i can't find any thing on my telegram bot API - telegram

I'm trying to get all the chat_id's in the telegram bot API
When I call
I get this {"ok":true,"result":[]}

You get empty updates because there were no messages (or other actions) from users.
To obtain user's chat_id follow these steps:
User must first find the bot and send it any message, because
Bots can't initiate conversations with users. A user must either add them to a group or send them a message first. People can use telegram.me/ links or username search to find your bot.
Get the following URL: https://api.telegram.org/botmybot_token/getUpdates?timeout=300. Note that you should use timeout= because this is a long polling method (i.e. you will receive response only when there is a new incoming update or timeout is reached):
(timeout is) Timeout in seconds for long polling. Defaults to 0, i.e. usual short polling. Should be positive, short polling should be used for testing purposes only.
You can still receive updates without timeout setting, but that's not the right way to read user interaction. Instead you can you just run long-polling (i.e. with timeout setting) requests in a loop.
You can read more on getting infromation about user's chat_id here:


How to get messages that were not delivered while Telegram Bot web-server was down?

Curious, if there is way to avoid skipping messages sent from Telegram Bot while web-server that accepts Webhooks is down (because of redeploy, failure or maintenance).
When you use polling - Telegram API sends messages starting from last retrieved and no message are skipped.
But how to be with Webhooks? Use polling or there are some special mechanism for that?
Telegram keeps the incoming message for 24hrs, if you are Webhook is down (ie redeploying) then the message will be delivered once it is again online.
It works on Heroku for example where your Dyno is down: as soon as it starts the Chatbot will register again with Telegram and will receive the messages still available in the queue.
There are two mutually exclusive ways of receiving updates for your bot — the getUpdates method on one hand and Webhooks on the other. Incoming updates are stored on the server until the bot receives them either way, but they will not be kept longer than 24 hours.
See Telegram documentation for more details.
I had the same problem recently but I just resolved it by when the server starts save the started time to a variable and then use Telegrambot.Message.date and compare the time if it was sent before the server start time or not.

How to ensure that chat_id exists?

I wrote a piece of code which sends messages to a Telegram bot. In order to do so, I use the chat_id of the last conversation retrieved via the getUpdates method.
id = requests.get(f"https://api.telegram.org/bot{token}/getUpdates").json()['result'][-1]['message']['chat']['id']
My understanding is that the a conversation exists if someone started one with the bot via /start.
How can I initiate, from my code, a conversation to make sure a chat_id is available? (= that there is a conversion I can query).
I am also sure that the conversations, should they exist, are not kept indefinitely (this is another reason why requesting an update can yield empty results)
My understanding is that the a conversation exists if someone started one with the bot via /start.
Yes, conversation is always initiated by a user:
Bots can't initiate conversations with users. A user must either add them to a group or send them a message first. People can use telegram.me/ links or username search to find your bot.
Note that /start is not the only option here.
If you try to send a message for user, who didn't start conversation with bot, you will receive something like this: {"ok":false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: chat not found"}.
How can I initiate, from my code, a conversation to make sure a chat_id is available? (= that there is a conversion I can query).
Normally, you shouldn't worry about that. Bot does not query specific user actions/requests with getUpdates, it queries all interactions from all users and then decides what to do according to internal logic you provide.
You may want to store information about users and/or their requests in a database every time you receive an Update from particular user in getUpdates.
Based on that, bot can make a decision to send for example, a message to him.
I am also sure that the conversations, should they exist, are not kept indefinitely (this is another reason why requesting an update can yield empty results)
Yes, docs clearly state that
Incoming updates are stored on the server until the bot receives them either way, but they will not be kept longer than 24 hours.
An Update on a Telegram servers is an entity with a short life period.
If you haven't saved information about existing users, or lost a database, there's no way to retrieve that data from telegram servers.
P.S.: as a side note, I'd suggest using long polling, as Telegram Bot API is designed to be used with long polling if you're using getUpdates. The most important thing is the timeout request parameter of getUpdates method:
(timeout is) Timeout in seconds for long polling. Defaults to 0, i.e. usual short polling. Should be positive, short polling should be used for testing purposes only.
As written in question, you're using short polling.

How to manage too many messages sended to my bot?

I have implemented a php telegram-bot (https://github.com/php-telegram-bot/example-bot). I'm using the getUpdates method to recieve the messages sended to my bot.
The problem is that there are too many spam users sending him fake messages and for that reason I have a long tail of new messages and it produce a big delay for process the important messages.
I have seen that is not possible to block this spam users and it is not possible to recieve more than 100 new message in each call through telegram API. If i'm recieving thousands of messages per second, how can I manage them all with the least possible delay?
Finally I could resolve the issue. The spam come from different groups wich my bot was added. I configure it to not permit to be added to groups and then I use the interface "leaveChat" of the bot api to leave the chats. I have recorded all the chats where my bot recieve message, the group chat ids were easy to identify because they have negative ids.
I also increase the frecuency to download updates up to 20 calls per minute.

