Azure Api Management append api to existing api with arm - azure-resource-manager

I wonder how you can append a second api to an already registered api in Azure api management via an ARM deploy?
If I use the same value for the name property in my Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis resource. It overwrites the whole api instead of appending it. I don't find a property in the arm reference docs to specify I want to append the api instead of overwriting it:
I want to accomplish the same result via arm, like I am able todo via the Azure portal import menu
This is also described in the docs:

That is easily not possible at the moment. "Append" logic is implemented in UI, but it does rely only on publicly available ARM calls. You could inspect calls it makes to ARM to append one API to another and try to reproduce it "by hand".


Application Insights end-to-end multi component logging in Azure Functions

End-to-end logging between multiple components using Application Insights (AI) is based on a hierarchical Request-Id header. So each component is responsible to honer a possible incoming Request-Id. To get the full end-to-end hierarchical flow correct in Application Insights the Request-Id header needs to be used as the AI Operation.Id and Operation.ParentId (as described here).
But when making a request with a Request-Id header to a Azure Function using a HttpTrigger binding for example (Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions 1.0.24) with integrated Application Insights configured (as described here) a completely new Operation.Id is created and used - causing the whole flow in AI to be lost. Any ideas on how to get around this?
Setting up a separate custom TelemetryClient might be an option. But seems to require a lot of configuration to get the full ExceptionTrackingTelemetryModule and DependencyTrackingTelemetryModule right - especially when using Functions v2 and Core (ref to AI config). Anyone go that successfully working?
This is not yet supported by Functions but should start working sometime early next year.
If you want to hack it through, you can add a reference to ApplicationInsights SDK for AspNetCore (v 2.4.1) and configure RequestTrackingTelemetryModule.
static Function1()
requestModule = new RequestTrackingTelemetryModule();
private static RequestTrackingTelemetryModule requestModule;
This is pretty sketchy, not fully tested and has drawbacks. E.g. request collected is no longer augmented with functions details (invocation id, etc). To overcome it you need to get the real TelemetryConfiguration from the Function dependency injection container and use it to initialize the module.
It should be possible, but is blocked by some issue.
But even with the code above, you should get requests that respect incoming headers and other telemetry correlated to the request.
Also, when out-of-the-box support for correlation for http request is rolled out, this may break. So this is a hacky temporary solution, use it only if you absolutely have to.

Spring Boot Rest service changing attributes

I have been asked in an interview below question:
I have a rest service developed using spring boot and this service is running in production and consumed by 500 other services. I want to change some attributes in this service for new consumers. How do I achieve this one without impacting existing 500 consumers.
Just add a new method with the new attributes for the new customer and leave the old one as it is.
Add a new version of your webservice (by using URL encoded versioning) and give the new customer the new version URL.
REST versioning
You can do this in two ways.
You must have given API documentation to the customers i-e confluence or any other document. Update the document and share with customers the updated one.
You can also do it using API definition scripts called YAML. If you add new attribute, you need to update the YAML configuration of the API and share it with all the customers.

