How to solve the following recurence relation - math

How do I solve the following recurrence relation?
f(n+2) = 2*f(n+1) - f(n) + 2 where n is even
f(n+2) = 3*f(n) where n is odd
f(1) = f(2) = 1
For odd n I could solve the recurrence and it turns out to be a geometric series with common ratio 3.
When n is even I could find and solve the homogeneous part of the recurrence relation by substituting f(n) = r^n. So the solution comes to be r = 1. Therefore the solution is c1 + c2*n. But how do I solve the particular integral part? Am I on the right track? Are there any other approaches to the above solution?

The recurrence for odd n is very easy to solve with the substitution you tried:
Substituting this into the recurrence for even n:
Attempt #1
Make a general substitution of the form:
Note that the exponent is n/2 instead of n based on the odd recurrence, but it is purely a matter of choice
Matching the same types of terms:
But this solution doesn't work with the boundary condition f(2) = 1:
Attempt #2
It turns out that a second exponential term is required:
As before, one of the exponential terms needs to match 3^(n/2):
The last equation has solutions d = 0, -1; obviously only the non-trivial one
is useful:
The final solution for all n ≥ 2:
Alternative method
Longer but (possibly, at least I found it to be) more intuitive - expand the recurrence m times:
Observe the pattern:
The additive factor of 2 is present for odd number of expansions m but cancels out for even m.
Each expansion adds a factor of 2 * 3^(n/2-m) for odd m, and subtracts it for even m.
Each expansion also adds a factor of f(n-2m) for even m, and subtracts it for odd m.
Combining these observations to write a general closed form expression for the m-th expansion:
Using the standard formula for geometric series in the last step.
Recursion stops at f(2) = 1:
The same result as before.


gcd of two numbers one of them is too large

I was going through a question which ask to calculate gcd(a-b,a^n+b^n)%(10^9+7) where a,b,n can be as large as 10^12.
I am able to solve this for a,b and n for very small numbers and fermat's theorem also didn't seem to work, and i reached a conclusion that if a,b are coprime then this will always give me gcd as 2 but for the rest i am not able to get it?
i need just a little hint that what i am doing wrong to get gcd for large numbers? I also tried x^y to find gcd by taking modulo at each step but that also didn't work.
Need just direction and i will make my way.
Thanks in advance.
You are correct that a^n + b^n is too large to compute and that working mod 10^9 + 7 at each step doesn't provide a way to compute the answer. But, you can still use modular exponentiation by squaring with a different modulus, namely a-b
Key observations:
1) gcd(a-b,a^n + b^n) = gcd(d,a^n + b^n) where d = abs(a-b)
2) gcd(d,a^n + b^n) = gcd(d,r) where r = (a^n + b^n) % d
3) r can be feasibly computed with modular exponentiation by squaring
The point of 1) is that different programming languages have different conventions for handling negative numbers in the mod operator. Taking the absolute value avoids such complications, though mathematically it doesn't make a difference. The key idea is that it is perfectly feasible to do the first step of the Euclidean algorithm for computing gcds. All you need is the remainder upon division of the larger by the smaller of the two numbers. After the first step is done, all of the numbers are in the feasible range.

Tree method with 8T(n/2) +n^2

I'm trying to solve this problem, but I think I haven't understood how to do it correctly. The first thing I do in this type of exercises is taking the bigger value in the row (in this case is n^2) and divide it multiple times, so I can find what kind of relation there is between the values. After found the relation, I try to mathematically found its value and then as the final step, I multiply the result for the root. In this case the result should be n^3. How is possible?
Unfortunately #vahidreza's solutions seems false to me because it contradicts the Master theorem. In terms of the Master theorem a = 8, b = 2, c = 2. So log_b(a) = 3 so log_b(a) > c and thus this is the case of a recursion dominated by the subproblems so the answer should be T(n) = Ө(n^3) rather than O(m^(2+1/3)) which #vahidreza has.
The main issue is probably in this statement:
Also you know that the tree has log_8 m levels. Because at each level, you divide the number by 8.
Let's try to solve it properly:
On the zeroth level you have n^2 (I prefer to start counting from 0 as it simplifies notation a bit)
on the first level you have 8 nodes of (n/2)^2 or a total of 8*(n/2)^2
on the second level you have 8 * 8 nodes of (n/(2^2))^2 or a total of 8^2*(n/(2^2))^2
on the i-th level you have 8^i nodes of (n/(2^i))^2 or a total of 8^i*(n/(2^i))^2 = n^2 * 8^i/2^(2*i) = n^2 * 2^i
At each level your value n is divided by two so at level i the value is n/2^i and so you'll have log_2(n) levels. So what you need to calculate is sum for i from 0 to log_2(n) of n^2 * 2^i. That's a geometric progression with a ratio of 2 so it's sum is
Σ (n^2 * 2^i) = n^2 * Σ(2^i) = n^2 * (2^(log_2(n)+1) - 1)/2
Since we are talking about Ө/O we can ignore constants and so we need to estimate
n^2 * 2^log_2(n)
Obviously 2^log_2(n) is just n so the answer is
T(n) = Ө(n^3)
exactly as predicted by the Master theorem.

