Website as well as Snapshots show "technical difficulties" - wordpress

Without me being on the website, it suddenly shows the message: "The site is experiencing technical difficulties." I noticed this at the beginning of the month. Yet the Analytics account indicates it must have started at 31.05.
I am using Google Cloud Compute Engine, Wordpress "click to deploy platform" from "virtual machines".
Even reinstalling Snapshots from before this started does not bring me a working website again. It always shows the same error.
Please help me. Does anyone have any ideas? Or do I have to set up everything again from the beginning?
Thank you!

This answer applies if you have Google Analytics for WordPress by MonstorInsights installed.
The problem is caused by one of the latest releases. Their release did not include the file lite/includes/admin/wp-site-health.php.
The solution is to connect to your instance via SSH. Then go to the WordPress Plugin directory /wp-content/plugins and rename the directory google-analytics-for-wordpress. This disables the plugin. You should be able to login to WordPress. Go to plugins and update Google Analytics for WordPress by MonstorInsights.
I forgot to mention to check the Apache logs. Check the logfile apache2/logs/error_log. Use tail and look at the last couple of errors. This will help you figure out what is going wrong.


firebase deploying to default domain need to modify it

Below is the scenarios I have done and facing difficulties in proceeding further.
Firebase deployed - deployed to
Created custom domain in firebase,named
copied the TXT from the advanced Setting
I have domain in google. named
In under Custom resource records pasted the TXT text and wrote sub-domain at the place of #.
Below are my doubts
How to make firebase deploy to, now
it is deploying to
What else should I do to make to live and show my page
Note: I just brought the domain, only basic setting like enabling security has been done.
Update the question with screenshots
2.GoogleDomains verification
Thanks Mr. #FrankVanPuffelen,
I spoke with the support team and understood the mistake I have done.
Follow below to avoid mistakes
WARNING: Don't disturb by making any change in setting. wait for atleast 12hours(works max at 6 hours)
If it is not working don't hesitate, contact the support team and talk with them
contact me for any help if you still have an issue 😃

I'm unable to activate the google ad setting on my website using the adsense plugin for wordpress

My website has been verified by google using the adsense plugin for wordpress.
The statement after says the ad spaces will be blank until after my website review. Now I'm able to configure the ad placement on my web page and even have a preview showing the ads. But I'm unable to save the configuration. The error message it brings is;
Sorry we were unable to save your configuration. The request to your server failed with error code 403.
I want to ask what could be going wrong?
I am currently running Wordpress version 4.7.2 on my own server. I disabled WordFence Security plugin version 6.3.2, before I went into manage ads in the Google Adsense Plugin version 1.2.1. I added my ads where I needed to add them and checked to see if they were working. Everything works fine. I then proceeded to turn WordFence Security Plugin back on and everything still worked fine.
If you are looking into conflict resolution between these two plugins, I can tell you Google last updated their plugin 11 months ago, so you may want to start, here.

Click to deploy Drupal not working

I signed up for the free trial of google cloud with the intentions of trying it out for a new drupal site I am launching. After signing up, I selected "click to deploy" the attempted to deploy drupal. When I clicked the button, nothing happens.
I tried using chrome and ie, no luck. I was successfully able to deploy a WP site so I am not sure why drupal is not working. Please advise. Thank you.
Automatic installation of Drupal and its hosting in the cloud is also available within Jelastic PaaS. You can follow the guide with simple steps to get it up and running in a few clicks. Here you'll have automatic scaling, pay-per-use pricing, management via intuitive UI, a wide choice of local service providers from different countries and other options.
There appears to be a general issue deploying Drupal on GCE. Google is already working on this issue as per this.

WORDPRESS - Plugin Analytics360

I have a problem when I try to link my Google Analytics to a website which is on WordPress. (The plugin I use is Analytics360.)
The trouble is that I get to give good access to the site but this one appears right after me:
Hmm. Went something wrong with your Google authentication! The error messages was: 403: Forbidden. If you're having trouble getting
up and running, you might try one of the Following resources
Do you have a solution? Or if someone has already fallen on this problem? :-)
No need to use a plugin for Google analytics, just edit the templates header.php file or use an advanced plugin such as yoast:

can't update concrete5 add ons with this error: Unable to locate this add-on on"

I can't update all the add ons that I have installed, everytime I click that "update plugins" button, I got this error message: "Unable to locate this add-on on" on every plugins that i want to update
At first, I developed the website on my localhost. I connect it to the marketplace from there, so the URL of the project is something like this: locahost/myConcrete5Web,... in the middle of the development, I moved it to a development server. I'm not so sure if the problem appear on this server or not, cause I don't test the update functionality in here. By the way, when googling for the solution of my problem, I found the similarity of the case on this thread ( with the one I have right now. So, just FYI, I do update the concrete5 version on this development server. From 5.5 to 5.6
My client start found the problem on the staging server. He tried to update the plugins and got that error message that I mentioned earlier. He told me and I started to google out for the solution. I found several clue from these pages:
So, I tried to disconnect my website on the staging server by removing the value of MARKETPLACE_SITE_TOKEN & MARKETPLACE_SITE_URL_TOKEN on the database. Nothing changed. Next, I tried to delete the project listed on my concrete5 marketplace account. Turns out the problem getting worse. My concrete5 installatation still says that it is connected to the marketplace. They still show the project URL of the one that I have deleted before.
Now, I have no project listed on my account, when I tried to reconnect to the marketplace, it's show that i have successfully connect my web to concrete5 marketplace with the same project URL that I have deleted before. yet there's still no project listed on my account. Now, regarding the paid add ons, I'm kinda confused right now, where does my paid add on license go with this condition?? Do I still have it?
Anybody know how to resolve this problem?
Please feel free to ask for more clarification, my english is bad and I don't think my message could be understood well enough
Not really sure if this is the correct place to post question like this. I've posted this on concrete5's forum with no response at all. I think this is the kind of issue that should be complained to the concrete5 team. The fault seems to be on how their marketplace work. But unfortunately, AFAIK, they don't give such technical support/bug report for this. So, I hope stackoverflow could help me out.
