WORDPRESS - Plugin Analytics360 - wordpress

I have a problem when I try to link my Google Analytics to a website which is on WordPress. (The plugin I use is Analytics360.)
The trouble is that I get to give good access to the site but this one appears right after me:
Hmm. Went something wrong with your Google authentication! The error messages was: 403: Forbidden. If you're having trouble getting
up and running, you might try one of the Following resources
Do you have a solution? Or if someone has already fallen on this problem? :-)

No need to use a plugin for Google analytics, just edit the templates header.php file or use an advanced plugin such as yoast: http://wordpress.org/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/


Website as well as Snapshots show "technical difficulties"

Without me being on the website, it suddenly shows the message: "The site is experiencing technical difficulties." I noticed this at the beginning of the month. Yet the Analytics account indicates it must have started at 31.05.
I am using Google Cloud Compute Engine, Wordpress "click to deploy platform" from "virtual machines".
Even reinstalling Snapshots from before this started does not bring me a working website again. It always shows the same error.
Please help me. Does anyone have any ideas? Or do I have to set up everything again from the beginning?
Thank you!
This answer applies if you have Google Analytics for WordPress by MonstorInsights installed.
The problem is caused by one of the latest releases. Their release did not include the file lite/includes/admin/wp-site-health.php.
The solution is to connect to your instance via SSH. Then go to the WordPress Plugin directory /wp-content/plugins and rename the directory google-analytics-for-wordpress. This disables the plugin. You should be able to login to WordPress. Go to plugins and update Google Analytics for WordPress by MonstorInsights.
I forgot to mention to check the Apache logs. Check the logfile apache2/logs/error_log. Use tail and look at the last couple of errors. This will help you figure out what is going wrong.

Google showing "This site might be hacked" under search results

I have newly installed WordPress copy on my live server but on google search it show
"this site might be hacked "
message under my site link. i have applied the search console verification method of uploading html file into root folder but this error is not gone. checked into Security options tab it shows "content injection" spam issue with my site but i have not found any accurate method to solve that issue .
Carefully follow FAQ - My Site Was Hacked - WordPress Codex.
Then take a look at the recommended security measures in Hardening WordPress - WordPress Codex and Brute Force Attacks - WordPress Codex
Change all passwords. Scan your own PC. Tell your web host you got hacked; and consider changing to a more secure host: Recommended WordPress Web Hosting
You might find this page valuable, it seems to be talk specifically to the problem you are referring to with the warning: How to Remove Google Blacklist Warnings
This warning seems to be specific to SEO spam. From what I understand there are many different things that might be contributing to this. I think if you do a Fetch as Google via the console you should see exactly what Google is seeing. These Sercuri folks seem to have another guide that might help you too: How to Clean a WordPress Hack
Good luck, keep us posted

No valid tracking code found for property

I'm seeing below error when login to Analytics service, but everything worked fine until today, what could be the reason? how to resolve this?
No valid tracking code found for property example's default URL https://example.com. Make sure your pages are tagged with a supported version of the tracking code
Thanks in advance,
Looks like you are experiencing some of the same symptoms found in this Google Analytics forum post. From what I can gather sometimes the error is falsely triggered.
Since your error message has https:// in the URL are you sure that your site can be accessed from https://?
In my case it was a SEO plugin that I installed to my Wordpress site after I had verified my page on Google Analytics site. I solved the issue by going to Google Webmaster Tools section in my plugin settings, and following the instructions to claim the site again.

404 page showing phishing. how to fix it?

I am using wordpress and I needed a application which is made with codeigniter.
I was useing facebook sdk 4 to let my user login but after few day it got phishing by google chrome. Then I delete the application, now it's 404 page.... I request a review in google but no help.
my only one directory got effected by phishing where the application was located else everything is fine. I have talked with google forum but they are all idiots saying i have problem in my 404 page. if the problem in 404 page then my hole site would effected not one directory. I am using popup add from www.popads.net
I think popup is not the problem can i am useing popup in my full site....
this link will show 404 but if you add a / it will show phishing... i have no idea what is wrong
guys need help if you can suggest me with any thing....
and can you tell me how many day google take to remove the flag??
thanks :)
It's very likely that the user activity in that page have caused it to be blocked. If users post links to pishing websites, your website will be blocked as well.
If your pages had comments or posts, use CodeIgniter's XSS Clean or any equivalent WP function to prevent malicious code/URLs from being posted by users/bots.
I'm not sure if google will ever unlock the page, so you should consider renaming the "addme" page.

Wordpress preview issue with facebook

I just want to start of by saying that I'm a complete noob when it comes to programing, and don't have a lot of experience with HTML or CSS. I know this place is a bit more advanced and geared mainly for programmers and developers, but the only reason I come here is because I couldn't find an answer in any of the other forums. I don't know if I can solve my problem by editing the CSS file in wordpress, but I'm hoping that some of you can chime in and let me know. The problem I have in a nutshell is that when I post a link of my blog to facebook, facebook doesn't generate the correct data or show any image preview. Here's the post I submitted at the wordpress forum:
I just got a new website, and setup a new wordpress blog on their server. It took a while, but everything is up and running for the most part. I am however, having a really hard time getting any of my post preview to show up when linking to facebook. My website is http://www.limonphotography.com/blog. When I run the same link through facebook's debugger, I get the following error sometimes:
Could Not Follow Redirect Path: Using data from .http://www.limonphotography.com/blog/ because there was an error following the redirect path.
Circular Redirect Path: Circular redirect path detected (see 'Redirect Path' section for details).
Could Not Follow Redirect: URL requested a HTTP redirect, but it could not be followed.
My wordpress URL is :http://limonphotography.com/blog but I made the site URL pointing to :http://www.limonphotography.com/blog since it's easier. Original blog is hosted with the site I have my hosting with, so the original WordPress is at http://mukul12031.c4.cmdwebsites.com/blog. Can anyone tell me why I am getting these errors, or why the preview is not showing up?
Again, I apologize if this is too simple of a questions, but I just can't figure it out on my own. If anyone can help me, I would be very grateful. Thanks a lot.
My advice would be to try appending a trailing slash to your og:url tag (example: "http://mysite.com/"). Sounds stupid, I know, but it's worked for some
Another thread on this issue has yielded the following information, courtesy of Lizzbizz on this Wordpress Support thread:
"From what I can tell, this turned out to be a problem with GoDaddy
hosting services. They were applying a 302 Redirect Filter to the
server that was hosting my domain and it caused the problems. After I
emailed them a few times they finally fixed it. Try googling "GoDaddy
302 Redirect Problem" and you will see lots of other posts!
If you are not getting the 302 problem, but just have trouble getting
the image or description to appear when you share a link on Facebook,
you can use one of the WP plugins for Open Graph data like Simple
Facebook Connect or Facebook Open Graph Meta in WordPress and that
should fix it!"