how to solve mathematical expectation in hackerrank 20/20 hack february 2014

So this problem was given in Hackerrank 20/20 hack february :
Let’s consider a random permutation p1, p2, …, pN of numbers 1, 2, …, N and calculate the value F=(X2+…+XN-1)^K, where Xi equals 1 if one of the following two conditions holds: pi-1 < pi > pi+1 or pi-1 > pi < pi+1 and Xi equals 0 otherwise. What is the expected value of F?
Constraints: 1000 <= N <= 10^9, 1 <= K <= 5
I thought it was Eulerian number related problem. As the contest is over,I can see the solutions. But I don't understand any of them. Is there any tricks?
so a few words about my "solution" ;)
What I basically did:
1) write a brute force solver (obviously for N << 20)
-> this solver won't handle high values of N, as given in the constraints
2) analyze the output of the solutions to these (invalid) inputs
-> observe that with K=1, the output follows a straight line
-> K=2, is a quadratic function
-> K=3, is a cubic function, and so on
3) find the parameters for each function (K=1 - 5) by using a solver, or how I did it, wolfram alpha ;)
-> additionally I "normalized" each parameter to only have one division afterwards
4) use any programming language / big integer class to solve the correct inputs in O(1)
I'm pretty sure that one can come up with these parameters in a very clever way, but for me, during the contest, this solution was easy and fast enough without having to think too much about the "why" ;)

Find the coefficients of a polynomial given its roots (zeros) in Prolog

How I can implement in Prolog program that find coefficients of the polynomial if I know its roots.
for example:
input data (2;-1)
output (1;-1;2)
Multiplying together the first-degree factors for given roots will form an expanded polynomial. This is a natural fit with an "accumulator" design pattern in Prolog.
That is, we'll introduce an auxiliary argument to remember the product of factors "so far" dealt with. Once the list of specified roots has been emptied, then we will have the desired polynomial expansion:
/* polynomialFromListofRoots(ListofRoots,[1],Polynomial) */
polynomialFromListofRoots([ ],Poly,Poly).
polynomialFromListofRoots([R|Roots],Pnow,Poly) :-
/* polyMultiplyRootFactor(R,Poly,ProductXminusR) */
polyMultiplyRootFactor(R,Poly,Prod) :-
/* polyMultiplyRootFactorAux(R,Aux,Poly,Product) */
polyMultiplyRootFactorAux(R,A,[ ],[B]) :-
B is -R*A.
polyMultiplyRootFactorAux(R,A,[P|Ps],[RP|RPs]) :-
RP is P - R*A,
Using the example in the Question:
?- polynomialFromListofRoots([2,-1],[1],Poly).
Poly = [1, -1, -2]
Note that this corrects the output claimed in the Question.
Sorry misread question.
a^2x + bx +c = 0
Take the sum of the roots x1 + x2 this is equal to -b/a.
Take the product of the roots x1*x2 this is equal to c/a.
Now solve the resulting system of linear equations to find a b and c.
The above solution works if you set the parameter of a = 1. You see when your given the roots you'll end up with two equations and three unknowns so you'll have to set a fixed value on one of the parameters and the above solutions fixes a = 1.
So given 2 roots you can't get back a specific polynomial because theres no unique answer theres an infinte number of answers

efficiently determining if a polynomial has a root in the interval [0,T]

