Editing PKDrawing in PencilKit - ios13

When using PencilKit in iOS 13/iPadOS, how do you change the content in PKDrawing? For example, can I go through all the lines and change the color or width of the lines? Or for selected lines (via lasso)? Or add a straight line in our own code?

PKDrawing is listed as an Opaque data object. See this Wikipedia Link for an explanation of opaque data object. Unfortunately strokes are not exposed to us. Our only 2 options currently can be found in the docs under Modifying the Drawing. Basically we can only apply a transform or append drawings in the current api. In Apple's Demo, they show how to implement undo using the append method. If you download the demo, see func setNewDrawingUndoable(_ newDrawing: PKDrawing) to see how you can implement undo.

You can set the built-in selectors undo: and redo: to the first responder of the View Controller.
WWDC 19 has a demo has an example that does that in the storyboard itself. Here's the link for you:


The method Path.Line.translate() does not update the segments of the path

I am working on a project using paper.js (0.11.8) and I am trying to move a single Path.Line using the provided translate() method. Although the line is moved on the canvas as expected, its segments (e.g. firstSegment.point) are not updated whereas the position is set correctly. Is this a bug or a feature? ;)

What is the purpose of Print device layout in Sitecore (or How do I use it properly)?

I have created a print button in my application that opens a new window that goes to print device layout by appending the current url with QueryString of Print device(?p=1 in my case) and onload it calls window.print() function. But this is useless because all the data user has entered will be lost when it opens a new window containing print device layout of the current page.
I can't think of a way by which I can use the print device layout and pre-populate the page with data user has entered. Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
The point of the Print Device to be able to have a different set of Presentation components for display or print. Sometimes it is sufficient (and easier) to just use a print stylesheet, which hides/restyles certain elements: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12773239/19112
Obviously Devices works fine for non-form pages, or forms that have been posted and a confirmation page is shown (no input boxes, just text).
An alternative would be to use Rendering Parameters to set on each control, which could add a .print or .do-not-print class to then be used by the print stylesheet. You would then have to set the appropriate styles in the stylesheet to hide those elements. Note however that you cannot style the iframe content from the parent, you must link a separate stylesheet to the iframe src page if you want to style when printing.
You can append the user inputs to the print URL query string using javascript, for example:
var url = 'Current-Page-URL' + '?p=1' + '&input1=[INPUT1]'+ '&input2=[INPUT2]' etc..
Then in Page load event, you can set these inputs in the corresponding text/dropdown elements
Like mentioned above that device is a different set of presentation that can be used for many purpose. Early years when there weren’t responsive design, I used device to rendering different mobile device. You can use device to render rss feed or anything you want where you want to have different render set.
Another example if you have multi sites and want to rendering them differently you can use device as well.
Sitecore is very flexible that’s why I love it so much. There are always other ways to get same or similar results. From your context I don’t know what you are trying to achieve. If I want to have different set of presentation
here is some approach I will look into, Lavage rendering rules, tap into request pipeline, swap rendering controls in code, on item level specify style sheet…
If you can tell us what you are trying to achieve, I am sure someone will provide you their own solution. Then you will have more options to choose from and get the best fit to your project.
Hope this help.

Adobe Extendscript Photoshop Guides Visibility

Is there a way via extendscript (jsx) to get the visibility status of Photoshop' guides?
The code to show and hide the guides is the same code as it 'toggles' the guides on or off so it must know the status when this code is executed, but how do I get at it?
I appreciate this could be done via a preference switch but that seems an awkward hack for something this simple, especially as something somewhere must be accessing this 'property' during execution of the 'toggle' code.
What would be great is to have activeDocument.guides.visible property, returning either true or false. Is there anything like that?
OK. Further investigation reveals that creating a guide using guides.add does not automatically toggle guides ON, however, using the code generated via the scriptListener does.
I would rather use guides.add as its only one line of code compared to fourteen so in order to toggle the guides to ON I thought I could run a function that created and then deleted a guide using the scriptListener code during the onLoad of the HTML.
This works great, except getting this function to run only when a document is opened is now the new problem.
documentAfterActivate is supposed to be the code to do this except it doesn't work unless a flash panel such as kuler is opened first.
So the question now is really what part of the flash code is allowing documentAfterActivate to work properly and how can I use it in my code instead of opening a flash panel I don't need?
It doesn't look like you've got a direct toggle option. You'd need to record the position of the guides somewhere and use script listener code to clear them when you wanted to toggle them off and use the add method on the Guides object to re-add them.
Keep in mind that even getting to the guide position via the photoshop DOM wasn't avail before CS4 I think? maybe CS5.
And i realised I just mis-read your question quite a bit. Anyway, this way you'd also know if the guides were visible based on whether or not they are there :) But yes, it isn't as nice as it could be.
The solution:
As stated, the workaround is to create and delete a guide with the fourteen lines of code from the scriptListener.
This toggles the guide visibility to ON regardless of its current state.
I can then save this status as a preference using putCustomOptions.
A function to do this is fired during the onLoad of the HTML but only when a document is opened otherwise guide creation fails.
documentAfterActivate does not work as expected unless a further flash panel (such as Kuler) is also opened beforehand.
An alternative to documentAfterActivate is to register the open event using CSevent instead.
The code can be found HERE.

