Adobe Extendscript Photoshop Guides Visibility - adobe

Is there a way via extendscript (jsx) to get the visibility status of Photoshop' guides?
The code to show and hide the guides is the same code as it 'toggles' the guides on or off so it must know the status when this code is executed, but how do I get at it?
I appreciate this could be done via a preference switch but that seems an awkward hack for something this simple, especially as something somewhere must be accessing this 'property' during execution of the 'toggle' code.
What would be great is to have activeDocument.guides.visible property, returning either true or false. Is there anything like that?
OK. Further investigation reveals that creating a guide using guides.add does not automatically toggle guides ON, however, using the code generated via the scriptListener does.
I would rather use guides.add as its only one line of code compared to fourteen so in order to toggle the guides to ON I thought I could run a function that created and then deleted a guide using the scriptListener code during the onLoad of the HTML.
This works great, except getting this function to run only when a document is opened is now the new problem.
documentAfterActivate is supposed to be the code to do this except it doesn't work unless a flash panel such as kuler is opened first.
So the question now is really what part of the flash code is allowing documentAfterActivate to work properly and how can I use it in my code instead of opening a flash panel I don't need?

It doesn't look like you've got a direct toggle option. You'd need to record the position of the guides somewhere and use script listener code to clear them when you wanted to toggle them off and use the add method on the Guides object to re-add them.
Keep in mind that even getting to the guide position via the photoshop DOM wasn't avail before CS4 I think? maybe CS5.
And i realised I just mis-read your question quite a bit. Anyway, this way you'd also know if the guides were visible based on whether or not they are there :) But yes, it isn't as nice as it could be.

The solution:
As stated, the workaround is to create and delete a guide with the fourteen lines of code from the scriptListener.
This toggles the guide visibility to ON regardless of its current state.
I can then save this status as a preference using putCustomOptions.
A function to do this is fired during the onLoad of the HTML but only when a document is opened otherwise guide creation fails.
documentAfterActivate does not work as expected unless a further flash panel (such as Kuler) is also opened beforehand.
An alternative to documentAfterActivate is to register the open event using CSevent instead.
The code can be found HERE.


Problems with the IFCJS floorplan system

i need some help, i have this error using a floorplans, but I believe this error comes from something I did wrong in the visibility part, can help me?
the image before selecting the plan appears on the background as edges
I assume that you are using web-ifc-viewer. Just to give some more insight on this, the postproduction of web-ifc-viewer is an additional HTML elements that is displayed on top of the Three.js canvas.
For performance reasons, this layer only gets updated when the user stops moving the camera. When you go into floorplan mode, you need to disable the postproduction manually. This can be done like this: = false;
This also means that when you go back to 3D mode, you probably need to activate it again. FYI, you can also update the postproduction on demand:
I found the error, I'll leave my solution here in case you need to help someone.
You need to activate the togglePostproduction function. like so:

Hiding objects in unity without changing their state

I have a vague memory of a Unity video tutorial where the guy hid some objets while building a scene. The thing is that he dind't use the usual 'disable/enable the object via the inspector checkbox' and so he didn't have to worry to enable them later... moreover, as the objects were 'invisible but enabled', all attached behaviours were working.
As far as I remember the effect was pretty similar to moving the object into a hidden layer (but not changing the object layer but using a different Unity built-in action so he actually dind't change anything in the object).
I've been trying to remember how he did such a thing and looking around the editor to find the specific option but with no luck. Honestly, I'm beginnig to think that I might not be remembering correctly. Do anyone know about this 'hide objects without changing them' command?
Sounds like he might have just turned the object's renderer off. Each GaneObject is going to have some kind of renderer as a property in the inspector (sprite renderer if its 2D, ect). He probably just disabled that as opposed to disabling the entire GameObject. Let me know if that helps!
I've just received by chance a link to a video on twitter (I think it's the very same I was trying to remember but I'm not 100% sure). Anyway it seems that my current Unity version 2018.3.3) doesn't include that 'Scene visibility' toggle; it seems to be available for 2019 Beta. . I didn't test it yet but it seems pretty straightforward, just click on a gray bar in the hierarchy bar, to the left of the object you want to 'hide'; the bar seems to work as a an visible/not visible toggle. Here a link to de video where you can see the thing working!
I hope it helps!!

Open a URL in a certain browser tab/window

From within my Qt application, I would like to open URLs repeatedly in the same browser tab/window. (Kind of "refreshing" this tab programmatically)
opens a new tab/window for every call. Is there a possibility to add a "target=" parameter somewhere?
What you are asking for is impossible to do in the way you imagine it. openUrl() uses the operating system to specify the program to open the argument as mentioned in its documentation.
There might be some workarounds, but none of them will work well, or work on all browsers. It's just that this kind of fine-grained control is likely to be impossible for you.
If you want control of a tab in a browser, you could find the window represented by that tab and close it right before opening the new one. This solution is kind of hacky.
Another hacky solution is to find the HWND of the edit box holding the URL, and to try changing its text using SendMessage(). This won't work on Chrome, however, as it does not use a separate control for the URL window. It might work on Firefox or IE.
The better solution is to make your own web browser you control using the Qt WebKit. It is pretty easy to render a page in it and change the url viewed. The QWebView is an easy to use implementation of the QtWebKit.
Maybe you will found this usefull:
You can open the webpage and the reload the active tab.
If you supply the name of the browser as an argument, it'll find and reload the current page

How to change the included CSS files on button click?

I would like to implement the application where user can include the different CSS files when clicked on different buttons. Please let me know how this can be achieved. I don't want to use the theme feature.
I am trying to change the CSS but I have noticed the ungly behaviour as follows:
When using mozilla i see the source
code for page i see code for latest
But its not getting downloaded/ tried using the tamper data request to download CSS is not getting sent.
When I inspect the elements style is still the old file
Any idea what could be causing this? Please let me know how to get this working. Desperately looking for a solution.
Can this be done nicely using the ScriptManager control ?
To change styles on the client-side, you need to programmably change the reference to the stylesheet, which would work. However, you wouldn't see this changed in the view source... view source isn't a running document, inspecting all the changes made by JavaScript... so that can be a pain.
Firebug is pretty good, but again, even with Firefox/FireBug, IE dev tools, certain things don't get updated, depending on what you are doing.
So did you write some code and you are not seeing the changes directly, or you see the changes but you can't verify them?
In this case I would use xmlHttpRequest with GET verb in order to obtain the needed CSS file from a dedicated handler. Pass the name of the style sheet that you need to request as a query string argument. I suggest that you fire the request dynamically, on click of the button who should download the respective CSS file.

How to use jQuery to show a different page in ASP.NET

I am trying to set up functionality similar to Netflix. Where if you mouseover a movie - you are presented with a window of movie details (all client-side).
At high level, can someone in this forum help by telling me how this should be implemented? I.E., one or more .aspx pages, what would go in code-behind, and .js file, css, etc. Just trying to get an idea on how this would be set up to work.
Basically, when I hover over an item, I need to query for details that belongs for that record being moused-over and display it in the window or div. I also need to have some functionality in that window (i.e. a textbox and button which will end up needing to get saved in a database).
Thanks for any tips and suggestions -
You would want to add an AJAX call to the hover event of the image, that pulls from a webservice/web method.
Here is a good example, you would change some things. However, it should get you started.
If I understood your question correctly, you should try this excelent jQuery plugin:
Look at the demo here:
easy to install and configure and very slick!
Good luck
EDIT: sorry wrong lik the first time
There are certainly many jQuery plugins that will do this for you. jQuery UI may also be of benefit.
Here is one that appears to do something like you are describing:
