unable to access wp-admin after change default theme on wordpress - wordpress

I installed a theme in my wp-admin and selected it as the default theme without configuration.
After that I removed it from c-panel; my site is fine, but I cant get in to my wp-admin because it says:
The theme directory "theme" does not exist.
Any ideas?

Do you have the deleted theme files with you ?
You can upload the theme back into the theme directory and login into your dashboard then change your theme from the admin. After that, you can delete your theme.
If you do not have the theme files with you, you will need to reinstall wordpress.

the problem is that you delete the active theme and wordpress can't loading it.
You have to select another theme for work properly.
Let me know.


How to solve 404 errror on page manualy created on wordpress theme folder?

I'm working on a wordpress project, I use a wordpress theme and i need to add my custom page to that theme. When i created file in theme folder and open it on browser, wordpress show 404 error. I think wordpress cant find my page. im confused
How you want to open your directory on your browser? like example.com/directory or example.com/wp-content/themes/theme-name/directory ?!
if you want example.com/directory you have to create your directory in your wordpress's root installation.

Wrong Setting with my Wordpress Themes

I just installed wordpress in softclaus. After installing, I visit wp-admin and sign in. I want to change the theme of my wordpress site. I click the Appreance Themes and there is no option to add new theme. It only has a Twenty Sixteen theme. Is there a setting I must change first? or what?
It can be not possible for you to install a theme because of a line in your wp-config.php.
Can you check if you can install plugins ? Or check this file at your wordpress root using ftp ?
The Twenty Sixteen theme is the default theme of wordpress.

Upload theme button don't work in wordpress

I have installed Wordpress in my Godaddy hosting.Its working quite well except i cant upload a new theme. when i click Appearance > Themes and then add new nothing shows up. The only thing that shows up are the buttons featured , most popular etc but when i click them nothing happens. When i press the upload theme button nothing happens either. How do i fix this?
I have tried it switching the default theme, deactivating all plugin but nothing resolver the problem. Godaddy support says that i will get a conformatin mail after the installation process completed within 24hours. Its almost 24hours but i haven't got any conformation mail. What can i do?? Do i really need to wait for the conformation. i can visit my blog but cant upload any theme, whats going wrong??
You can add your theme directly in your Wordpress installation. For this go to public-html/wp-content/themes/ and drop your theme folder here. Remember that your theme files must not be in subfolders of the folder e.g. /themes/your-theme/theme-files-and-folders/
Had the same issue today and solved it using these steps:
Download the Theme .zip file to your machine.
In cPanel File Manager, navigate to your Themes folder. Depending on your hosting, path to Themes folder can differ a bit but essentially you are looking for public_html inside which you’ll find /wp-content/themes/.
Once you’re inside the Themes folder in cPanel File Manager, click on Upload and upload that .zip file you saved in Step 1.
Once the .zip file is uploaded, right click on the name of that file in cPanel and select Extract from the context menu.
Now you can refresh the WordPress themes page and you should be able to Activate it.
The issue was theme related. I just renamed my current theme and then the default theme was automatically activated. Then i was able to upload my zerif lite theme and its now working fine.
I have been through this issue and i have solved it!
it happens mainly when yu transfer wordpress database from another location!
UNinstall and deactivate all themes! delete and re install! if you cant delete the theme due to modifications, decativate the theme switch to another new theme by installing from wordpress and then reverting back to old theme!
if the problem persists: Reset server!

Wordpress - no themes

I have installed a fresh copy of wordpress on a windows XAMPP server. I configured the wp-config file and ran the install script. All is ok, and I am able to view my new wordpress site and login to admin area.
However - when I go to Appearance->themes - the current theme is set to TwentyTwelve and in the lower section the "Available Themes" does not show ANY themes.
After this I copied a new theme to the themes folder (which was working on a WP install on my test server at work) and that doesn't show up either.
Can anyone tell me how to make the other default theme (TwentyEleven) and more importantly my own built themes, appear as being available?
Thanks :)
Try to change the theme folder permissions to 777
style.css is very important for a theme.
You should check either style.css exists or not.
If No, try install wordpress again.
If Yes, then there might be the issue of File Permissions.
Set file permissions from below.

How can I check the wordpress theme on my system?

I have doubt in using the wordpress theme. I had downloaded a wordpress theme for my website from wordpress.org. I need to know how do i test it. The theme name is "pagelines". When i run it on my server it shows me webpage not found. How will i be able to test it out.
Please help....
First of all you need to unzip the theme file you have downloaded and place in your themes folder then go to admin panel
admin ->appearance -> Themes
there the themes will be displayed
you can view the new theme here and activate the theme
now your theme will be enabled on your wordpress, you can check your home page
Have you read the Wordpress' Using Themes guide? Read this guide first http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes. It will clarify a lot of your questions.
