How to disconnect Firebase app from Google Analytics account? - firebase

I want to add firebase project in my google analytics account say 'y' account, but my firebase project is not enabled as its saying that this project is already connected to an analytics account. In order to connect to this account you should disconnect from current analytics account. I re-check then I found there is a account say 'x' which is connected to my firebase project so I move it to trash can, but still firebase project is disabled in account 'y'. How to unlink my firebase project from 'x' account so that I can add my firebase project in my 'y' account.

Here's how to Unlink Analytics from your Firebase project:
Login to Google Firebase > Search Option on Left Side Panel > Project Overview
From there go to Project Settings > Integrations Tab > Google Analytics
Then Manage > Select the Option "Unlink Analytics from this Project".


Google analytics with firebase not showing

I have firebase analytics for my app, works perfectly on the firebase site.
But when I clicked on View more in Google Analytics, it is giving me an error.
You do not have access to the account, property, or view. Contact an Analytics administrator who has the Manage Users permission.
And I checked the integration in firebase project settings it says it is linked.
I see the Property ID there, but I can't find this Property ID in Google analytics...
I tried giving permission to Google Analytics property to the firebase-service-account and firebase-admin-SDK, I gave them an Analyst Role, but yet to be working.
when I create a new project for the same account it's linked easily.
What can I do??
You need to have at least an Editor role to the Google Analytics account/property, since your Analytics data now resides in the Google Analytics property, and not within the Firebase project. That's why you need to have matching user permissions in both Firebase and Google Analytics. You can use this troubleshooter to reach out to Google Analytics team and check how you can get access to the connected GA account in your Firebase project. You can check the GA account and GA property connected to your Firebase project in the Firebase Project Settings > Integrations tab> Google Analytics card.

Unable to enable google analytics for bigquery linking in firebase

I have an android app which has firebase analytics enabled. I am able to see events in firebase console. Now I want to connect it with big query. As I am using a team account for firebase, asked admin to give me owner access in firebase and editor access in connected google analytics account. After getting both access I tried to connect big query in firebase but it was not allowing me to select Google Analytics option while creating link. When I hover over that option it is showing message as "You need to be an Editor on the Google Analytics account linked to your project to modify BigQuery export". I am not sure what changes am I supposed to do to enable this and create a big query connection. Please help.
While you have the permissions in firebase you need to have Editor access to the Google Analytics Account as well in order to perform the connection. It is important that permission is given on the Account Level and not on the data view level.

What access do I need in GCP/Firebase to run Firebase testlab

I have a GCP project that I want add to add firebase to it and then give some QA users access to execute Firebase TestLab.
The group is already created in GCP .What access to do I need to give the group in GCP and Firebase to be able to run FireBase TestLab?
Thanks for your help
For read only access across the console you have to grant firebase.viewer role.
For full view and edit access you have to grant firebase.admin role.
Each of the Firebase * Admin roles provide admin access to a subset of the product, respective of the name:
Firebase Develop Admin/Viewer: maps to the products in the "Build" dropdown of the console
Firebase Grow Admin/Viewer: maps to the products in the "Engage" dropdown of the console
Firebase Quality Admin/Viewer: maps to the products in the "Release & Monitor" dropdown of the console
Firebase Analytics Admin/Viewer: maps to the products in the "Analytics" dropdown of the console

Firebase service accounts in menu

I have created a new project on Firebase and i have role owner
and i can't found service accounts on 'settings project'
how to create it or enable it to get adminsdk private key (file.json)
in other accounts showing service accounts normally
but here not showing
so how to enable it?
Don't know exactly why this happened, but you can always manage firebase service accounts on the Google Cloud Platform console
My theory is : perhaps you first created this project on the Google Cloud Platform, and then you activated Firebase service.

Firebase Data from Google Analytics API

How can we get firebase data via Google Analytics API?
Normally, APP data was on Google Analytics property, and it was possible to get data via Google Analytics View ID.
Unfortunately, Google supposes app tracking on Firebase now. How we can get firebase data via Google Analytics API (core api) on Google sheets?
This isn't exactly what you're asking for, but if you have the "Blaze" Firebase plan it's possible to export Firebase Analytics and other data to BigQuery to allow querying the raw data.
Sign in to Firebase.
Click the Settings icon and select Project Settings.
On the Project Settings page, click the Integrations tab.
On the BigQuery card, click Link.
If billing has not already been enabled for your project, click
Upgrade & link.
Further reading:
