Impletmenting a custom meteor accounts package - meteor

I have been writing my own meteor accounts package and I seem to be missing something. I am not getting any errors in the browser or in the terminal so it's difficult for me to troubleshoot. The only error I get is from the accounts-ui package itself which is saying 'No login services configured.' The code can be seen at if anyone could take a look. Thanks in advance.

I created a accounts package myself a while ago and my advice would be to stick to whatever is done in the base accounts packages of the same service (in this case OAuth 2 it looks like) as closely as possible. I can see you have done that but there are minor differences.
I downloaded your package and tried it out myself. While I can't get it working (I haven't used the Stripe API so I wont be digging into it completely) I think I can make more progress than you have had.
First of all I don't get a 'No login services configured' error. Did you add your package? I did 'meteor add accounts-ui', created a packages folder in the my project's root and pasted your package folder into it, renamed it 'accounts-stripe' and did 'meteor add accounts-stripe'.
I then added a {{loginButtons}} helper to the page. With this I got the configure Stripe login buttons but it wouldn't open a pop-up when I clicked on it. I got an error message in the js console 'Uncaught Error: Duplicate service: stripe'. The problem seems to be you have the line:
in both accounts_stripe.js and stripe_client.js. Removing it from stripe_client.js fixed it for me. I could then add my API keys from stripe.
The next problem is once these are submitted you store them in 'clientId' in stripe_configure.js but then retrieve them using appId from the config object in stripe_client.js and stripe_server.js. I noticed this because the login URL in the pop-up after submitting the API keys had a undefined client_id. Changing 'clientId' to 'appId' in stripe_configure.js will fix that.
Unfortunately it still doesn't work. I get
{"error":{"message":"No application matches the supplied client identifier"}}
from the pop-up window. This could be for any number of reasons, perhaps I submitted the wrong thing in the API keys window, maybe it's because I'm using a test project on Stripe, or maybe you have implemented the login workflow incorrectly. A quick google of the Stripe OAuth docs suggests that I have submitted the wrong things for the client_id and secret. Like I said I haven't used the Stripe API before.
I hope I have got you started on fixing it though.


Unable to Connect to Box API in R

all. I am trying to set up boxr to read files from Box's API.
The set up seems pretty simple. I created a Box app. I then copy/pasted the client secret and client ID into box_auth()
box_auth(client_id = "<placeholder>", client_secret = "<placeholder>")
When I do this I am taken to a new page that says:
There seems to be a problem with this app.
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
Because there are so few steps, I am a little lost on what could be going wrong.
Advice is appreciated.
Ran into this same issue after months of boxr working as expected - the steps and explanation outlined here resolved the issue on my end.
Going to the dev console for your Box account, and then to the "Configuration" tab, add http://localhost:1410/ as a Redirect URI:

Generate Account Service JSON is not available in Firebase

In Firebase, I've always been able to generate Service Account JSON. Today, created a new project as always and could not find it. When I refresh the button does show briefly and disappear. I don't understand what is the problem and the documentation for generating an Admin SDK still says that you create a Service Account JSON with that button. You can see in the image below:
Can I have an explanation on why it is happening and how can I solve this?

Can't Send Email from Mobius form

I'm trying to create a simple form, but not getting very far.
I deleted all the extensions etc and then reinstalled so I just had the basic setup.
I select a Contact Form, and updated the owner email. Yet it gave me an error saying sender address not specified.
Any help would be appreciated.
Screenshot 1 at
Screenshot 2 at
I couldn't find any log entries for the sending. In the DNN logs there were lots of errors with HttpClient not found from MailChimps.cs, but I'm not wanting to use MailChimp. In my previous attempt I tried removing mailchimp references from the code and still got these errors.
I like the concept, but I find the help very unhelpful, often out of date and it assumes way to much. I'm willing to persist, but I'm under time contrainsts and it may be just easier to build my own module in C#.
You can set this globally, or on each form in the normal form configuration:

Goolge Signin stuck on loading page

Some users stuck on loading when they use Google sign-in in recent day.
This issue seems to depend on the account because I use the same device and tried to use different accounts to sign-in, this issue only happened on a part of accounts.
Below is my setting:
implementation ""
Below is my setting:
implementation ""
I tried to downgrade play-services-auth version, but it still not working.
Do you request additional scopes like "/auth/youtube" or google drive?
I believe it tries to show you this warning, so maybe you need to verify your app.
Google says it is their bug and have corresponding issue filed in github
You need to pass the verification process for the youtube scope anyway.
This issue is from google's side but for now, remove the consent screen from the test state and publish it. And It will work

I can't add Firebase to a google project, Invalid Entry

I'm trying to add Firebase to an existing google project. Basically I want to migrate the project to Firebase.
Steps that I followed
Go to
Click import google project
Select the project (I have owner permission, but I didn't create the project)
Select the country
Add firebase
I get the following error:
Invalid entry. Please make sure you represent your app accurately.
Until today I was getting a generic error such "An error happened, try again", but this has changed.
When I check the browser console for the error, the status code is 400.
Is there anyone who had the same issue and resolved it somehow?
Note that I tried the following options:
Different accounts
Different browsers
Incognito mode
Clear cache / Disable add-ons etc
Clearly logout/login again
Nothing worked so far and this blocks me to proceed.
It turns out the error was referring the name wasn't proper in Google console. It was something like "Foo bar bar". Nothing special though. I got support from Firebase and changing name something "foo-bar" solved the problem.
To be honest the error message is too vague. Hopefully this helps someone else.
