 for CD2.
4. Deployment done
this process is working OK for us now, we are up and running at all time without downtime on the site.
We've got a few issues with the current setup:
Our search (Elastic search) are being populated when CM publishes to Web, so atm there is an issue with elastic search potentially can have data which is not yet published to the CD servers.
When publishing, the editors could forget to publish to one of the CD servers, which would cause inconsistencies between the servers, which we would like to avoid.
Everything needs to be published multiple times for same environment, takes up time.
Editors do not know what a CD server is, they just want to have a “preview” and “Live” publishing target.
I've looked into the Merge Replication for Sitecore, and actually also have it working in a test environment. The advantage we want from this is that we only have two publishing targets:
Preview (CM server preview database)
Live (CM server web database, which then gets replicated out into the CD servers web databases)
The Elastic search instance will relay on data from CM’s web database, which is live data.
We have can have a Elastic search instance running on preview as well.
The issue here is, that now I can't deploy only for CD1 or CD2, when doing deployment. What if I have breaking changes towards Sitecore? The site will break if I publish new breaking Sitecore items to a server which hasn't been deployed to yet?
How can I get the best of these two worlds? Any?
Do you have an ES for each CD?
If you publish data to a single CD and have a shared ES you will get inconsistency either way.
Else I would make make changes to the publish dialog where only an admin/developer could see the CD servers individually.
Example of normal user:
Example of admin user:

Deploying websites with git (or generally: deployment workflow)

So I do create websites since some years already but I never cared about a good workflow. So I did bad things like working on the production server etc.
I want to improve all that and so I came across git and tools like wordmove (for wordpress).
I tried to visualize what I want or what I think could work:
workflow visualization
Now I think something there is "wrong" or "not so good" and can be done better but I dont really know what or how to do it.
So I have my local machine where I develop, then I have a bitbucket repository, a staging server to show the customer the current status and a production server which is the live server of the customer.
I'd appreciate some help :P How it can be understood.
From git 2.3, a feature named "Push to deploy" was added, you can search document for it or read here
What type of websites are you making? WordPress, Drupal, ect? It looks like you're on the right track.
As that diagram shows, I'd recommend creating a development, staging, and production branch for each project and setting up a webhook for the repo that listens for pushes and deploys (and builds) accordingly. This way you can deploy to private servers to "stage" your project/features for the client first before merging in to production.
stackahoy.io is built to do exactly this. It's free for 1 repo and unlimited branches. Some benefits to using Stackahoy are:
Maintain deployments for your git repositories in one place
Maintain static configuration files (stuff you keep in the .gitignore file)
Preform post-deployment scripts
Securely and instantly deploy your code based on the branch that was pushed and see real-time logs as it deploys.
Deploy to multiple servers at once (good for load-balanced applications)
Disclaimer: I work for Stackahoy and would be happy to answer any Q's.

What's the best practice to work on Wordpress locally?

I have a simple Wordpress website that is created using twelve twenty. I need to transfer it from server to my PC to be able to edit it and transfer it back to server. Now that I copied wordpress directory from server to my PC it asks me to reinstall it. How can I do it? Am I missing something? Is it possible to work on website locally and once it is done transger it to the server?
Reason for doing this are:
-don't want to loss data for wrong doing things.
-have a copy of website on local machine.
-easier to work on the local machine offline rather than bing online and accssing the server.
From my point of view , i would suggest u to back-up full website and database from server [every hosting control panels has option to backup same]
Connect via ftp and edit ur files.. there to make lots of changes when u want to move from local to server or server to local.
Editing the files on a live site directly is a terrible, terrible idea. It invites any number of points of failure. If you're actively developing a site things will break at some point - it's part of the developing process - and you definitely want to break things locally, not on a live site.
There's actually several steps involved, all of which are too long to go into great detail, but here's an overview of what is required along with a few links to get you started. The first time you do it seems laborious, but once you figure it all out it actually only takes 10 minutes.
Firstly you will need a local environment MySQL and PHP environment to install it. As you're on PC look at WAMP; here's a fairly good tutorial on installing it.
If you have a lot of content on the live site you might want to import it into your local environment; you'll need to export the database (probably using PHPMyAdmin) and then import it into your local database. You will need to update a couple of database options so that it points towards your localhost. It's basically the reverse of the process detailed here: you'll be changing your-site.com to localhost:8888. If your site is relatively simple you could skip this stage*
Now you should be able to update your local copy of wp-config.php with the database connect details for your local database (usually it's just localhost for the host name and root for the user and password`). With that in place you should now be able to install WP.
Now that it's installed you can edit away to your heart's content on your local copy, safe in the knowledge that anything you do on your local copy doesn't affect your live copy. When you're ready to push your changes live you can use FTP to copy your local files to your live environment.
* For a lot of projects I don't actually go to the trouble of synching databases - if there's a live site that the client can change the content on it often becomes a futile exercise attempting to synch a database with a moving target. In those instances I'll just use a comprehensive set of test content that contains every conceivable type of content that could possible inserted in to the live site.
your going to love working on your project from your locally. Here's an article I found on wpmudev http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/how-to-install-wordpress-locally-for-pcwindows-with-xampp/ which gives you a step by step guide for PC / Windows.

