Goolge Signin stuck on loading page - google-signin

Some users stuck on loading when they use Google sign-in in recent day.
This issue seems to depend on the account because I use the same device and tried to use different accounts to sign-in, this issue only happened on a part of accounts.
Below is my setting:
implementation ""
Below is my setting:
implementation ""
I tried to downgrade play-services-auth version, but it still not working.

Do you request additional scopes like "/auth/youtube" or google drive?
I believe it tries to show you this warning, so maybe you need to verify your app.

Google says it is their bug and have corresponding issue filed in github
You need to pass the verification process for the youtube scope anyway.

This issue is from google's side but for now, remove the consent screen from the test state and publish it. And It will work


Firebase Crashlytics links from mail, redirect to error-page, due to wrong Chrome user

having a firebase project with crashlytics active
receive mails for crashes
try to open the crash from the link within the mail
Example link:
I have multiple accounts in chrome. One is my private, one is my work account.
My main account is the private one. (/u/0)
Now, once I try to open the link
result: get redirected to wrong user
expected result: asking which account I want to use to open the link
My current workaround is to stop loading the link in the middle and replacing the u/0 with u/1 and let chrome continue. This will load the link correctly. But it will not always work and is super cumbersome.
Is there anything I can do? Do some of you face the same problem?
(Besides logging in with my work account. No - I don't want to log out from my main and switch forth and back all the time)
Okay I found a way, although I would love to hear a better one.
Using a redirect chrome extension. Redirector
github Link
Chrome Extension Link
From: ^https://console\.firebase\.google\.com/u/./(.*)

"Browser or app may not be secure. Try using a different browser." error with Flutter Firebase Google Login

I am using flutter web and firebase authentication to build a web app. For that
1. Created Firebase app with Google signin as one of the sign in methods.
2. Added the dependencies as given in
When I try to login, the Google sign-in window appears. Once I enter the email address and press enter, it gives the following error.
"Couldn't sign you in This browser or app may not be secure. Try using
a different browser. If you’re already using a supported browser, you
can refresh your screen and try again to sign in."
I used Chrome browser.
What should I do to make my app more secure ? For android, we had the option of using SHA keys to encrypt the connection. Do we need to do something similar for web ?
Incomplete answer:
This problem isn't specific to flutter. It happens whenever you try to sign in to Google in a Chrome instance that has debugging turned on. In other words, if you, your automation software, or IDE starts up chrome with a command like chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222
If running Chrome normally (out of debug mode) is not an option, then try or if you are using Electron then try but I, personally, haven't been able to make these work for me, yet.
Please upvote the question at if you want a solution to this problem that actually works.
The issue was with the chrome developer version Flutter use to launch as a device. If we open the same URL (localhost:portnumber) in the normal chrome, it will work without any issue.
The following worked for me:
Go into your google account
select Manage Account
Less secure app access (need to scroll down a little bit)
set to off
Then I was able to login in and debug in IntelliJ
(for me, for some reason, I had to create a new google account, couldn't get it working with my existing account but it worked with my new account)
You can use user agent switch to switch another browser (for example opera).
They try login. Once you successfully logged in you can remove or disable the extension.
I had the same problem with Firefox. The only way I could fix it was to create a new profile. So you could try to run Firefox with -p switch and create a new profile.
firefox -ProfileManager
firefox.exe -p
Update: check the firefox config (address field: about:config)
be sure marionette.enabled is false
For Test Automation Users-:I saw many testers are facing this issue for sign in using Google but I think below my idea will save their time.
Best Work Around is as below-:
Open automated Chrome browser as shown below
Sign up with new details which you want to use.
Now after successfully completion of sign up.
Then use that email and password for signing into gmail using Selenium or any other test automation tool

