Does Pivotal Cloud Foundry support MariaDB? - mariadb

I am currently self-learning on the basics of cloud foundry and i was wondering if Pivotal Cloud Foundry supports MariaDB or can PCF only link to similar databases such as MySQL or PostgreSQL?

PCF does not support mariadb for now but definitely they are going to support in near future....
It supports mysql for now. This should help you:


How to connect WordPress to AWS Aurora serverless MySQL?

I want to get advantage is Aurora serverless since my current DB has over 1 million records. I can connect to it from my computer via ssh to ec2 in the same vpc with Aurora.
I installed WP in the same ec2, yet WP can't connect to it, any idea is it supported, or it should be used only with serverless platform by API?
You should be able to use AWS aurora serverless with WordPress as well as other PHP stacks, WordPress is compatible with MySQL 5.6 which serverless built on
the only thing I can think of is to make sure your database security group has access to the ec2 server and both are under same VPC

Is it possible to use PostgreSQL with Google AppMaker?

The documentation mentions that MySQL can be used:
Your app can access tens of gigabytes of data stored in Google Cloud
SQL, a MySQL relational database hosted on Google Cloud Platform.
However, it seems to be have been written before PostgreSQL was available on Google Cloud SQL.
Support for PostgreSQL is not available. See, it says:
Note: App Maker supports only MySQL databases. You can't use

Google datastore emulator web console

I'm running a local stand-alone datastore emulator using the gcloud tool:
$ gcloud beta emulators datastore start
It works fine, but I'm missing the integrated /_ah/admin page the old appengine dev server offers. Is there something comparable for this emulator? A stand-alone project that just acts like a phpmyadmin, or a trick to reuse the appengine dev server's GUI; I'm fine with either.
Currently there is no GUI available to view/manage the data created through the Emulator. There is an open enhancement request for this at -
Try Google Cloud GUI written by Gabriel Axel at It works pretty well.

How to deploy web app (Spring MVC, JPA,Oracle) on cloud?

I would like to deploy web app on Cloud (Which is built on using Spring MVC Farmework,JPA & Oracle ).Could any one suggest me the best way to deploy it on cloud?.
Given your comment that you're happy to move to a MySQL database, then I'd suggest Jelastic, which has the easiest deployment for your stack. It also has a free trial.
Alternatively, AppFog is also great, and free for up to 2GB of RAM.
You'll have to first pick your cloud provider.
Given the technology stack, you may be able to deploy to the Oracle Public Java cloud, or you could also configure machine images to deploy on Amazon EC2. The limiting factor will be technology (and licensing) restrictions. If you had, for example, decided to use MySQL as a database (or any other data store), you would have more options.

Deploy Symfony2 on Amazon Web Services

I am looking for some advices about deploying a Symfony2 web application. I got introduce to Amazon EC2 few days ago and we decided to use it to deploy our app.
Actually I am basically looking for a well set up AMI to get start. I have been quite disapointed that the Elastic Beanstalk doesn't have a native support for PHP based apps.
I have been developping on a wamp server and and my app will communicate with an Oracle database also in Amazon RDS (that's why we choose Amazon ).
I have checked this website that provides a Lamp stack. What do you think about it? The point is that I am not used to Unix base OS and I would appreciate an AMI that doesn't need many configurations.
Elastic Beanstalk now provides direct support for PHP.
Bitnamis CloudImages are pretty solid and well maintained, so it's an easy way to get your server up and running without too much headache as Unix beginner. Maybe their Cloud Hosting is an option, too.
On the other hand it's good to know what's powering your web applications and how this "stuff" works. Take a look at this article about building a LAMP on EC2: Building EC2 Amazon Linux with LAMP.
You can also go with this tutorial:
"Running phpMyAdmin On Nginx (LEMP) on Debian Squeeze / Ubuntu" in conjunction with Debian or Ubuntu CloudImages.
Hope that helps :)
