Why is Wordpress not working in other DNS - wordpress

I install Wordpress in Hostinger with Hostinger's DNS name, then it is working properly, but when I access with second DNS pointed to this site, the CSS on website is not working Although I check the source and the CSS link is not wrong. please help me! thanks a lot

I assume you’re trying to access your WordPress site with two different domain names, eg. example.com and www.example.com.
This usually causes problems with WordPress sites, due to the way the assets (CSS, Javascript, etc.) are referenced.
Choose one, eg. www.example.com, and redirect example.com to www.example.com.


Wordpress using differet domain

Hello I have the following environment:
Domain A (redirect to domain B) Apache server
Domain B (separate web server where is installed Wordpress) Apache server
So if I digit the url of domain A I see the homepage of Wordpress site.
My problem is that if I click any link in the website I will be redirected to the Domain B because the site use the permalink of the wordpress installation.
Is there any chance to use the domain A name as base URL?
sorry - this question is not clear. Did you migrate the site? Or are you making a copy? Are those domains different - or maybe subdomains. Maybe try to share those domains if they are live. Hard to help if it's not clear what the question is about.
I have installed wordpress under the domain:
I have another domain:
that is configured to point to every single page of domain-a
so if I point to URL: www.domain-b/example-page I can see correctly the wordpress page. My problem is that if I click on every link inside this page the permalink is cofigured for domain-a so I will be redirect to the url domain-a. I need to stay always inside the domain-b url.
Is there any wordpress configuration that I can do to solve it?
I cannot reproduce the environment because is under a VPN.

park a domain without redirecting in wordpress

i have a wordpress website with this name mydomain.ir
i parked mydomain.com to this website. but when i type mydomain.com it redirect to mydomain.ir
i want to address stay on mydomain.com .
i try some plugins but didnt work properly.
my host service told that this is a worpress error and you should change your codes.
i tried this but didnt work too
what can i do to do this?
thanks for your answers
First of all, make sure that you have the correct url at wordpress settings. Check Settings->General and make sure that site and home urls ar the one you want.
Next, check if there is any kind of redirection at .htaccess file.
Then, check at your cpanel if you have added any redirection there.
Finally, make a search at your wordpress database for your unwanted domain name. Make sure to change all old urls to the new one. Try this plugin for that: https://wordpress.org/plugins/velvet-blues-update-urls/
Alternatively, you may want to mask your domain. This should be done through your domain name registrar.

Point DNS to Squarespace Except for a Specific Subdirectory

My client is moving their site to SquareSpace, but wants to keep the blog portion hosted in WordPress. I'm not sure what their current hosting plan is, but is it generally possible to point "example.com" to SquareSpace, and have "example.com/blog" still exist as a WordPress site?
Thank you!
This can't be done solely through DNS as DNS is ignorant of the path and works only with the domain name. The only way to do this through DNS would be to move the blog from example.com/blog to blog.example.com, then the website can be located on one service at example.com and the blog can still be located on wordpress at blog.example.com.

Site not appearing with prefix www

I installed a wordpress site. The visitors can only see the site without the prefix WWW. If someone types the website name with www, there is a "site not installed page". I am with OVH hosting and they are blaming the wordpress but I am sure that someone without good knowledge answered as the problem was the same even before the wp installation took place. If I change wp url location in the backend to www.mysite.com there is a backend lockout till I edit the database directly with the url without www.
My questions:
1> How to make my website accessible with both versions of the url (www+no www)? I want the www to appear in the address bar.
2> I do not want SEO rank loss due to duplicate content.
Please help as the customer care sucks and for 2 weeks they cant solve this problem. I am sure someone out here can please provide a few steps which I can follow and implement what I want. Thanks a lot in advance.
You may want to check with your hosting provider. I think technically, they are different URLs. Your host should be able to link both I would imagine.

Wordpress primary domain

I've got a question regarding wordpress and multiple domains. I've got two domains (.cz and .com), both pointing to the same folder. The .com domain automatically redirects to the .cz domain. I would like to change this so that the .cz domain redirects to the .com domain. I thought this can by done in my webhosting interface, however, tech support told me that I have to change it in wordpress. Can anyone help me, please?
Go to Settings -> General and update the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).
You should also set up 301 redirects to send the .com to .cz (and probably non-www to www, or vice-versa on both domains).
Do some Google searching, or search on here for tons of resources on how to do that.