What is the best location for a "read me" file on the target machine when deploying an ASP.NET application using an .MSI package?

For an ASP.NET web application that is packaged and sold to customers for deployment, what would be the best location for a "read me" file with notes about setup and configuration on the target system?
The file should not be accessible by
users of the web application, only
the person doing setup and
The file should be
consumable by the MSI installer
program, so that it can be displayed
as part of the setup wizard UI.
The solution should be simple and very
low cost. (I don't want an elaborate
solution for just a simple text
Some thoughts I have are to copy the file to *App_Data* or to bin as those are protected folders by default, and then pull the file in from one of those locations in the setup program.
The readme should be a separate file that sits beside the MSI on the media you distribute the web app on. This is a standard practice dating from generations ago the dark ages. If you distribute as a download from the web then have a link for the MSI, and a link for the readme.
You could also include the same file into the MSI, but arguably that is the wrong place for it as the user has yet to reach the configuration stage, and unless they print it they won't be able to refer to it later in the MSI process (if you have any configuration steps in the MSI).
Having the instructions available via the web app is also arguably wrong, as the user may have to do some initial configuration in order to reach the page telling them how to configure the app....
So ship the instructions separately to the MSI, and make sure they look okay and are easily readable when printed out. Remember these pointers:
Instructions are not always read
Instructions are not always read at the time of installation
Instructions are not always read by the same person that does the installation
Instructions are not always read from the screen
Instructions are not always read correctly, even when they are simple
Instructions are not always read (I know that is a duplicate of the first point...)
Don't forget to clearly distinguish between pre-install and post-install configuration instructions (even if they are in the same document) - you want to minimize the risk of the end user getting it wrong (which some of them will do no matter how hard you try).
Build the important message into your application. Do it like Apache where it says "this is a new installation of...." and don't allow that screen to go away until they go in and do all the things that you consider important.
This isn't a problem for your installer to solve.

Deploy ASP.Net website from SVN to multiple server?

I need to deploy a website from the SVN to different servers all within our own network. The code is currently not compiled but probably will be in the future.
First, the site would need to be deployed to the development server for the developers to test.
Once the Developer signs off, it would be deployed to the staging server for the testers.
Once final sign off was given it would be deployed to a server farm- two live servers.
Each server has a couple of settings in the web.config to that are different (except the two live servers, of course). I would like to use templates, the way the Ruby on Rails world does. It seems like an elegant solution to multiple web.config files.
I also need to create a list/report of the files that were changed and what the change was since the last deployment.
I am thinking of writing a script that will do the following:
1. Take args for server to deploy to, and revision
2. Export a copy of the source to a directory with svn export -r <deploy revision>
3. Delete the web.config file
4. Use ttree (a template tool http://template-toolkit.org/) to create the correct web.config
5. Create a list of file changes with svn list -r <deploy revision>:<current server revision>
6. Store the <current server revision> of the website for when the script is run next time
The problem I have is it doesn't seem like the most elegant solution. It could become unmaintainable, and I prefer to use tools that are already available rather than re-invent the wheel. Unfortunately I don't think MSDeploy will do what I need, but I'm happy to use it, or anything else, if it will do what I need it to. Does anyone know of any tools that are up to the task or is the script my only option?
Check out TeamCity. I have my build server setup so that it can deploy to different environments with different settings based on the build configuration all in "One Click". It's relatively painless to setup and integrates directly with Subversion and other source control systems. This would be a more elegant solution to the issue you are dealing with...