I have polynomials of nontrivial degree (4+) and need to robustly and efficiently determine whether or not they have a root in the interval [0,T]. The precise location or number of roots don't concern me, I just need to know if there is at least one.
Right now I'm using interval arithmetic as a quick check to see if I can prove that no roots can exist. If I can't, I'm using Jenkins-Traub to solve for all of the polynomial roots. This is obviously inefficient since it's checking for all real roots and finding their exact positions, information I don't end up needing.
Is there a standard algorithm I should be using? If not, are there any other efficient checks I could do before doing a full Jenkins-Traub solve for all roots?
For example, one optimization I could do is to check if my polynomial f(t) has the same sign at 0 and T. If not, there is obviously a root in the interval. If so, I can solve for the roots of f'(t) and evaluate f at all roots of f' in the interval [0,T]. f(t) has no root in that interval if and only if all of these evaluations have the same sign as f(0) and f(T). This reduces the degree of the polynomial I have to root-find by one. Not a huge optimization, but perhaps better than nothing.
Sturm's theorem lets you calculate the number of real roots in the range (a, b). Given the number of roots, you know if there is at least one. From the bottom half of page 4 of this paper:
Let f(x) be a real polynomial. Denote it by f0(x) and its derivative f′(x) by f1(x). Proceed as in Euclid's algorithm to find
f0(x) = q1(x) · f1(x) − f2(x),
f1(x) = q2(x) · f2(x) − f3(x),
fk−2(x) = qk−1(x) · fk−1(x) − fk,
where fk is a constant, and for 1 ≤ i ≤ k, fi(x) is of degree lower than that of fi−1(x). The signs of the remainders are negated from those in the Euclid algorithm.
Note that the last non-vanishing remainder fk (or fk−1 when fk = 0) is a greatest common
divisor of f(x) and f′(x). The sequence f0, f1,. . ., fk (or fk−1 when fk = 0) is called a Sturm sequence for the polynomial f.
Theorem 1 (Sturm's Theorem) The number of distinct real zeros of a polynomial f(x) with
real coefficients in (a, b) is equal to the excess of the number of changes of sign in the sequence f0(a), ..., fk−1(a), fk over the number of changes of sign in the sequence f0(b), ..., fk−1(b), fk.
You could certainly do binary search on your interval arithmetic. Start with [0,T] and substitute it into your polynomial. If the result interval does not contain 0, you're done. If it does, divide the interval in 2 and recurse on each half. This scheme will find the approximate location of each root pretty quickly.
If you eventually get 4 separate intervals with a root, you know you are done. Otherwise, I think you need to get to intervals [x,y] where f'([x,y]) does not contain zero, meaning that the function is monotonically increasing or decreasing and hence contains at most one zero. Double roots might present a problem, I'd have to think more about that.
Edit: if you suspect a multiple root, find roots of f' using the same procedure.
Use Descartes rule of signs to glean some information. Just count the number of sign changes in the coefficients. This gives you an upper bound on the number of positive real roots. Consider the polynomial P.
P = 131.1 - 73.1*x + 52.425*x^2 - 62.875*x^3 - 69.225*x^4 + 11.225*x^5 + 9.45*x^6 + x^7
In fact, I've constructed P to have a simple list of roots. They are...
{-6, -4.75, -2, 1, 2.3, -i, +i}
Can we determine if there is a root in the interval [0,3]? Note that there is no sign change in the value of P at the endpoints.
P(0) = 131.1
P(3) = 4882.5
How many sign changes are there in the coefficients of P? There are 4 sign changes, so there may be as many as 4 positive roots.
But, now substitute x+3 for x into P. Thus
Q(x) = P(x+3) = ...
4882.5 + 14494.75*x + 15363.9*x^2 + 8054.675*x^3 + 2319.9*x^4 + 370.325*x^5 + 30.45*x^6 + x^7
See that Q(x) has NO sign changes in the coefficients. All of the coefficients are positive values. Therefore there can be no roots larger than 3.
So there MAY be either 2 or 4 roots in the interval [0,3].
At least this tells you whether to bother looking at all. Of course, if the function has opposite signs on each end of the interval, we know there are an odd number of roots in that interval.
It's not that efficient, but is quite reliable. You can construct the polynomial's Companion Matrix (A sparse matrix whose eigenvalues are the polynomial's roots).
There are efficient eigenvalue algorithms that can find eigenvalues in a given interval. One of them is the inverse iteration (Can find eigenvalues closest to some input value. Just give the middle point of the interval as the above value).
If the value f(0)*f(t)<=0 then you are guaranteed to have a root. Otherwise you can start splitting the domain into two parts (bisection) and check the values in the ends until you are confident there is no root in that segment.
if f(0)*f(t)>0 you either have no, two, four, .. roots. Your limit is the polynomial order. if f(0)*f(t)<0 you may have one, three, five, .. roots.
