Problem in swirl package learning function - r

The last R expression to be evaluated in a function will become the return value of that function. We want this function to take one argument, x, and return x without modifying it. Delete the pound sign so that x is returned without any modification. Make sure to save your script before you type submit().
There is a problem with swirl package, where the function learning section gives the problem related to boring function

I found that problem extremely fustrating you can type skip(). I found that if I saved the file: ie summerize1.R before I entered submit(); then it will work. There must be a failure somewhere between my tempfiles and the swirl updating them. i am not experienced enough to figure that one out but saving the file works. I hvae tried it on Gathering and filtering and the tydr one as well.

If you mean the problem where the submit function is not found, you can run it directly from the swirl package.
> submit()
Error in submit() : could not find function "submit"
> swirl::submit()


R: Why does fs::dir_copy fail some of the time?

During a process, I need to copy a directory using fs::dir_copy(currentPath, newPath). Some of the time, I get the following error message:
Error in link_copy(links, path(new_path[[i]], path_rel(links, path[[i]])), :
all(is_link(path)) is not TRUE
This only happens some of the time, not always. What's more, if I replace my directory with a manual copy of itself (i.e. manually copy directory, delete original, rename the copy), then my code will work.
Could someone please explain why this could be happening? Is there a way I can sidestep that error once and for all?
This does not answer your question but may help you to further analyse what is going on. One of the great things of R is that you can easily inspect source code. Especially in a situation where unusual things appear to happen, looking at the code may be useful.
In your case, we can inspect the source code of fs::dir_copy and trace back to which code generates the error message. If you type fs::dir_copy (no parenthesis) into the console, R will print the R code of the function (if the function is not primitive). Doing that here will show you that the fs:dir_copy function calls the fs::link_copyfunction. Makes sense, as the error message comes from this function.
We can now print this function with fs::link_copy
This function generates the error message in this line:
From the error message we know that all(is_link(path)) returns FALSE. Next step is to have a look at the fs::is_link function. Here we see that the error may come from the call to the setNames function, which depends on the fs::file_info function: res <- file_info(path)
Here we see that setNames is called with a condition depending on what the file_infofunction returned:
setNames(!$type) & res$type == "symlink", res$path)
This looks unusual as setNames takes an object and a character vector as formals. But then, I am not the developer of these functions ;-)
Perhaps there are issues with the file type on your machine and fs::file_info(path) returns something unexpected under some conditions.

Is there a way to only do a partial function check using the devtools function check()?

I'm writing a package and as I add more functions to it, running the check() function is taking more and more time to run. This is fine if I am checking a whole new function or set of functions I've written, but if I'm only fixing something minor from the previous instance of check() its rather time consuming. Is there a way to only do a partial check of the error, warning, or note that was thrown or should I just work on my patience?

S3 - delayed method registration in R

I have an R-package ('mill') with a 'suggest' ('hlt') where I would like to register a new class for an S3 method in 'hlt'. Because the 'hlt' package is a suggest I followed the advise of Hadley and copied a function in 'mill' that registers my new mill::html.pdf_diff_df() function but not until after loading the 'hlt' package:
The problem I encounter is that when I load 'mill' and call the html() method on the new class ('pdf_diff_df') defined in the 'mill' package I just get the error:
Error in html(df) : could not find function "html"
I would, of course, like to give the warning that one should load the 'hlt' package at that point, otherwise the user doesn't understand the problem. Any ideas? The source in 'mill' of this new function is here:
If I understand the situation correctly, hlt exports html(), but you don't want a fixed dependency on hlt, so you can't import html from hlt.
In that case, simply use a fully qualified call to it, i.e. hlt::html(...).
Since hlt is only in Suggests, this should only be called conditional on requireNamespace('hlt') returning TRUE.
Edited to add:
If you want a user to be able to call html(...), you have to export it from your package. This is hard, because it is exported from the hlt package, and if the two packages export different versions, you'll get warnings about one hiding the other.
As far as I know there isn't a nice solution to this, but really, it's not your problem. If a user hasn't attached hlt, they have no reason to expect html(...) to do anything. If they have, it will just work.
If you really want to help out the user without generating new messages, you could export your own function with a different name, something like
html2 <- function(...) {
if (requireNamespace("hlt"))
warning("Suggested package 'hlt' must be installed for this to work.")

Using trace on a hidden function to edit source code in R

For a package I am using, I would like to fix part of the code. I have downloaded the "package source" from CRAN and have narrowed down where the problem is. I would like to edit the problem function in RStudio. I've tried using trace, but I am unable to call the desired function. The function I want to call is a helper function (not in the documentation) to the main function (which is in the documentation). Is there a way to edit the functions not in the documentation and used in the implementation?
If it helps, the package I am using is called RecordLinkage. I would like to change the function .toFF which is called by RLBigDataDedup and is in the file RLBigData-classes.r.
Now that I've established the problem by looking at the source code, I now want to edit it in RStudio so that I can run it when using the package... The best I can do is looking at RLBigDataDedup in RStudio, but I can't find the .toFF that is used within it.
Thats not working because the hidden function .toFF is not known in the global env because it is hidden. If you want to edit/debug hidden function you have to specify the where argument in trace() with the corresponding function. In your case it would be RLBigDataLinkage.
Regarding to the docs of trace, it is stated:
For “hidden” functions such as S3 methods in a namespace, where = *
typically needs to be specified as well
So for your answer this will work:
trace(".toFF", edit=T, where = RLBigDataLinkage)
try debug(.toFF) or debug(function_to_calls_.toFF) This will open the debug tool when the function is called.

Building R package: no visible global function definition for 'subject'

I'm building an R package for the first time and am having some trouble. I am doing an R CMD Check and am getting the following error:
get.AlignedPositions: no visible global function definition for 'subject'
I am not sure what is causing this. I don't even have a "subject" variable in my code. The code is rather lengthy so I rather not paste all of it unless someone asks in a comment. Is there something specific I should look for? The only thing I can think of is that I have a line like this:
alignment <-pairwiseAlignment(pattern = canonical.protein, subject=protein.extracted, patternQuality=patternQuality,
subjectQuality=subjectQuality,type = type, substitutionMatrix= substitutionMatrix,
but subject is defined by the pairwiseAlignment function in the Biostrings package. Thank you for your help!
R spotted a function, subject, being used without a function called subject being available. One possible reason for this is explained in this discussion on R-devel. In that case code is used conditionally, e.g. if a certain package is installed we use its functionality. When checking the package on a system which does not have this package installed, we run in to these kinds of warnings. So please check if this might be the case. Alternatively, you might have made a mistake by calling subject while no function existed, e.g. subject was not a function but just an object.