Understanding How to Store Web Push Endpoints

I'm trying to get started implementing Web Push in one of my apps. In the examples I have found, the client's endpoint URL is generally stored in memory with a comment saying something like:
In production you would store this in your database...
Since only registered users of my app can/will get push notifications, my plan was to store the endpoint URL in the user's meta data in my database. So far, so good.
The problem comes when I want to allow the same user to receive notifications on multiple devices. In theory, I will just add a new endpoint to the database for each device the user subscribes with. However, in testing I have noticed that endpoints change with each subscription/unsubscription on the same device. So, if a user subscribes/unsubscribes several times in a row on the same device, I wind up with several endpoints saved for that user (all but one of which are bad).
From what I have read, there is no reliable way to be notified when a user unsubscribes or an endpoint is otherwise invalidated. So, how can I tell if I should remove an old endpoint before adding a new one?
What's to stop a user from effectively mounting a denial of service attack by filling my db with endpoints through repeated subscription/unsubscription?
That's more meant as a joke (I can obvioulsy limit the total endpoints for a given user), but the problem I see is that when it comes time to send a notification, I will blast notification services with hundreds of notifications for invalid endpoints.
I want the subscribe logic on my server to be:
Check if we already have an endpoint saved for this user/device combo
If not add it, if yes, update it
The problem is that I can't figure out how to reliably do #1.
I will just add a new endpoint to the database for each device the user subscribes with
The best approach is to have a table like this:
endpoint | user_id
add an unique constraint (or a primary key) on the endpoint: you don't want to associate the same browser to multiple users, because it's a mess (if an endpoint is already present but it has a different user_id, just update the user_id associated to it)
user_id is a foreign key that points to your users table
if a user subscribes/unsubscribes several times in a row on the same device, I wind up with several endpoints saved for that user (all but one of which are bad).
Yes, unfortunately the push API has a wild unsubscription mechanism and you have to deal with it.
The endpoints can expire or can be invalid (or even malicious, like android.chromlum.info). You need to detect failures (using the HTTP status code, timeouts, etc.) when you try to send the push message from your application server. Then, for some kind of failures (permanent failures, like expiration) you need to delete the endpoint.
What's to stop a user from effectively mounting a denial of service attack by filling my db with endpoints through repeated subscription/unsubscription?
As I described above, you need to properly delete the invalid endpoints, once you realize that they are expired or invalid. Basically they will produce at most one invalid request. Moreover, if you have high throughput, it takes only a few seconds for your server to make requests for thousands of endpoints.
My suggestions are based on a lot of experiments and thinking done when I was developing Pushpad.
Another way is to have a keep alive field on you server and have your service worker update it whenever it receives a push notification. Then regularly purge endpoints which haven't been responded to recently.

Validate approach for clearing notifications

Could you validate my approach for using Firebase to manage a user notification system?
Basically I want to have user specific channels as well as more general channels which hold notifications. These notifications would appear on an intranet if the user has not viewed them before.
The idea being a server side action will update Firebase endpoints using the REST API either for a specific user or broadcast to everyone. The specific user messages I can easily mark as read and therefore not show them again, its the general broadcast I am struggling slightly with.
I could add a flag(user ID) to the general broadcast to indicate its read but I am concerned about performance as the client would have to check historic broadcast messages for the existence of this flag. I could add a user id to create a new endpoint which should be quicker.
e.g. /notification/general/ - contains the message, this triggers the client which then checks to see if /users/USERID/MessageID exists if it doesnt display the message and create this end point.
Is there something I am missing or is that the best approach?
Are the messages always consumed in-order? If so you could have each client remember the ID of the last message it read in each public channel. You could then use "startAt" on the queue to limit it to only new messages.
If they're not consumed in order, then you'll need some way of storing data about which ones were read and which ones weren't. Perhaps you can have each message get sent out to everyone's personal queue, and then have each user remove read messages.
Since there are already undividual user messages, why not just deliver the broadcasts to everyone individually (think email) rather than trying to store a single copy and figure out who read it.
To reduce bulk, you could store the message content separately, and simply store the ids in a user's queue. Then when they are viewed, you flag them per-user without any additional complexity.
At 100k of users receiving 100 messages a day including broadcasts, with a standard firebase ID (around 20 characters), that comes out to 210,000,000 characters a year (i.e. nothing for a database, and probably still far less than the actual bulk of storing the message body), assuming they never expire and get deleted.