Application insights SDK - Map inter-resource dependencies

I'm trying to create an end-to-end Application Map using Application Insights. Note all dependencies and metrics are captured and sent using the SDK.
Take the following scenario:
Windows service (batch processing) > (calls) WebAPI > (queries db)
I have 2 Application Insight resources - Windows Service and WebAPI. Both are capturing metrics but in isolation. How can I create a dependency using the SDK between resource 1 (i.e. service) and resource 2 (i.e. WebAPI)? I need to be able to view the Application Map for resource 1 and be able to see the entire end-to-end view of windows service > web service > db.
I can currently see only windows service > WebApi (App Map resource 1) or WebApi > db (App Map resource 2). Need to bring both together somehow?
Application Insights sdk only collect dependencies automatically for HTTP dependencies. Also it only works when the application insights profiler is running on the machine (often installed on azure websites through the Application Insights Extension).
If you happen to be in one of the situations where the new beta sdk is not collecting dependencies for you. You can do that on your own by writing a little bit of code yourself.
The sdk's autocollection code is open source and you can use it to guide you as to how to track these dependencies. The idea is to append the dependency telemetry's target field with the hash of the target component's instrumentation key and set the dependency type to "Application Insights".
Here is how to compute the hash: Compute Hash
Here is how to add it to the target field and set the right dependency type on the dependency telemetry object: Add component correlation to DependencyTelemetryTarget
A little word of caution. There may soon be a change to the format in which the target field is captured / the name of the dependency type (see this discussion). If and when that happens, it would be an easy enough change for you too.
My recommendation would be to use the same Application Insights resources (e.g. instrumentation key) for both your Windows Service and Web API.
You can separate your telemetry for those two services by adding a custom property indicating the service for all telemetry you emit. Easiest way to do this would be to implement a telemetry initializer (see here for documentation).
It is not possible today. Possible ways -
Use a single InstrumentationKey and identify by a custom property (as
suggested by #EranG
Export the data for both the apps and do your own thing
Please vote on this uservoice. Product team is already considering implementing this functionality in future.

What is the advantage of using OData with Web API?

I am already using the standard WebAPI and returning JSON objects to my client. Now I saw an application that returned OData.
Can someone explain if there is any reason for me to use OData if I do not want to query my data from anything other than my own client running in the browser. Are there advantages that I could get through using OData ?
If you are only using your data in your own browser application, there is only few advantages to use OData in your situation:
OData is able to provide metadata about your service interface that can be used to generate client code to access the service. So if you have lots of client classes that you need to create, this could speed up your process. On the other hand, if you can share your classes between the server and an ASP.NET based client or if you only have a few classes, this might not be relevant in your situation.
Another - bigger - advantage in your situation is the support for generic queries against the service data. OData supports IQueryable so that you can decide on the client side on how to filter the data that the service provides. So you do not have to implement various actions or use query parameters to provide filtered data. This also means that if you need a new filter for your client, it is very likely that you do not have to change the server and can just put up the query on the client side. Possible filters include $filter expressions to filter the data, but also operations like $skip and $top that are useful when paging data. For details on OData and queries, see this link.
For a complete overview about OData and Web API see this link.
Here are few advantages of OData.
OData is a open protocol started by Microsoft is based on Rest Services so we can get data base on URL.
It suppport various protocol like http,atom,pub and also support JSON format.
No need to create proxy classes which we used to do it in web service.
You will able to write your own custom methods.
It is very light weight so the interaction between client and server will be fast compared to web service and other technologies.
Very simple to use.
Here are few reference links.
I agree with the answers already posted, but as an additional insight...
You mentioned that:
... if I do not want to query my data from anything other than my own
client running in the browser...
You may not wish to run it normally through anything but your own cilent, but using oData you could use other querying tools for debugging. For example LinqPad allows you to use oData endpoints (such as that provided by stackoverflow).
It's probably not a good enough reason to implement oData if you don't have another reason to do so, but it's an added bonus.

CDA Broker API : Get ComponentPresentations by list of component IDs

I am trying to see if there is a way to get the ComponentPresentations by passing the list of ComponentIDs in one single API instead of passing each one in a loop. In my case all the DCPs are using the same template as well.
When I checked the API I could not find any method which could accept the list of tcmids or something in those lines. The use case I am trying to solve is getting all the DCPs in one single API call vs. looping through 10-15 (in my case) and get each DCP independently which is not effective when the first time we hit the broker db.
I was able to get the same using OData web service, but we not yet ready to use the Odata. Not sure if Odata and broker API are slightly different, but could not find any documentation that explain API vs Odata difference in capabilities from query point.
Any help will be appreciated.
ENV: Tridion 2011 SP1, Java API.
OData and Broker API are very different. If you want information on OData I'd recommend checking here and here.
No, you can't do that operation through the Content Delivery API. With a properly configured cache you will be hitting the database only once per component presentation, so the impact is minimized...
