Equivalent to Java annotations - julia

In Java I can do something like:
#missing_end_of_record_fields_supported: yes
#header: yes
#comment_char: "#"
#BOM: yes
#max_errors: 5
Class BillingRecord extends BaseRecord
#pos(1, 5)
#minmax(1, 19999, "error") // "warn" only warn, but don't increase error count
#pattern(r"\d+", "error")
int ID;
#pos(6, 10)
#decode // from "latin-1" to utf-8
String name;
and use the annotations to generate the required (optimized) source code. This is a simple example, which we later on want to expand into ETL workflows/processes. I looked at Julia's metaprogramming and macro capabilities, but struggled to find concrete examples similar to the use case.
We are not reliant on annotations if Julia provides something different. However it should be equally easy to read and comprehend, extensible, and flexible.
Thanks a lot for your ideas


standard notation behind the QT reference documentation

I've searched extensively for an answer but to no avail. I am progressing well with self-tutoring of the basics of PyQT5. I am using http://pyqt.sourceforge.net to gain insight into how classes and functions link together but I am finding the QT reference documentation http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/ a useful means of gaining further insight.
I can pick up on the fact that there is a standard notation running through the documentation but I cannot follow what various symbols and reoccurring text refers to. There also appear to be many parameters and nested parameters applied. I paste a few samples below:
void setFocus(Qt::FocusReason reason)
render(QPainter *painter, const QPoint &targetOffset = QPoint(), const QRegion &sourceRegion = QRegion(), RenderFlags renderFlags = RenderFlags( DrawWindowBackground | DrawChildren ))
qmake: QT += widgets
enum RenderFlag { DrawWindowBackground, DrawChildren, IgnoreMask }
My question: is the documentation following an industry standard notation when it uses symbols such as "|" ? If so, is there a reference I can refer to to interpret the notation? I've combed through the QT website but can find nothing.
Qt is a C++ library and the snippets you are showing are excerpts from C++ code.
except for the qmake line which is qmake code.
| is the bitwise OR operator. The enum RenderFlag consists of flags (where usually one unique bit is set) which can be combined via this operator.

How to use DateTime?

What do I need to include to use DateTime? More specifically:
int month = System.DateTime.Now.Month;
Because I just put it there, and it doesn't recognize it.
Coding in C, with codeblocks
This is the error I am getting:
||=== Build: Debug in fm (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===|
E:\CS50X\Projetos\FM\fm.c|224|error: 'System' undeclared (first use in this function)|
I just want to make a getage algorithm, but for that II need to get the current month and year.
Here is DateTime page:
The object you mention (System.DateTime.Now.Month) and the documentation to which you link (http://msdn.microsoft.com/pt-br/library/system.datetime.aspx) is all in the .NET Framework, used by languages such as C# and Visual Basic.
However, you're trying to compile C code:
|=== Build: Debug in fm (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===|
Short answer... You can't use C# objects in C code. They're completely different languages on completely different platforms. If you're programming in C, you need to write your code in C. Different programming languages don't mix together like that.
drop system and use this
int month = DateTime.Now.Month;

GnuPG 1.4 RSA: Where's the Padding?

In an effort to better understand RSA I've been fooling around with the source code for GunPG 1.4, specifically the RSA implementation in the rsa.c file. As the title says, I can't figure out where the padding is happening.
So typically in RSA, padding is done right before the encryption and is taken off during the decryption. Encryption first starts around line 409 where we see
rsa_encrypt( int algo, MPI *resarr, MPI data, MPI *pkey )
RSA_public_key pk;
if( algo != 1 && algo != 2 )
pk.n = pkey[0];
pk.e = pkey[1];
resarr[0] = mpi_alloc( mpi_get_nlimbs( pk.n ) );
public( resarr[0], data, &pk );
return 0;
That seems easy, it's giving data to "public" function higher up on line 220. Public is responsible for calculating the important (c = m^e mod n) process. That all looks like:
static void
public(MPI output, MPI input, RSA_public_key *pkey )
if( output == input ) { /* powm doesn't like output and input the same */
MPI x = mpi_alloc( mpi_get_nlimbs(input)*2 );
mpi_powm( x, input, pkey->e, pkey->n );
mpi_set(output, x);
mpi_powm( output, input, pkey->e, pkey->n );
Wait a second...now it looks like public is passing the job of that calculation off to mpi_powm() located in the mpi-pow.c file. I'll spare you the details but that function gets really long.
Somewhere in all of this some sort of PKCS#1 padding and unpadding (or something similar) is happening but I can't figure out where for the life of me. Can anyone help me see where the padding happens?
In an effort to better understand RSA I've been fooling around with the source code for GnuPG 1.4, specifically the RSA implementation in the rsa.c file.
Since you’re looking at the older (< 2.0) stuff anyway, and since it’s only for learning purposes, I would rather advise you to check out “ye olde rsaref.c from gnupg.org” where the padding is implemented in a pretty obvious way.
… some sort of PKCS#1…
To be exact, GnuPG uses PKCS #1 v1.5 (specified in RFC 4880).
Can anyone help me see where the padding happens?
Hmmm, let’s see if I can wrap that up somewhat logically. GnuGP pads according to PKCS #1 v1.5, so it just adds random pad to satisfy length requirements.
If you take a look at the cipher/pubkey.c file (which includes the rsa.h file in its head), you’ll notice a pubkey_table_s struct which defines a list of elements that define the key. For padding reasons, random bytes are appended to that list (better: after that struct). It’s done that way because those random bytes can easily be stripped by looking for the end of the list. Keeping a long story short, that’s where random.c probably starts to make a bit more sense to you. Now, all that stuff (and a whole lot more) is compiled into a lib called libcipher… which in itself is compiled to be used by functions that add the padding and handle the RSA stuff the way you expected it. In the end, the compiled executables use the functions libcipher provides to take care of the padding – depending on the individual need for padding.
So what you currently expect to find in 1 or 2, maybe 3 files is actually spread out across more than half a dozen files… which I regard not to be the best base for your learning efforts. As said, for reference purposes, I’ld go for the old rsaref.c they once started out with.
Not sure if this actually provides all the details you wanted to get, but it should give you a first good heads-up… hope it helps.
GPG 1.4 doesn't use any padding at all. It encrypts the raw session key.