Cannot download google-services.json from firebase console

I'm trying to download google-services.json from firebase console. The error is There was an error. The config file cannot be downloaded at this time. as it can be seen in the below screenshot.
There are answers on Stackoverflow which didn't work for me (one and two). Specifically, clearing cache and history, using a newly installed chrome, trying with firefox and edge, using incognito tabs, didn't work.
What else can be done to get rid of this annoying error?
For me also I had this issue. Before trying anything, I refreshed/reloaded my page, and it works. After refreshing my page, I was able to download google-services.json file.
I had the same problem for a while with firebase google
what I did was to open the Developer Options for the web and looked at the request response from google
and I found out that the network response is very clear:
"The Google cloud platform for this project is disabled please go to<YOUR_PROJECT> and enable"
but for some reason the UI is very un-clear
Very simple solution, go to the link below and enable your project:
While in my case, the issue was caused by my ad blocker. I opened network monitor through developer tools and found out that my ad blocker was canceling post requests sent by Firebase. Disabling it for Firebase solved my issue.
I was using Brave , stopped ad blocker but still it does not work , Use Chrome if nothing works worked for me..

Impletmenting a custom meteor accounts package

I have been writing my own meteor accounts package and I seem to be missing something. I am not getting any errors in the browser or in the terminal so it's difficult for me to troubleshoot. The only error I get is from the accounts-ui package itself which is saying 'No login services configured.' The code can be seen at if anyone could take a look. Thanks in advance.
I created a accounts package myself a while ago and my advice would be to stick to whatever is done in the base accounts packages of the same service (in this case OAuth 2 it looks like) as closely as possible. I can see you have done that but there are minor differences.
I downloaded your package and tried it out myself. While I can't get it working (I haven't used the Stripe API so I wont be digging into it completely) I think I can make more progress than you have had.
First of all I don't get a 'No login services configured' error. Did you add your package? I did 'meteor add accounts-ui', created a packages folder in the my project's root and pasted your package folder into it, renamed it 'accounts-stripe' and did 'meteor add accounts-stripe'.
I then added a {{loginButtons}} helper to the page. With this I got the configure Stripe login buttons but it wouldn't open a pop-up when I clicked on it. I got an error message in the js console 'Uncaught Error: Duplicate service: stripe'. The problem seems to be you have the line:
in both accounts_stripe.js and stripe_client.js. Removing it from stripe_client.js fixed it for me. I could then add my API keys from stripe.
The next problem is once these are submitted you store them in 'clientId' in stripe_configure.js but then retrieve them using appId from the config object in stripe_client.js and stripe_server.js. I noticed this because the login URL in the pop-up after submitting the API keys had a undefined client_id. Changing 'clientId' to 'appId' in stripe_configure.js will fix that.
Unfortunately it still doesn't work. I get
{"error":{"message":"No application matches the supplied client identifier"}}
from the pop-up window. This could be for any number of reasons, perhaps I submitted the wrong thing in the API keys window, maybe it's because I'm using a test project on Stripe, or maybe you have implemented the login workflow incorrectly. A quick google of the Stripe OAuth docs suggests that I have submitted the wrong things for the client_id and secret. Like I said I haven't used the Stripe API before.
I hope I have got you started on fixing it though.

Can I use google analytics on vkontakte?

I want to use Google Analytics on my Vkontakte application (written with Flex). Vkontakte does not support naturally in Google Analytics (not as Facebook) which means I can't even put the Google Analytics JS at the bottom of the page (or even use JS for that matter). What I can use is the AS3 library of Google Analytics, but for some reason it reports of failed gif requests every time I use it to report on an event.
Is it even possible to use Google Analytics on the described environment?
If so, what could be the reason of the failed gif requests? Is it debugable?
Update #1:
After debugging the "Google Analytics for flex" source code, I got this error: Error #2035: URL Not Found.
Update #2:
It turns out to be a known bug as suggested here. It works perfectly on IE.
Update #3:
It works on FF when I disable the "ABP Tracking Filter (by rick752)" filter at the "AdBlock Plus" extension.
It's possible, the problems I've experienced were due to FF problem as stated in the question.
One potentially relevant way to debug this: install a network monitor like Fiddler, and look at the requests going over the wire. Do you see the right GIF get downloaded? If so, you're good. If not, you'll see what's going on on the network.
Here's some info from Google on debugging the gif requests. What do you mean when you say it failed?
