Wordpress images no longer have srcset and are showing pixalated images - wordpress

I just recently moved my wordpress site to another host. There were too many images to import so I imported them through ftp and then used the [Add from Server plugin][1] to ensure my image id and such were in the database.
Images on my new site now show up however they are very pixalated and blurry as they are showing a small image blown up to 100%. I have tried regenerating thumbnails but have had no luck. It is the saem theme with the same code.
My old site image look like this:
Where my new site looks like this:
The images are all in the media library and i I swap them in one by one it wokrs but there are hundreds of posts. Is there a way to get this to work manually somehow? I thought this is what Regenerate Thumbnails was supposed to do. thanks for any help you can give.
I just check and my excerpts are not showing either.

If I understood correctly, you uploaded images via FTP. I assume folder structure is intact - year/month folder structure inside uploads folder. That should work without any other actions. Did you try? I don't understand part where you say "to ensure my image id and such were in the database". If you take your old database and upload to your new server, then why should some ids change? :/
What I want to say is that migrating WP from one host to another is just - copy all files, copy database and that's it. If you are changing domain of the site, then you must search/replace database also (but I don't think that's the case here).


Wordpress: Is there a way to load images in Media gallery directly from disk?

I'm using Wordpress and I've deleted a bunch of images in Media page. Since I do a regular backup of disks I can manually recover them, but once they are present in disk they won't show up in Media page because they don't exist anymore in database. I can't restore the database because I would miss lots of recently changes.
So, what I want to do is Media page to load those images directly from disk (eg: wp-content/uploads/2017/01/blabla.png). Any way to achieve this? Thanks.
In your database, you have your GUID(in wp_post table) data for Images? If you have then you can simply add your images by FTP. But make sure that you have GUID data, you have to create directory wise add your images in the upload folder.

Wordpress Migration issue css

I have migrated website to new domain, the problem is css not loading
if I inspect element it gives link to old domain, is there a way to update css links in wordpress?
please help
When moving a WordPress site to a new domain, you need to change the Site URL and Home URL, usually in the database or in wp-config.php, depending on how the site was originally set up. There may be other changes you need to make in the database, or by manually editing posts, like the locations of images in posts.
This page on wordpress.org is a good reference, for all the things you may need to change, and it shows a few different methods to make most of the changes, so you can choose the one you prefer:
Make sure to keep a backup of the site in case of any mistakes. If you make some changes, and most of the site is working, but a few things aren't, I would recommend making another backup, so you could restore it again without losing much work, if needed.
yes when you are adding links to your site you show use the function site_url().example/my_post in order to construct the links

Broken WP images after domain move

I have just moved a site from the domain trfinch.com to moralesfinch.com and all the images seem to be broken. I know this is a common issue, but my problem seems particuylarly complex.
After the move, I used the 'Better Search Replace' plugin to replace all absolute links in the database. I am seeing the broken img icon in all instances, wether in the Media Library or the Front end.
However, here's the interesting bit, if I inspect the image code and manually visit the URL, the images are all there. Something is stopping them pulling through to the main site.
The issue also seems to apply to background images and favicons too.
Any suggestions?
The image urls look right, it is most likely not a problem with wrong siteurl and homeurl as codenathan pointed out, but it is still a good idea to check. My instinct would say it is a problem with routing/permalinks. Try updateing the permalink structrue, or even try deactivating pretty permalinks and see if it helps.
I observed that your website forwards you to the main page (not the 404 page) when you put in the image url directly into the address bar. Do you have access to your server logs? Try locking at Apache's access.log to find out what happens to the .jpg requests.
My last guess would be a permission issue with the uploads folder, but there is no way to know without log files.
Hope it helps.
you may want to open the database and look at the table called wp_options
and look at column labelled option_name and look for the records for : -
siteurl and homeurl, and if these records still reference the old site replace them with the new site domain.

Wordpress and Cloudflare: how to update (cached?) images

I have my blog (wordpress) web site hosted at bluehost.com. A few months ago I decided to enable Cloudflare (through CPanel).
It's all working well (and I am seeing better overall performance etc) BUT I have a small issue I am dealing with.
I posted this blog some 10 days ago: http://it20.info/2016/01/why-docker-containers-and-docker-oss-docker-inc/
A few days later I had to change picture #2 (of 3) to tweak it a bit. The old picture says "Unikernel" in the red rectangle and the new picture (I uploaded) says "Unikernel/vm".
Note that inside the blog post I make an external reference to the picture (in the html code):
If you point STRAIGHT to the picture you will see the new version (so I know I have updated it properly).
However the blog post still shows the old picture (as if Cloudflare is caching it indefinitely).
If in the blog post I right click on the image and do a "view image" (Firefox) it points to: http://i0.wp.com/www.it20.info/misc/pictures/WhyDocker-ContainersAndDockerOSS-DockerInc2.jpg?resize=640%2C392
(which shows the OLD image).
Funny enough if I remove the "?resize=640%2C392" it shows the proper picture.
I am trying to figure out a proper procedure to 1) write a blog post that refers to pictures as external links 2) possibly update said picture via an FTP upload and 3) have Cloudflare render the updated picture.
The root of your problem could be that query string after the image URL:
In CloudFlare, go to the caching settings and check if your current caching level is standard. If yes try changing to either no query string or ignore query string.
As far as a proper proceedure for future posts where images could change, as an alternative to purging all your site files in CloudFlare, or selectively purging just the image file in question, woudl it be feasible for you to simply change the name of the updated image file, or keep the same name but upload it to a different directory? And of course update the image src in your HTML as well.
Good luck

Change URL NextGEN Gallery Plugin

We are using the NextGen Gallery plugin to generate a slideshow in a Wordpress site. I needed to change the site URL to a a different subdomain, and this seems to have broken the links. The plugin-generated javascript still passes the old URL to swfobject.embedSWF.
Does anyone know how to fix this? I already updated the Wordpress "General Settings" with the new WordPress address and Site address (which are the same), and the plugin does not seem to pick up that change. Thanks!
Found it. It's in the string-encoded ngg_options entry in the wp_options table. The specific field is "irURL".
Why they chose to capture the site URL independently, instead of reading it from the Wordpress site configuration, is beyond me.
Could it be that NextGen has hardcoded those values somewhere in its database tables?
It could be a matter of running a bunch of SQL update queries to replace any instances of http://old.domain for http://new.domain
And now I'll state the obvious, recommending you to backup the full DB before you attempt any of this.
I had the same problem (unchanged absolute CSS/JS files' paths) after domain changing although I changed every single old domain's occurrence in database (even in serialized arrays/objects in options).
I found solution on http://www.nextgen-gallery.com/galleries-opening-lightbox/ - I didn't have time to do an investigation where they store these paths or in which format. :P
For me it is extremely stupid in Wordpress that it stores absolute paths (with one and the same domain) in so many places but that's another matter. :)