Passing parameters in .jcall

I have just started working with rJava to utilise a host of Java code in an R based application. I've tried some simple "Hello world" type things so I know the basic setup is working. I have several issues however I am hoping they will be resolved if I can resolve this basic problem using .jcall.
> cal = new(J("java/util/GregorianCalendar"))
> obj = new(J("au.gov.ips.dataarchive.TIndex"))
> obj$monthlyT(cal)
[1] 77
> .jcall(obj,"I","monthlyT",cal)
Error in .jcall(obj, "I", "monthlyT", cal) :
method monthlyT with signature (Ljava/util/GregorianCalendar;)I not found
To my understanding, the 3rd and 4th lines are equivalent and should produce the same result. Clearly I am doing something wrong. The 'monthlyT' method is defined in the java code as:
static public Integer monthlyT(Calendar month)
I am not a Java expert, so please let me know what other info about the Java objects I might need to provide to answer the question.
cal is a java.util.GregorianCalendar and not a java.util.Calendar. If you want to use the low-level .jcall interface (why?) then you need to do the casting yourself. So something like this:
.jcall(obj,"I","monthlyT",.jcast(cal, "java/util/Calendar" ))

Using sqlite from vala without dependence on glib

I need to use the Sqlite vapi without any depedence on GLib. SQlite is non-gobject library, so it should be possible to do that.
However, when I try to compile the following file with the --profile posix
using Sqlite;
void main() {
stdout.printf("Hello, World!");
I get am error messages:
sqlite3.vapi:357.56-357.59: error: The symbol `GLib' could not be found
public int bind_blob (int index, void* value, int n,
GLib.DestroyNotify destroy_notify);
sqlite3.vapi:362.68-362.71: error: The symbol `GLib' could not be found
public int bind_text (int index, owned string value, int n = -1,
GLib.DestroyNotify destroy_notify = GLib.g_free);
sqlite3.vapi:411.42-411.45: error: The symbol `GLib' could not be found
public void result_blob (uint8[] data, GLib.DestroyNotify?
destroy_notify = GLib.g_free);
sqlite3.vapi:420.59-420.62: error: The symbol `GLib' could not be found
public void result_text (string value, int length = -1,
GLib.DestroyNotify? destroy_notify = GLib.g_free);
Compilation failed: 4 error(s), 0 warning(s)
It seems that several of the functions defined in the sqlite vapi make references to the GLib.g_free and GLib.DestroyNotify symbols. Are there any posix alternatives to those?
That should be fairly simple to solve, and I can imagine several solutions.
It boils down to declaring a different delegate void DestroyNotify (void* data) (either in the posix.vapi or sqlite3.vapi) and bind free() in posix.vapi.
The problem is the namespace, and you might need to file a bug and discuss it with the developers. If you want to avoid this problem and are ready to go with a workaround, just create a mini glib.vapi GLib namespace, where you bind only the DestroyNotify() and g_free() (binding to libc/posix free).
I would think that sqlite3 should not use GLib, but rather libc/posix, so you should be fine by modifying only posix.vapi and sqlite3.vapi and filing a bug with your patch (awesome, a contrib!).
Note that classes are unavailable under the POSIX profile, as Vala requires a support library (i.e. GLib, Dova) to support those features. Jürg Billeter has acknowledged that support for the POSIX profile is experimental and limited:
The only way you have is re-writing the sqlite VAPI (or just the classes/methods you need) making them posix friendly (but I guess you can't use classes in that way).
if the vapi for sqlite depends on glib you could just write your own or use the sqlite c code with c and just make some extern statements for the functions you need. for example i made a tool wich mixes vala and c for linux pure c for win32 and objective c and c for mac
i just added the 2 functions i need at the beginning of my vala app like this:
extern void init_db(char * path,bool mm);
extern void lookup(char * str);
i added the whole sqlite source cause i needed to activate full text indexing and change a bit in the code and in the beginning of vala there was no sqlite vapi
