Alternative to clGetGLContextInfoKHR? - opencl

I am writing a N-body physics simulation. I would like to ask if there is an alternative to the OpenCL clGetGLContextInfoKHR() function ? I need to find out during runtime which GPU is used for OpenGL rendering so that I can use OpenCL for vertex manipulation on this same GPU (for performance reasons).
I have searched the OpenCL.dll for the function clGetGLContextInfoKHR() using Dependancy Walker, but it seems that the implementation that is installed on my computer does not support it sice this function is missing from the DLL. I have also tried glGetString(GL_RENDERER), but the name string it returns differres from the name string which clGetDeviceInfo(.., CL_DEVICE_NAME, ...) returns (not by much, but enough to make it for example difficult to destinguish two GPUs from the same manufacturer). Is there any other way except manually choosing the correct OpenCL device ?
Thanks for help !


Translate OpenCL SPIR-V to Vulkan SPIR-V

Is it possible to translate OpenCL-style SPIR-V to Vulkan-style SPIR-V?
I know that it is possible to use clspv to compile OpenCL C to Vulkan-style SPIR-V, but I haven't seen any indication that it also supports ingesting OpenCL-style SPIR-V.
Thank you for any suggestions if you know how to achieve this :)
I know that it is possible to use clspv to compile OpenCL C to
Vulkan-style SPIR-V, but I haven't seen any indication that it also
supports ingesting OpenCL-style SPIR-V.
clspv compiles to "Opencl-style SPIR-V". IOW, it uses OpenCL execution model and also OpenCL memory model. The answer to your question is no (in general). The problem is that e.g. GLSL uses logical memory model, which means pointers are abstract, so you can't have pointers to pointers. While OpenCL allows this, because it uses physical memory model. Plus there are other things in OpenCL which cannot be expressed in GLSL. You could try to write some translator, and it might work for some very simple code, but that's about it.

Shipping reliable OpenCL applications - Tools/Techniques/Tips?

I want to ship OpenCL code that should work on all OpenCL 1.1 compatible GPUs. Rather than buying a bunch of GPUs and testing on them, are there any tools that can help ensure reliability?
If anyone has experience shipping OpenCL applications to a wide hardware base, I'd be interested in knowing about any other methods for testing reliability.
I've a bit of knowledge on this. Unfortunately, the answer is: depends on what the kernel is doing.
My biggest gripe is with NVIDIA and OpenCL, since they don't seem to support: vectors (float2, 4, etc) and global offsets. Kind of obnoxious. Intel and ATI are both solid, but even then vector sizes can differ. The above doesn't really matter if you are doing image convolution.
It matters if you want to run AMD FFT on an NVIDIA card, are doing matrix math, etc. To address the vector issue, you can write multiple kernels that each have a different vector size and call the right one: MatrixMult_float4(...).
You can check whether your code compiles by using the AMD KernelAnalyzer2, although this does need some component of the Catalyst drivers so it only works for me on PCs with AMD GPUs. There is also the Intel Kernel Builder, which works for devices with Intel OpenCL SDK support. Nvidia's implementation has bugs in it, especially on newer GPUs in my experience so there the best is to test one GPU from each generation.
To avoid extensions and validate CL language versions, one could try to test compile the code using the LLVM, or just getting the grammar for validation, e.g. as BNF.
There's a promising open source project, which probably contains useful stuff:
However, the problems I encountered were:
Newline characters caused build breakers on certain implementations (CR, LF, CRLF) in OpenCL source files. Specifying one of these as the only valid line ending would be just stupid. If one is editing source files on different platforms in conjunction with an SCM, it could get inconvenient. So I remove comments and clean up line breaks before compilation.
Performance: Feeding the GPU efficiently using multithreading; different hardware constellations have different bottlenecks. Here I needed a client side pipeline with multiple dispatcher threads. Of course, the amount of work that remains for the CPU depends on the task or capabilities, amount and resources of computing devices. Things that needed serialized execution or dynamic loop counts have been such candidates.

Is there a general binary intermediate representation for OpenCL kernel programming?

as I understood, the OpenCL uses a modified C language (by adding some keywords like __global) as the general purpose for defining kernel function. And now I am doing a front-end inside F# language, which has a code quotation feature that can do meta programming (you can think it as some kind of reflection tech). So I would like to know if there is a general binary intermediate representation for the kernel instead of C source file.
I know that CUDA supports LLVM IR for the binary intermediate representation, so we can create kernel programmatically, and I want to do the same thing with OpenCL. But the document says that the binary format is not specified, each implementation can use their own binary format. So is there any general purpose IR which can be generated by program and can also run with NVIDIA, AMD, Intel implementation of OpenCL?
No, not yet. Khronos is working on SPIR (the spec is still provisional), which would hopefully become this. As far as I can tell, none of the major implementations support it yet. Unless you want to bet your project on its success and possibly delay your project for a year or two, you should probably start with generating code in the C dialect.

Calling external functions when using OpenCL for CPU Device

I am evaluating the possibility for using OpenCL for just-in-time compilation of performance-critical mathematical expressions for CPU devices. I am currently using LLVM directly (or rather, I have a working proof-of-concept), but would find the abstraction offered by OpenCL very useful going forward.
I am now trying to figure out if there is some way to call functions with external linkage when using OpenCL for CPU devices, equivalent to the following in LLVM:
... = llvm::Function::Create(..., llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage, "...", ...);
Since my OpenCL implementation at least is built on top of LLVM, I was hoping that this would be possible somehow.
Does this function
accomplish what you are after?
Edit: credit where credit is due:

STD Classes in CUDA Kernel

I know that there is no way using std classes such as string, vector, map or set in CUDA kernel. However, it's very uncomfortable without them. I have to write a lot of code in CUDA kernel, so I would like to use at least strings and vectors. I'm not talking about something like thrust. I want to be able to write something like this:
__global__ void kernel()
cuda_vector<int> a;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
int main()
return 0;
This should create 512 threads and in each thread I want to create cuda_vector class and use it as std::vector. I didn't find any solution on the internet and I started to write my own class. Each function of this class is defined as "__ host __ " and " __ device __" function so that I can use it on both CPU and GPU.
Theoretically, it can be implemented, however only on Fermi architecture. Because, we need to allocate memory dynamically. I have GTX 580 and started to write my own Vector. But it's tiring and needs a lot of time. Isn't there any implementation which I can use? I can't believe that there isn't any. Do so many software developers write on CUDA without it? And noone tried to write his/her own version?
The reason you don't find something like std::vector for cuda is performance. Your traditional vector object doesn't fit well with the CUDA model. If you are planning on using only 512 threads and each one will be managing a std::vector like object your performance is going to be worse than running the same code on the CPU.
GPU threads are not like CPU threads, they should be as light as possible. Use thread blocks and shared memory to have the threads cooperate. If you are manipulating a string, each thread should be working on one character, if you are using vectors in the CPU pass an array of that to the GPU, and have each thread work on one element. Basically, think about how to solve the problem with the CUDA programming model as apposed to solving it with a CPU approach and then translating it to CUDA.
I've not used it, but the CuPP framework may be of interest to you, especially the vector<T> implementation. Looks like it could do what you need it to do.