Creating an interactive map with CSS

Based on the design below, is it possible to create the map just using CSS? If so, how?
So as you can see, when you hover over a state the name will appear and change the color of the state. On clicking it will info below the map per state.
Can it be done using absolute positioning, z-index and hover states on a button?
With a slight tweak to the design, would it be possible to have a flat image for the map and plotting dot's on it for each state that would include a hover (using the same tab style as the image example)? Each dot being an image. Am I right in saying that the complication of the design is to highlight the right area when hovered? Therefore, just having a dot would solve it right?
I was interested in this too and found this example (USA) MAP if you look into the source code there is area for each state that look like <area onmouseover="show(this)" onmouseout="hide()" onclick="fform.tg.checked=false;togl()" shape="poly" coords="179,33,174,66,230,67,225,35,179,33,179,33" href="us-nd.html">. You can read more about and tags in W3C link. I think its the only way how to do this without flash or something... But it cant be done without a little JS. To get the coords, I would asume you just open your image in some editor that shows coords(gimp or something) and manually find them out...
No. If it had rectangular shapes yes but with a lot of work.
You really need javascript on this one.
You might want to try a Javascript mapping library - www.openlayers.org is the market leader (and free and open source).
You get your US state map in the right format (GML for example) then you can pretty much cut n paste from one of the openlayers examples. Hovering and clicking are handled by event functions. They can then do things like updating your info box below the map.
Note that if you want Alaska and Hawaii as in the picture and all you can find is a geographic state map, you might have to use a GIS to shift the features around. Quantum GIS is a free and open-source GIS that can do this for you. Help for that can be found on gis.stackexchange.com!
If you're willing to use javascript, jQuery more specifically, here is a nice plug-in/tutorial on how to do what it seems like you'd like to. http://playground.mobily.pl/jquery/mobily-map.html. It won't do the states exactly, but it will allow you to drop pins and such.
Update: This seems to be exactly what you're looking for: http://playground.mobily.pl/tutorials/building-an-interactive-map-with-raphael.html. It includes a rather indepth tutorial as well.
Here is another interactive US map I found myself: http://www.fla-shop.com/products/html5/united-states/us/ It is purely javascript with customizable popups.

Flex + Topology View

Currently I'm working on creating a view of displaying a entire school database in the form of a graphical view.
Teachers; and
I display an Image for each of the above mentioned ones. I need a plugin/tool (freeware) to use to create the links between them.
My default view would be a School Image, either on click of Image / Zoom-In (Zoom-out) I want to display Classes.
When I select a click by clicking it or mouse over a particular class and zoom-in, I want to display the teachers and students.
Could some-one suggest me a tool that would help me do the same.
P.S. I've tried SpringGraph, but it lacks on a lot of features.
I would check out Flare. Check out the demo. I think you will be most interested in the Layouts section.
Another option would be the RaVis portion of the BirdEye project. The graphs it generates are pretty customizable (i.e. controlling the image used for each node), as seen in this demo. The default interactivity (double-click to navigate, information on mouse-over) is solid as well.
Check the "tour de flex"
It's a big demo of what you can do with flex. Check the Data Visualisation part, it's contains some very nice exemple
But i doubs that you will find exactly what your are looking for, why not just code it.
A image for the scool.
a list of image for classes.
a list of teacher and student images for each classes.
OnClick + transition event
No ?
